Closed Bug 1512413 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

[Content Blocking] The uBlock add-on will disable the "Turn off Blocking for this site" button on STANDARD


(Firefox :: Protections UI, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
firefox63 --- unaffected
firefox64 --- unaffected
firefox65 --- affected


(Reporter: rdoghi, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [privacy65][triage])


(1 file)

Attached image NoUturnBlocked.png
[Affected versions]
Firefox 65.0a1

[Affected platforms]
Ubuntu 16.04, Windows 7/10, Mac OS 10.13

[Steps to reproduce]
1. Open Firefox with a new profile
2. Install the uBlock addon.
3. Reach and open the Site information panel. 

[Expected result]
The Turn off Blocking for this Site button is displayed.

[Actual result]
The "Turn off Blocking for this Site" button is no longer displayed when the STANDARD option is selected.
The "Turn off Blocking for this Site" button is displayed when the STRICT option is selected.
I'm confused by this, since the "Turn off Blocking for this Site" button is not ever displayed when the user is in the standard category. Have you previously seen it displayed when in that category?
Flags: needinfo?(rares.doghi)
When I visit in the standard mode (without ublock origin), there are a number of tracking cookies that are blocked.  the turn off blocking for this site button appears.  But perhaps, when you install ublock origin, those trackers or tracking cookies are blocked by ublock itself.  In that case, the button may not appear since there is nothing that the firefox browser itself has blocked.

I experience this using standard settings on with the ghostery addon installed.

When you elevate to the strict setting, however, Firefox is probably blocking things that ublock is not blocking.  And hence, the disable button should appear.

Please clarify the issue.  Thanks!
(In reply to Erica Wright [:ewright] from comment #1)
> I'm confused by this, since the "Turn off Blocking for this Site" button is
> not ever displayed when the user is in the standard category.

It totally is.  Just try opening in a normal window in a new profile with Nightly and checkout the Control Centre.  :-)
(In reply to Tanvi Vyas out until 11-26-18[:tanvi] from comment #2)
> When I visit in the standard mode (without ublock origin), there
> are a number of tracking cookies that are blocked.  the turn off blocking
> for this site button appears.  But perhaps, when you install ublock origin,
> those trackers or tracking cookies are blocked by ublock itself.  In that
> case, the button may not appear since there is nothing that the firefox
> browser itself has blocked.

There is no need to guess.  Here is the Content Blocking Log I get on with uBO:

await gBrowser.selectedBrowser.getContentBlockingLog()
 \"\": [[8192, true, 1]],
 \"\": [[32768, true, 1]],
 \"\": [[8192, true, 1]],
 \"\": [[32768, true, 1]],
 \"\": [[32768, true, 1]]

As you can see, there is no STATE_COOKIES_BLOCKED_TRACKER notification in there, so that's why the button doesn't show up.

> I experience this using standard settings on with the ghostery
> addon installed.
> When you elevate to the strict setting, however, Firefox is probably
> blocking things that ublock is not blocking.  And hence, the disable button
> should appear.

No, it wouldn't, for the same reason it wouldn't in normal mode (that is, uBO is blocking most trackers).  Since uBO doesn't change its behaviour depending on our Content Blocking mode, we should expect to not see a change in behaviour here and that's exactly what we see.  So no disable button here too.

The content blocking log:

await gBrowser.selectedBrowser.getContentBlockingLog()
 \"\": [[32768, true, 1], [128, true, 1]],
 \"\": [[32768, true, 1]],
 \"\": [[32768, true, 1], [128, true, 1]]
Thinking about what to do here, in Standard mode where we don't actually block anything with uBO installed, I think it's fine for the disable protection button to not show up.  But we show the "Blockable content detected on this site" text, which is a lie in that case.  I have already filed that as bug 1511933.

Perhaps we should fix that bug and that's all we need to do here?
See Also: → 1511933
So this issue occurs because the Content is already blocked and theres no content detected in order for the user to Turn it off.. And yes I was able to reproduce this issue with Ghostery if I completely restrict Thank you
Flags: needinfo?(rares.doghi)
Whiteboard: [privacy65][triage]
We should retest after bug 1511303 is fixed...
Depends on: 1511303
Now that I retested this, in neither Standard nor Strict mode we block anything with uBO installed so the "Turn off Blocking for this site" button never shows up.  In Standard mode we have this content blocking log:

await gBrowser.selectedBrowser.getContentBlockingLog()
 \"\": [[8192, true, 1]],
 \"\": [[32768, true, 1]],
 \"\": [[8192, true, 1]]

In strict mode, we have:

await gBrowser.selectedBrowser.getContentBlockingLog()
 \"\": [[32768, true, 1]],
 \"\": [[32768, true, 1]],
 \"\": [[32768, true, 1]]

In both cases, the "Blockable content detected on this site" label shows up.

Looks like we can now close this bug?
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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