Bug 1541047
Opened 6 years ago
Updated 1 years ago
Expand pseudo-elements dropdown in the rules inspector if section empty
(DevTools :: Inspector: Rules, enhancement, P3)
(firefox-esr60 affected, firefox66 affected, firefox67 affected, firefox68 affected)
(Reporter: cfogel, Unassigned)
(Blocks 1 open bug)
(1 file)
51.70 KB,
Details |
Affected versions
- 60.0.1(ESR), 66.0.1, 67.0b7, 68.0a1 (2019-04-02)
Affected platforms
- Windows 10, Ubuntu 16.04, macOS 10.14;
Steps to reproduce
- Launch Firefox and access
- Right click on the red text in the demo and click on the inspect option;
- Bring the rules tab in focus if needed;
Actual result
- The Pseudo-elements section is collapsed;
Enhancement suggestion
- With space allowing it the Pseudo-elements section can be expanded and display its properties;
- If not for all cases, at least for the ones with no actual properties to be in effect;
- For the example in case, it would make sense since at first glimpse the red color origin would be better visible;
Regression range
- not a regression;
Additional notes
- attached screenshot with the difference between Chrome and Firefox;
- fwiw, Edge treats it as in the suggestion, expanding the pseudo-class from the get go.
Updated•5 years ago
Priority: -- → P3
Updated•2 years ago
Severity: normal → S3
Updated•1 years ago
Blocks: devtools-pseudo
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