Open Bug 1531781 Opened 5 years ago Updated 2 years ago

borders and sticky position don't work in border-collapsed table head


(Core :: Layout: Tables, enhancement, P3)





(Reporter: Pike, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [layout:backlog:quality])

Filing this rather specific, not sure if this is more general:

I have a position: sticky thead on

That doesn't have borders between table cells. If I use devtools to switch position: sticky off, the borders are shown.

Tested on release and nightly.

(it's not clear to me how this should render given the borders are supposed to be collapsed)

Summary: borders and sticky position don't work in table head → borders and sticky position don't work in border-collapsed table head
Priority: -- → P3

I have the same issue with some code I use at work. I seems like the borders of the thead gets stacked behind the background. This is also true for the th element.

Steps to recreate (ish)
If you take a look at @Alex Hechts link and puts a background: none on the table row containing the thead the border's will now be visible. Doing some testing locally has revealed that a change in the background opacity changes the visiblity of the borders. The more transparent the background, the more visible the borders become.

Whiteboard: [layout:backlog:quality]
Severity: normal → S3
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