Closed Bug 153681 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

initial focus for browser window is often not in page (tabbing restores focus)


(Core :: DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: jruderman, Assigned: bryner)



Initial focus in browser windows is often before the URL bar when it should be on the content area. That means I can't scroll, use page accesskeys, etc. without clicking on the page first. With builds 061908 and 062208 on Win2k, I see this bug about 60% of the time. This is a recent regression. The bug happens with Ctrl+N, double-clicking on the quick launch icon, and double-clicking on the desktop shortcut (I have quick launch enabled). Bug 151039 is similar but for Chimera.
sounds like a slightly milder form of bug 141295. except that in 141295, hitting tab (or any key, afaict) won't focus anywhere.
sairuh: in your original description of bug 141295, you said that hitting Tab twice was a workaround. Does that workaround not work for you anymore?
i amended my comments in that bug...
When I hit this bug, hitting tab twice always restores focus to the content area.
bryner's been seeing this on chimera.
OS: Windows XP → All
Hardware: PC → All
Summary: initial focus for browser window is often not in page → initial focus for browser window is often not in page (tabbing restores focus)
nominating for buffy (and embedded apps which might also benefit).
Blocks: 127253
Keywords: nsbeta1
I don't think I've seen this bug for several days. I'll mark this bug as WFM if I continue to not see it.
Actually, I see this all the time. When switching to a mozilla window, I need to click somewhere on the mozilla window before it will accept keyboard input. (Like Ctrl-T ) Or is that bug 141295 ?
The checkin for bug 141295 will likely take care of this problem also.
Depends on: 141295
also see bug 166501, where focus is lost (similar to this bug) when switching btwn windows from the Window menu.
tested focus and keyboard scrolling with builds from bryner (9/3) on linux rh7.2, win2k and mac os x 10.1.5. looks good!
fix checked into the trunk.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
vrfy'd fixed with 2002.09.16.08 comm trunk builds. (any exceptions should be filed as new bugs.)
This is back. I noticed in my first 1.2b install (sorry, don't know the build number) and it still exists in the 1.2 Release (Build ID: 2002101612).
is it back on all sites or just a few? URLs?
Component: Keyboard: Navigation → User events and focus handling
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