Closed Bug 1529441 Opened 6 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Is the "platform" keyword still valid?


( :: Administration, task, P3)






(Reporter: emceeaich, Assigned: emceeaich)



There are a small number of bugs which use the platform keyword.

This is referring to an older, obsolete version of Mozilla-as-platform.

Should we keep this keyword around, and if so, how should it be defined?

Flags: needinfo?(asa)

This has been re-defined as "Gecko platform" in the keyword description per bug 1527894.

Blocks: 1527894
No longer blocks: cleanup-bugzilla

I don't see a lot of value in this keyword. Then again, I've never used it and don't see it used often. Skimming the list of bugs with this keyword suggests to me that it's mis-used as often as it's correctly used (based on the keyword definition). Is there an easy way to get a list of the people who have applied this keyword over the last few years. We could ask them, assuming it's a small group doing it multiple times.

Flags: needinfo?(asa)

I looked at a few of the bugs which changed most recently and :whuang had been adding the keyword.

Email dev-platform and ask about this.

Assignee: nobody → ehumphries
Priority: -- → P3

There's no active bugs from current year with it, so I'm disabling it for new bugs.

Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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