Closed Bug 151895 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

1.1a - Browser crashes when I visit URL:


(Core Graveyard :: GFX, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: garth, Assigned: dcone)




(Keywords: crash)

When I visit: The page appears in the browser window and then crashes before I am able to scroll down. Get a memory could not be read at address "XXxXXXX" with OK to debug or Cancel. I can reproduce this error every time I start Mozilla on this PC and go to that site... I can surf to other sites ok.
reporter: could you please try this with a talkback-enabled build, and post the talkback ID in the bugreport?
Assignee: attinasi → Matti
Severity: normal → critical
Component: Layout → Browser-General
Keywords: crash
QA Contact: petersen → imajes-qa
wfm, winXP 2002061014/trunk
My 2002061208 Win32 also crashed when scrolling up and down this particular page. I sent the talkback information in.
Crashes for me too with 2002061308/Win98SE. Talkback-ID is TB7350861W
Incident ID 7350326 Stack Signature ntdll.dll + 0x215c (0x77f5215c) 97750658 Email Address Product ID MozillaTrunk Build ID 2002061208 Trigger Time 2002-06-14 14:34:23 Platform Win32 Operating System Windows NT 5.1 build 2600 Module ntdll.dll URL visited User Comments Viewing bug to generate Talkback ID. Trigger Reason Access violation Source File Name Trigger Line No. Stack Trace ntdll.dll + 0x215c (0x77f5215c) ntdll.dll + 0x1fbf (0x77f51fbf) msvcrt.dll + 0x1ab2e (0x77c2ab2e) nsImageWin::CleanUpDIB [nsImageWin.cpp, line 1017] nsImageWin::Release [nsImageWin.cpp, line 99] nsCOMPtr_base::~nsCOMPtr_base [nsCOMPtr.cpp, line 65] gfxImageFrame::`scalar deleting destructor' gfxImageFrame::Release [gfxImageFrame.cpp, line 28] nsSupportsArray::Clear [nsSupportsArray.cpp, line 601] imgContainer::~imgContainer [imgContainer.cpp, line 62] imgContainer::`scalar deleting destructor' imgContainer::Release [imgContainer.cpp, line 36] nsCOMPtr_base::~nsCOMPtr_base [nsCOMPtr.cpp, line 65] imgRequest::~imgRequest [imgRequest.cpp, line 80] imgRequest::`scalar deleting destructor' imgRequest::Release [imgRequest.cpp, line 59] EventHandler [nsCacheService.cpp, line 1050] PL_ProcessPendingEvents [plevent.c, line 530] _md_EventReceiverProc [plevent.c, line 1078] USER32.dll + 0x3c076 (0x77d7c076) USER32.dll + 0x3c076 (0x77d7c076) _except_handler3() kernel32.dll + 0x3bb86 (0x77e9bb86)
I got the same crash only if I shut-down my debug build on that page. -> GFX and confirming
Assignee: Matti → kmcclusk
Component: Browser-General → GFX Compositor
QA Contact: imajes-qa → petersen
Ever confirmed: true
wfm 2002061604 linux
It no longer crashes when I visit the page, I have not upgraded my version of Mozilla (Win2KSP2, 1.0, 2002061104)...
WFM: Using 2002/6/26 Moz1.0.0 branch build on WinXP. -> dcone
Assignee: kmcclusk → dcone
memmove(unsigned char * 0x00000000, unsigned char * 0x0012d6c8, unsigned long 11) line 303 nsCharTraits<char>::move(char * 0x00000000, const char * 0x0012d6c8, unsigned int 11) line 317 + 18 bytes nsCharSinkTraits<char *>::write(char * & 0x00000000, const char * 0x0012d6c8, unsigned int 11) line 598 + 19 bytes copy_string(nsReadingIterator<char> & {...}, const nsReadingIterator<char> & {...}, char * & 0x00000000) line 90 + 39 bytes ToNewCString(const nsACString & {...}) line 241 + 35 bytes nsCodebasePrincipal::GetOrigin(nsCodebasePrincipal * const 0x02b1ebf4, char * * 0x03544fb0) line 168 + 10 bytes nsAggregatePrincipal::GetOrigin(nsAggregatePrincipal * const 0x02b1ec58, char * * 0x03544fb0) line 121 + 27 bytes nsScriptSecurityManager::GetClassPolicy(nsIPrincipal * 0x02b1ec5c, const char * 0x01ddc208, ClassPolicy * * 0x0012d95c) line 854 + 59 bytes nsScriptSecurityManager::CheckPropertyAccessImpl(unsigned int 2, nsIXPCNativeCallContext * 0x00000000, JSContext * 0x02b30310, JSObject * 0x02ae8910, nsISupports * 0x00000000, nsIURI * 0x00000000, nsIClassInfo * 0x00000000, const char * 0x01ddc208, long 18276644, void * * 0x00000000) line 598 + 33 bytes nsScriptSecurityManager::CheckPropertyAccess(nsScriptSecurityManager * const 0x01105a30, JSContext * 0x02b30310, JSObject * 0x02ae8910, const char * 0x01ddc208, long 18276644, unsigned int 2) line 452 nsWindowSH::doCheckPropertyAccess(JSContext * 0x02b30310, JSObject * 0x02ae8910, long 18276644, nsIXPConnectWrappedNative * 0x02a9c870, unsigned int 2) line 2817 + 43 bytes nsWindowSH::AddProperty(nsWindowSH * const 0x0163fc68, nsIXPConnectWrappedNative * 0x02a9c870, JSContext * 0x02b30310, JSObject * 0x02ae8910, long 18276644, long * 0x0012db24, int * 0x0012da40) line 3011 + 26 bytes XPC_WN_Helper_AddProperty(JSContext * 0x02b30310, JSObject * 0x02ae8910, long 18276644, long * 0x0012db24) line 768 + 47 bytes js_DefineNativeProperty(JSContext * 0x02b30310, JSObject * 0x02ae8910, long 18262184, long 56236920, int (JSContext *, JSObject *, long, long *)* 0x0147b400 XPC_WN_Helper_GetProperty(JSContext *, JSObject *, long, long *), int (JSContext *, JSObject *, long, long *)* 0x0147b4f0 XPC_WN_Helper_SetProperty(JSContext *, JSObject *, long, long *), unsigned int 0, unsigned int 0, ...) li js_DefineProperty(JSContext * 0x02b30310, JSObject * 0x02ae8910, long 18262184, long 56236920, int (JSContext *, JSObject *, long, long *)* 0x00000000, int (JSContext *, JSObject *, long, long *)* 0x00000000, unsigned int 0, JSProperty * * 0x00000000) line 1998 + 41 bytes js_DefineFunction(JSContext * 0x02b30310, JSObject * 0x02ae8910, JSAtom * 0x0116a8a8, int (JSContext *, JSObject *, unsigned int, long *, long *)* 0x012a5f90 SyntaxError(JSContext *, JSObject *, unsigned int, long *, long *), unsigned int 3, unsigned int 0) line 1982 + 42 bytes js_InitExceptionClasses(JSContext * 0x02b30310, JSObject * 0x02ae8910) line 799 + 34 bytes JS_ResolveStandardClass(JSContext * 0x02b30310, JSObject * 0x02ae8910, long 18276612, int * 0x0012ddd4) line 1347 + 11 bytes nsWindowSH::NewResolve(nsWindowSH * const 0x0163fc68, nsIXPConnectWrappedNative * 0x02a9c870, JSContext * 0x02b30310, JSObject * 0x02ae8910, long 18276612, unsigned int 0, JSObject * * 0x0012ded8, int * 0x0012de54) line 3639 + 22 bytes XPC_WN_Helper_NewResolve(JSContext * 0x02b30310, JSObject * 0x02ae8910, long 18276612, unsigned int 0, JSObject * * 0x0012dffc) line 904 + 66 bytes _js_LookupProperty(JSContext * 0x02b30310, JSObject * 0x02ae8910, long 18261464, JSObject * * 0x0012e068, JSProperty * * 0x0012e060, const char * 0x01344728, unsigned int 1734) line 2250 + 59 bytes FindConstructor(JSContext * 0x02b30310, JSObject * 0x00000000, const char * 0x01321530 _js_InternalError_str, long * 0x0012e0a0) line 1734 + 41 bytes GetClassPrototype(JSContext * 0x02b30310, JSObject * 0x00000000, const char * 0x01321530 _js_InternalError_str, JSObject * * 0x0012e104) line 3235 + 21 bytes js_GetClassPrototype(JSContext * 0x02b30310, const char * 0x01321530 _js_InternalError_str, JSObject * * 0x0012e104) line 3225 + 19 bytes js_ErrorToException(JSContext * 0x02b30310, const char * 0x03542298, JSErrorReport * 0x0012e154) line 939 + 26 bytes ReportError(JSContext * 0x02b30310, const char * 0x03542298, JSErrorReport * 0x0012e154) line 325 + 17 bytes js_ReportErrorNumberVA(JSContext * 0x02b30310, unsigned int 0, const JSErrorFormatString * (void *, const char *, const unsigned int)* 0x01271c99 _js_GetErrorMessage, void * 0x00000000, const unsigned int 24, int 1, char * 0x0012e1c0) line 643 + 17 bytes JS_ReportErrorNumber(JSContext * 0x02b30310, const JSErrorFormatString * (void *, const char *, const unsigned int)* 0x01271c99 _js_GetErrorMessage, void * 0x00000000, const unsigned int 24) line 3704 + 29 bytes js_AllocRawStack(JSContext * 0x02b30310, unsigned int 8, void * * 0x0012e684) line 326 + 73 bytes js_AllocStack(JSContext * 0x02b30310, unsigned int 6, void * * 0x0012e684) line 352 + 20 bytes nsXPCWrappedJSClass::CallMethod(nsXPCWrappedJSClass * const 0x03404e00, nsXPCWrappedJS * 0x034058f8, unsigned short 3, const nsXPTMethodInfo * 0x033230c0, nsXPTCMiniVariant * 0x0012e740) line 990 + 36 bytes nsXPCWrappedJS::CallMethod(nsXPCWrappedJS * const 0x034058f8, unsigned short 3, const nsXPTMethodInfo * 0x033230c0, nsXPTCMiniVariant * 0x0012e740) line 430 PrepareAndDispatch(nsXPTCStubBase * 0x034058f8, unsigned int 3, unsigned int * 0x0012e7f0, unsigned int * 0x0012e7e0) line 115 + 31 bytes SharedStub() line 139 nsDocLoaderImpl::FireOnStateChange(nsIWebProgress * 0x03308bdc, nsIRequest * 0x034fc480, int 65537, unsigned int 0) line 1192 nsDocLoaderImpl::doStartURLLoad(nsIRequest * 0x034fc480) line 781 nsDocLoaderImpl::OnStartRequest(nsDocLoaderImpl * const 0x03308bcc, nsIRequest * 0x034fc480, nsISupports * 0x03507ea8) line 529 nsLoadGroup::AddRequest(nsLoadGroup * const 0x03308d08, nsIRequest * 0x034fc480, nsISupports * 0x03507ea8) line 469 + 31 bytes imgRequestProxy::Init(imgRequest * 0x035411b0, nsILoadGroup * 0x03308d08, imgIDecoderObserver * 0x034fc5b0, nsISupports * 0x03507ea8) line 109 imgLoader::CreateNewProxyForRequest(imgRequest * 0x035411b0, nsILoadGroup * 0x03308d08, imgIDecoderObserver * 0x034fc5b0, nsISupports * 0x03507ea8, unsigned int 0, imgIRequest * 0x034fc480, imgIRequest * * 0x0012ef34) line 516 + 24 bytes imgLoader::LoadImage(imgLoader * const 0x011a8460, nsIURI * 0x035406b0, nsIURI * 0x0358f738, nsILoadGroup * 0x03308d08, imgIDecoderObserver * 0x034fc5b0, nsISupports * 0x03507ea8, unsigned int 0, nsISupports * 0x00000000, imgIRequest * 0x034fc480, imgIRequest * * 0x0012ef34) line 404 + 36 bytes nsImageFrame::RealLoadImage(const nsAString & {...}, nsIPresContext * 0x03507ea8, imgIRequest * 0x034fc480, int 1) line 1984 + 100 bytes nsImageFrame::LoadImage(const nsAString & {...}, nsIPresContext * 0x03507ea8, imgIRequest * 0x034fc480, int 1) line 1923 + 24 bytes nsImageFrame::Init(nsImageFrame * const 0x0353f8ac, nsIPresContext * 0x03507ea8, nsIContent * 0x03506c10, nsIFrame * 0x0353f7dc, nsIStyleContext * 0x0353f858, nsIFrame * 0x00000000) line 324 + 33 bytes nsCSSFrameConstructor::InitAndRestoreFrame(nsIPresContext * 0x03507ea8, nsFrameConstructorState & {...}, nsIContent * 0x03506c10, nsIFrame * 0x0353f7dc, nsIStyleContext * 0x0353f858, nsIFrame * 0x00000000, nsIFrame * 0x0353f8ac) line 6754 + 32 bytes nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructHTMLFrame(nsIPresShell * 0x035a4978, nsIPresContext * 0x03507ea8, nsFrameConstructorState & {...}, nsIContent * 0x03506c10, nsIFrame * 0x0353f7dc, nsIAtom * 0x011a6cd0, int 3, nsIStyleContext * 0x0353f858, nsFrameItems & {...}) line 4937 nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrameInternal(nsIPresShell * 0x035a4978, nsIPresContext * 0x03507ea8, nsFrameConstructorState & {...}, nsIContent * 0x03506c10, nsIFrame * 0x0353f7dc, nsIAtom * 0x011a6cd0, int 3, nsIStyleContext * 0x0353f858, nsFrameItems & {...}, int 0) line 7363 + 49 bytes nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrame(nsIPresShell * 0x035a4978, nsIPresContext * 0x03507ea8, nsFrameConstructorState & {...}, nsIContent * 0x03506c10, nsIFrame * 0x0353f7dc, nsFrameItems & {...}) line 7257 + 56 bytes nsCSSFrameConstructor::ProcessBlockChildren(nsIPresShell * 0x035a4978, nsIPresContext * 0x03507ea8, nsFrameConstructorState & {...}, nsIContent * 0x03506b30, nsIFrame * 0x0353f7dc, int 1, nsFrameItems & {...}, int 1) line 13530 + 57 bytes nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructBlock(nsIPresShell * 0x035a4978, nsIPresContext * 0x03507ea8, nsFrameConstructorState & {...}, const nsStyleDisplay * 0x035cb5b8, nsIContent * 0x03506b30, nsIFrame * 0x035caca8, nsIStyleContext * 0x035cb584, nsIFrame * 0x0353f7dc) line 13478 + 36 bytes nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrameByDisplayType(nsIPresShell * 0x035a4978, nsIPresContext * 0x03507ea8, nsFrameConstructorState & {...}, const nsStyleDisplay * 0x035cb5b8, nsIContent * 0x03506b30, int 3, nsIAtom * 0x0169cfd0, nsIFrame * 0x035caca8, nsIStyleContext * 0x035cb584, nsFrameItems & {...}) line 6517 + 43 bytes nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrameInternal(nsIPresShell * 0x035a4978, nsIPresContext * 0x03507ea8, nsFrameConstructorState & {...}, nsIContent * 0x03506b30, nsIFrame * 0x035caca8, nsIAtom * 0x0169cfd0, int 3, nsIStyleContext * 0x035cb584, nsFrameItems & {...}, int 0) line 7406 + 53 bytes nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrame(nsIPresShell * 0x035a4978, nsIPresContext * 0x03507ea8, nsFrameConstructorState & {...}, nsIContent * 0x03506b30, nsIFrame * 0x035caca8, nsFrameItems & {...}) line 7257 + 56 bytes nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentAppended(nsCSSFrameConstructor * const 0x035a4820, nsIPresContext * 0x03507ea8, nsIContent * 0x035c76f0, int 95) line 8509 StyleSetImpl::ContentAppended(StyleSetImpl * const 0x035a4628, nsIPresContext * 0x03507ea8, nsIContent * 0x035c76f0, int 95) line 1527 PresShell::ContentAppended(PresShell * const 0x035a4980, nsIDocument * 0x0355a640, nsIContent * 0x035c76f0, int 95) line 5310 + 49 bytes nsDocument::ContentAppended(nsDocument * const 0x0355a640, nsIContent * 0x035c76f0, int 95) line 2080 nsHTMLDocument::ContentAppended(nsHTMLDocument * const 0x0355a640, nsIContent * 0x035c76f0, int 95) line 1390 + 17 bytes HTMLContentSink::NotifyAppend(nsIContent * 0x035c76f0, int 95) line 4606 SinkContext::FlushTags(int 1) line 1941 SinkContext::DidAddContent(nsIContent * 0x034fd288, int 0) line 1359 SinkContext::FlushText(int * 0x00000000, int 0) line 2045 SinkContext::FlushTags(int 1) line 1886 HTMLContentSink::Notify(HTMLContentSink * const 0x0359b070, nsITimer * 0x034fd210) line 2586 nsTimerImpl::Fire() line 343 nsTimerManager::FireNextIdleTimer(nsTimerManager * const 0x0167ad10) line 588 nsAppShell::Run(nsAppShell * const 0x01191578) line 134 nsAppShellService::Run(nsAppShellService * const 0x0160cd88) line 458 main1(int 1, char * * 0x00303180, nsISupports * 0x00000000) line 1456 + 32 bytes main(int 1, char * * 0x00303180) line 1805 + 37 bytes mainCRTStartup() line 338 + 17 bytes KERNEL32! 77e8d326() Is the stack trace I get. I dont think this is a cleanup DIB issue.. seems that things are unstable at that point. CleanupDIB is called all the time.. and I would think a bug in there.. would make things alot more unstable than it currently is. There is one thing that could be checked in there.. I will try.
duplicating this for the DIB issue against 151154... *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 151154 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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