Support generating directory listings for (historical) git revisions at runtime (was: View folder content when browsing revision)
(Webtools :: Searchfox, enhancement)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: jdescottes, Unassigned)
Comment 1•6 years ago
Comment 2•2 years ago
In bug 1783761 I refactored directory listings from batch JS that could only handle the head revision to be processed by searchfox-tool/pipeline-server so that the pipeline could handle direct listing information provided by git. This pipeline currently does not understand how to do any git processing, but it would not be a huge undertaking.
Note that I would suggest we explicitly do not attempt to extract a "description" from the historic revisions and either leave that blank or use the current description. The pipeline could actually handle this pretty well and could make it practical to parallelize the lookups, I just wouldn't expect it to be a good performance trade-off.
Comment 3•27 days ago
Note that since this would want to use the pipeline-server and this is the first pipeline-server functionality that would be non-experimental (alpha/beta gated), that there it appears there is some kind of silly memory leak in the pipeline-server we would likely need to fix. I call it silly because we don't actually intend to have any memory usage that survives an individual HTTP request, but it's quite believable that the fancy logging or some kind of TLS-based caching might be going wrong.