Closed Bug 151703 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Extra text added to copy selection (picking up bullet, # from list)


(Core :: DOM: Selection, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: spam2, Assigned: mjudge)




On this page I doubled clicked on "dexterous" on definition 1 to highlight it. It selected "dexterous." which is fine, I believe windows selects the period when you double click a word. Ctrl-C'd to copy it. But when I pasted it, "# dexterous." was in the clipboard. Tried multiple times, same thing every time. I double clicked on "Adroit" in the same definition, it selected "Adroit; " but when I pasted it, " 1. Adroit; " was in the clipboard. If I highlight "Adroit" by click and dragging the mouse over it, " 1. Adroit" is put in the clipboard. If I highlight "dexterous" by click and dragging the mouse over it, "dexterous" is put in the clipboard. Build ID: 2002061104
This is probably a duplicate of another bug; probably not a bug to be on mjudge's plate. Should it be reassigned to the serializer or better yet duped to bug #?
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Windows XP → All
Hardware: PC → All
Summary: Extra text added to copy selection → Extra text added to copy selection (picking up bullet, # from list)
This sounds like an artifact of the "if the entire list item is selected, select the <li> too" behavior of the document encoder. Maybe Joe can elaborate. A workaround is to select all but one character of the list item.
From Bug 78676 (original report): "If I select and copy text from a <li> and the selection includes the first or last character of the text in the <li>, I get a bullet at the beginning of the pasted text and a newline at the end." (Although I don't get the newline unless it's the last li in a list.) Other comments in the bug discuss which character is prepended on to the selection in various circumstances. Bug or feature, either way, this report seems to be talking about the same thing as Bug 78676, no?
thanks for finding the duplicate! *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 78676 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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