Closed Bug 153233 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

XPCOM gated with Undefined A-Trap


(Core :: XPCOM, defect)

Mac System 9.x
Not set





(Reporter: keeptruthfree, Assigned: dougt)


MacsBug white screen with "Undefined A-Trap at {hex location}" long ago I learned to dismiss this with a "gg" go command it's like a gate... just say "gg" and it continues... this is the most regular dependable reproducable bug I have ever encountered somehow this bug never gets fixed no matter what else changes. this affects anything that uses XPCOM as a base mozilla installer, mozilla browser, and moz-netscape installer and browser. instance one: the installer unpacks XPCOM and boom... instance two: at both launch and quit time... boom... instance three: even at crash time (when I find I can exit to shell) it needs to pass through the gate to exit I know the big focus on our platform is now Mac OS X but for a very long time there will still be Mac OS 8.6-9.1 users and this bug makes XPCOM a very weak foundation for Mozilla projects could someone address it... I have a NuBus (old-world) Mac (PM8100) with a Sonnet G3 card. I don't know if it's only with NuBus Macs but the G3 card doesn't affect it. Often I find software unnecessarily requiring the PCI bus found in newer Macs will work if the "strict library" call is replaced with a "weak library" call. I used to panic at this bug and considered it a blocker then I began to ignore it once I realized I could continue past it with "gg" but I know other people won't guess this (or don't use MacsBug) and panic.
let me clarify "at launch time": the splash screen finishes and goes away then it enters MacsBug with the Undefined A-Trap just before the browser window opens type "gg" and it continues as if nothing wrong happened
today's build (2002070810) doesn't have the problem but I'm not counting it as fixed... just after I first reported the bug a build (20020621??) didn't have it either. the problem returned in the next day's build and the bug remained until it disappeared in today's build what's the change in mozilla that makes the bug go away? will the bug return in tomorrow's build? could someone address this bug
Lenny, this appears to be a duplicate of bug 125411, which was fixed on July 8, 2002. Try a build from after that date and, if you still see the trouble, feel free to reopen that bug. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 125411 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
vrfy dupe
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