Open Bug 1519756 Opened 6 years ago Updated 2 years ago

srcset is ignored in some cases


(Core :: Layout: Images, Video, and HTML Frames, defect, P2)




Tracking Status
firefox64 --- wontfix
firefox65 --- wontfix
firefox66 --- wontfix
firefox67 --- wontfix
firefox68 --- wontfix


(Reporter: formicant, Unassigned)



(Keywords: regression, Whiteboard: [layout:backlog:quality])


(1 file)

622.91 KB, application/x-zip-compressed
Attached file

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:64.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/64.0

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Visit an XKCD page (e.g.
  2. Set zoom to a value greater than 100%
  3. Close the page
  4. Open the page again

In some sites (e.g. — see ‘srcsetTest2x.png’ in the attached archive), srcset works correctly.

Actual results:

The src image is shown.
(See ‘xkcd1x.png’ in the attached archive.)

The correct srcset 2x image appears after changing zoom or opening the developer tools.

Expected results:

The srcset 2x image should be shown.
(See ‘xkcd1x.png’ in the attached archive.)


I've managed to reproduce this issue on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04 using Fx 64.0.2(2019-01-08) and Fx Nightly 66.0a1(2019-01-17)

I will add a component so that the developers can take a look at it.

Thank you for reporting!

Component: Untriaged → Layout: Images, Video, and HTML Frames
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Unspecified → All
Product: Firefox → Core
Version: 64 Branch → Trunk

Disabled e10s seems fix the problem on Nightly66.0a1.

And I can reproduce the issue on Firefox41.0a1 if forcibly enabled e10s.
So, I think this is not recent regression. But this seems to be e10s implementation bug.

9:37.71 INFO: Got as far as we can go bisecting nightlies...
9:37.71 INFO: Last good revision: 09f4968d5f42 (2015-02-17)
9:37.71 INFO: First bad revision: 9696d1c4b3ba (2015-02-18)
9:37.71 INFO: Pushlog:

In this case, for the 'good' revision, the image is blurry when zooming in for the first time an even after closing and re-opening the page.
For the bad revision however, the image is blurry when it is first zoomed in, but then it is clear(correctly rendered) when the page is re-opened.

30:08.89 INFO: Got as far as we can go bisecting nightlies...
30:08.89 INFO: Last good revision: 3cc3b1968524248450c465c4ea2ee5596ffa65f2 (2015-11-12)
30:08.89 INFO: First bad revision: 0eaf345983b3afc2b426e25a3be93ebf0d93e6c1 (2015-11-13)
30:08.89 INFO: Pushlog:

For this regression range, for the 'good' revision, the image is blurred only when the zoom is done the first time, so when the page is re-opened, the image is clear and correctly rendered.
For the 'bad'revision, the image is always clear (on the first zoom operation and when the page is re-opened).

Has Regression Range: --- → yes

Sean, do you think this is something we'd want a fix in 66 for?

To expand on comment 4 -- this regression range isn't particularly useful since it basically just points to when the feature was implemented (in 2 phases) -- and it's also not clear from comment 3 whether the two regression points being described are improvements or regressions.

This doesn't seem great, but I don't think we'll push to fix it in 66 given the severity and potential age of the bug. Will set as P2 and try to get to it soon.

Flags: needinfo?(svoisen)
Priority: -- → P2

Hi Sean, will this be fixed for 68?

Flags: needinfo?(svoisen)

We won't have bandwidth to fix this regression in 68. I will put on our radar for 69.

Flags: needinfo?(svoisen)
Whiteboard: [layout:backlog:2019q3]
Whiteboard: [layout:backlog:2019q3] → [layout:backlog:quality]
See Also: → 1642280
Severity: normal → S3
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