Develop a UX spec for user-initiated Picture in Picture for video
(Toolkit :: Video/Audio Controls, task, P1)
(Reporter: mconley, Assigned: emanuela)
(1 file)
592.41 KB,
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I believe emanuela from the UX team is being tapped to do this, so assigning to her.
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Updated•6 years ago
Comment 1•6 years ago
emanuela, can we consider dragging the video as one of the entrypoints to popping out the video? Direct manipulation of the video, while not necessarily the most expected on desktop websites, would really fit the mental model of the video being separated from the page (similar to tearing off a tab in the browser).
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Comment 2•6 years ago
(In reply to Jared Wein [:jaws] (Regression Engineering Owner for 65) (please needinfo? me) from comment #1)
emanuela, can we consider dragging the video as one of the entrypoints to popping out the video? Direct manipulation of the video, while not necessarily the most expected on desktop websites, would really fit the mental model of the video being separated from the page (similar to tearing off a tab in the browser).
Funny you mention this type of interaction! I actually consider this.
At the moment it's out of scope, but if we're going to have more time in the future, I'd love to consider this idea.
FYI: this week we're doing a usability test on a prototype with a more traditional trigger (a button which overlays on the video).
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Comment 3•6 years ago
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Comment 4•6 years ago
Spec-wise, I've attached what we got:
A user study prototype:
The attached image.
I think we can close this one out now.