Closed Bug 1525719 Opened 6 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Create a new "beta" endpoint for wiki pages, and begin converting it to React


( Graveyard :: Performance, enhancement, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dflanagan+bugzilla, Unassigned)



(Keywords: in-triage)


(29 files)

41 bytes, text/x-github-pull-request
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79 bytes, text/x-github-pull-request
41 bytes, text/x-github-pull-request
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79 bytes, text/x-github-pull-request
79 bytes, text/x-github-pull-request

We'd like to move towards a React-based frontend for MDN, but we need to figure out how to get there.

I'm filing this bug to track some experimental work we'll do to figure out whether we can incrementally convert Kuma to use React or if we need to start from scratch.

This experimental work will probably look like this:

  • Create a new Kuma endpoint en-US/beta/ that does exactly the same thing as en-US/docs/ (but that only works on the staging server and is never visible to end users).

  • Modify that new endpoint so that it uses React in some small way (like displaying the MDN logo). As part of this we'll also set up the webpack/babel toolchain, and get flow and jest snapshot tests working. Then we'll measure the performance of this new part-React, part-jQuery page and compare it to the existing /docs endpoint to get baseline data on the performance impact of adding React. (We'll have to decide whether to use React libraries from a CDN or not)

  • Do more substantial work with React, perhaps replacing the navigation header at the top of the page, and removing the jQueryUI library that it depends on. And see what the performance impact of that is.

  • Attempt to set up client-side navigation (possibly using react-router) to see how fast we can load new documents when we don't have to do a complete page load.

  • Investigate server-side rendering of our React content to see what the performance impact of that is and to figure out how to do that for both the logged-out and the logged-in case.

There will be individual user stories for these steps in the Kuma.Next epic on github: This bug exists for tracking purposes so we can reference it when we've got pull requests to the Kuma repo.

Assignee: nobody → djf
Keywords: in-triage
Priority: -- → P1

The second step of this process was a PR that displayed the MDN logo with react. It didn't seem to have any significant performance impact on the site when measured on the staging server with speed curve.

The third step is a larger PR that redoes the entire navigation header:

That was just merged today, and will presumably be deployed next week, and we can continue to look at the speedcurve tests to see if there are perf implications.

A possible 4th step is which implements a simple (and imperfect, experimental) client-side navigation on the test /ducks/ URLs. It will be interesting to try this out on staging and see how much faster pages loads are when we're just loading the new HTML and not all the JS and CSS.

See Also: → 1281270
Assignee: djf → nobody
Commit merged into master by Schalk Neethling (schalkneethling) Authored by Ryan Johnson (escattone)
Commit merged into master by GitHub Authored by Ryan Johnson (escattone)
Commit merged into master by GitHub Authored by Ryan Johnson (escattone)
Commit merged into master by GitHub Authored by Ryan Johnson (escattone)
MDN Web Docs' bug reporting has now moved to GitHub. From now on, please file content bugs at and platform bugs at
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: → Graveyard
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