Closed Bug 1542616 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

WebRTC: SecurityError: The operation is insecure. from resource://gre/modules/media/PeerConnection.jsm


(Core :: WebRTC, defect)

68 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: guest271314, Unassigned)




(Whiteboard: WebRTC: Signaling Audio/Video: MediaStreamGraph Audio/Video: Recording)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create 2 local WebRTC PeerConnection instances
  2. Execute addTrack
  3. Within a Promise constructor include "track" event for PeerConnection
  4. Execute MediaRecorder.start()
  5. Resolve Promise

Actual results:

Code execution is halted at

SecurityError: The operation is insecure. sIXPljF0hXZZIEJb:227
dispatchEvent resource://gre/modules/media/PeerConnection.jsm:707
_processTrackAdditionsAndRemovals resource://gre/modules/media/PeerConnection.jsm:1324
onSetRemoteDescriptionSuccess resource://gre/modules/media/PeerConnection.jsm:1661
haveSetRemote resource://gre/modules/media/PeerConnection.jsm:1032
haveSetRemote resource://gre/modules/media/PeerConnection.jsm:1029
AsyncFunctionNext self-hosted:839

Expected results:

No errors.

Chromium 72 outputs expected result


<!DOCTYPE html>

<title>Record media fragments to single webm video using AudioCAudioContext.createMediaStreamDestination(), canvas.captureStream(), PeerConnection(), RTCRtpSender.replaceTrack(), MediaRecorder()</title>
<script src=""></script>
Without using adapter.js at Chromium if {once: true} is not used at "icecandidate" event

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to execute 'addIceCandidate' on 'RTCPeerConnection': Candidate missing values for both sdpMid and sdpMLineIndex
at RTCPeerConnection.
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to execute 'addIceCandidate' on 'RTCPeerConnection': Candidate missing values for both sdpMid and sdpMLineIndex
at RTCPeerConnection.

<!-- Without using adapter.js at Firefox

SecurityError: The operation is insecure. debugger eval code:152
mediaStreamTrackPromise debugger eval code:152
dispatchEvent resource://gre/modules/media/PeerConnection.jsm:707
_processTrackAdditionsAndRemovals resource://gre/modules/media/PeerConnection.jsm:1324
onSetRemoteDescriptionSuccess resource://gre/modules/media/PeerConnection.jsm:1661
haveSetRemote resource://gre/modules/media/PeerConnection.jsm:1032
haveSetRemote resource://gre/modules/media/PeerConnection.jsm:1029
AsyncFunctionNext self-hosted:839

at `resolve()`

With using adapter.js at Firefox even with {once: true} set at "icecandidate" event

icecandidate { target: RTCPeerConnection, isTrusted: true, candidate: RTCIceCandidate, srcElement: RTCPeerConnection, currentTarget: RTCPeerConnection, eventPhase: 2, bubbles: false, cancelable: false, returnValue: true, defaultPrevented: false, … }

icecandidate { target: RTCPeerConnection, isTrusted: true, candidate: RTCIceCandidate, srcElement: RTCPeerConnection, currentTarget: RTCPeerConnection, eventPhase: 2, bubbles: false, cancelable: false, returnValue: true, defaultPrevented: false, … }
icecandidate { target: RTCPeerConnection, isTrusted: true, candidate: RTCIceCandidate, srcElement: RTCPeerConnection, currentTarget: RTCPeerConnection, eventPhase: 2, bubbles: false, cancelable: false, returnValue: true, defaultPrevented: false, … }
icecandidate { target: RTCPeerConnection, isTrusted: true, candidate: RTCIceCandidate, srcElement: RTCPeerConnection, currentTarget: RTCPeerConnection, eventPhase: 2, bubbles: false, cancelable: false, returnValue: true, defaultPrevented: false, … }
icecandidate { target: RTCPeerConnection, isTrusted: true, candidate: RTCIceCandidate, srcElement: RTCPeerConnection, currentTarget: RTCPeerConnection, eventPhase: 2, bubbles: false, cancelable: false, returnValue: true, defaultPrevented: false, … }
icecandidate { target: RTCPeerConnection, isTrusted: true, srcElement: RTCPeerConnection, currentTarget: RTCPeerConnection, eventPhase: 2, bubbles: false, cancelable: false, returnValue: true, defaultPrevented: false, composed: false, … }
icecandidate { target: RTCPeerConnection, isTrusted: true, candidate: RTCIceCandidate, srcElement: RTCPeerConnection, currentTarget: RTCPeerConnection, eventPhase: 2, bubbles: false, cancelable: false, returnValue: true, defaultPrevented: false, … }
icecandidate { target: RTCPeerConnection, isTrusted: true, candidate: RTCIceCandidate, srcElement: RTCPeerConnection, currentTarget: RTCPeerConnection, eventPhase: 2, bubbles: false, cancelable: false, returnValue: true, defaultPrevented: false, … }
icecandidate { target: RTCPeerConnection, isTrusted: true, candidate: RTCIceCandidate, srcElement: RTCPeerConnection, currentTarget: RTCPeerConnection, eventPhase: 2, bubbles: false, cancelable: false, returnValue: true, defaultPrevented: false, … }
icecandidate { target: RTCPeerConnection, isTrusted: true, srcElement: RTCPeerConnection, currentTarget: RTCPeerConnection, eventPhase: 2, bubbles: false, cancelable: false, returnValue: true, defaultPrevented: false, composed: false, … }


<h1 id="click">click</h1>
<video id="video" src="" controls="true" autoplay="true"></video>
<video id="playlist" src="" controls="true" muted="true"></video>
const captureStream = mediaElement =>
!!mediaElement.mozCaptureStream ? mediaElement.mozCaptureStream() : mediaElement.captureStream();
const width = 320;
const height = 240;
const videoConstraints = {
frameRate: 60,
resizeMode: "crop-and-scale",
const blobURLS = [];
const urls = Promise.all([{
src: "",
from: 0,
to: 4
}, {
from: 10,
to: 20,
src: ",20"
}, {
from: 55,
to: 60,
src: ""
}, {
from: 0,
to: 5,
src: ""
}, {
from: 0,
to: 5,
src: ""
}, {
from: 0,
to: 5,
src: ""
}, {
from: 0,
to: 6,
src: ",6"
}) => {
try {
const request = await fetch(src);
const blob = await request.blob();
const blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
return ${blobURL}#t=${from},${to};
} catch (e) {
throw e;;

const playlist = document.getElementById("playlist");
playlist.width = width;
playlist.height = height;

const video = document.getElementById("video");
video.width = width;
video.height = height;

const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;

let recorder;
let resolveResult;
const promiseResult = new Promise(resolve => resolveResult = resolve);

  .onclick = e =>
  (async() => {
    try {
      // create MediaStream, audio and video MediaStreamTrack
      const audioContext = new AudioContext();
      const audioContextDestination = audioContext.createMediaStreamDestination();
      let mediaStream =;
      const [audioTrack] = mediaStream.getAudioTracks();
      const [videoTrack] = canvas.captureStream().getVideoTracks();

      console.log("initial MediaStream, audio and video MediaStreamTracks", mediaStream, mediaStream.getTracks());

      let tracks = 0;

      const fromLocalPeerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection();
      const toLocalPeerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection();

      fromLocalPeerConnection.addEventListener("icecandidate", async e => {
        console.log("from", e);
        try {
          await toLocalPeerConnection.addIceCandidate(e.candidate ? e.candidate : null);
        } catch (e) {
      }, {
        once: true

      toLocalPeerConnection.addEventListener("icecandidate", async e => {
        console.log("to", e);
        try {
          await fromLocalPeerConnection.addIceCandidate(e.candidate ? e.candidate : null);
        } catch (e) {
      }, {
        once: true
      fromLocalPeerConnection.addEventListener("negotiationneeded", e => {
      toLocalPeerConnection.addEventListener("negotiationneeded", e => {
      const mediaStreamTrackPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
        toLocalPeerConnection.addEventListener("track", track => {
          console.log("track event", track);
          const {
            streams: [stream]
          } = track;
          console.log(tracks, stream.getTracks().length);
          // Wait for both "track" events
          if (typeof tracks === "number" && ++tracks === 2) {
            // Reassign stream to initial MediaStream reference
            //mediaStream = stream;
            // set video srcObject to reassigned MediaStream
            video.srcObject = stream;
            tracks = void 0;
            let result;
            recorder = new MediaRecorder(stream, {
              mimeType: "video/webm;codecs=vp8,opus",
              audioBitsPerSecond: 128000,
              videoBitsPerSecond: 2500000
            recorder.addEventListener("start", e => {
            recorder.addEventListener("stop", e => {
            recorder.addEventListener("dataavailable", e => {
              result =;
      // Add initial audio and video MediaStreamTrack to PeerConnection, pass initial MediaStream
      const audioSender = fromLocalPeerConnection.addTrack(audioTrack, mediaStream);
      const videoSender = fromLocalPeerConnection.addTrack(videoTrack, mediaStream);
      const offer = await fromLocalPeerConnection.createOffer();
      await toLocalPeerConnection.setRemoteDescription(offer);
      await fromLocalPeerConnection.setLocalDescription(toLocalPeerConnection.remoteDescription);
      const answer = await toLocalPeerConnection.createAnswer();
      await fromLocalPeerConnection.setRemoteDescription(answer);
      await toLocalPeerConnection.setLocalDescription(fromLocalPeerConnection.remoteDescription);
      const media = await urls;
      await mediaStreamTrackPromise;

      console.log(audioSender, videoSender, mediaStream);

      for (const blobURL of media) {
        await new Promise(async resolve => {
          playlist.addEventListener("canplay", async e => {
            const stream = captureStream(playlist);
            const [playlistVideoTrack] = stream.getVideoTracks();
            const [playlistAudioTrack] = stream.getAudioTracks();
            // Apply same constraints on each video MediaStreamTrack
            // Replace audio and video MediaStreamTrack with a new media resource
            await videoSender.replaceTrack(playlistVideoTrack);
            await audioSender.replaceTrack(playlistAudioTrack);

          }, {
            once: true

          playlist.addEventListener("pause", async e => {
            // await audioSender.replaceTrack(audioTrack);
            // await videoSender.replaceTrack(videoTrack);
          }, {
            once: true
          playlist.src = blobURL;

      blobURLS.forEach(blobURL => URL.revokeObjectURL(blobURL));
      mediaStream.getTracks().forEach(track => track.stop());
      [audioTrack, videoTrack].forEach(track => track.stop());
      return await promiseResult;
    } catch (e) {
      throw e;
  .then(blob => {
    const videoStream = document.createElement("video");
    videoStream.width = width;
    videoStream.height = height;
    videoStream.controls = true;
    videoStream.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob);



Component: Untriaged → General
Whiteboard: WebRTC: Signaling Audio/Video: MediaStreamGraph Audio/Video: Recording

The issue appears to be that the MediaStreamTrack label properties are set to "remote audio" and "remote video". The error is evidently caused by executing MediaRecorder start() method.

(2) […]
0: MediaStreamTrack { kind: "audio", id: "{60c51af0-8180-4e12-9b37-ec330da7c6ff}", label: "remote audio", … }
1: MediaStreamTrack { kind: "video", id: "{c8bc3533-3808-4f7c-89bd-4530b7e7ec24}", label: "remote video", … }

How to avoid the error?

The result is described at the WebRTC specification

5.3 RTCRtpReceiver Interface

  1. Initialize track.label to the result of concatenating the string "remote " with kind.
Component: General → Audio/Video
Product: Firefox → Core
Component: Audio/Video → WebRTC

This sounds like bug 1212237. Byron, is the analysis there still correct? How should we handle this per spec?

Flags: needinfo?(docfaraday)

This looks like the same thing, yes. It looks like the identity spec adds an |isolated| attribute and an |onisolationchange| EventHandler to MediaStreamTrack, which would be how JS could tell whether it could do this sort of capture:

Flags: needinfo?(docfaraday)
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE

Has the DTLS connection event described in the linked bug been implemented? What is the current specification compliant approach or workaround?

In order to work around, you could wait for the remote track to unmute. The unmute event (on the track) fires when the first media packet arrives for that track, which means that DTLS is established.

#8 From the code that have tried once labeled "remote" the MediaStreamTrack does not unmute.

#8 Was able to create a version for Firefox following the suggestion to await media packets before calling MediaRecorder() and executing start() which has several issues. The playback of the MediaStreamTracks appears to have a reduced playback rate. Only the first video track is recorded.

#(In reply to Byron Campen [:bwc] from comment #8)

In order to work around, you could wait for the remote track to unmute. The unmute event (on the track) fires when the first media packet arrives for that track, which means that DTLS is established.

toLocalPeerConnection.addEventListener("track", track => {
track.onunmute = e => console.log(e);

is not dispatched.

Was able to compose a version which outputs similar result at Firefox 68 and Chromium 73

Note that to achieve recording the entire fragment at Firefox 68, relevant to

the first media packet arrives for that track

the code currently copies and plays back 0.2 seconds of the first Blob URL in the array, catches a SecurityError, then plays backs the complete initial first media fragment.

(In reply to guest271314 from comment #11)

#(In reply to Byron Campen [:bwc] from comment #8)

In order to work around, you could wait for the remote track to unmute. The unmute event (on the track) fires when the first media packet arrives for that track, which means that DTLS is established.

toLocalPeerConnection.addEventListener("track", track => {
track.onunmute = e => console.log(e);

is not dispatched.

Your event listener for the "track" event shouldn't take a bare track, but instead one of these:

(In reply to Byron Campen [:bwc] from comment #12)

(In reply to guest271314 from comment #11)

#(In reply to Byron Campen [:bwc] from comment #8)

In order to work around, you could wait for the remote track to unmute. The unmute event (on the track) fires when the first media packet arrives for that track, which means that DTLS is established.

toLocalPeerConnection.addEventListener("track", track => {
track.onunmute = e => console.log(e);

is not dispatched.

Your event listener for the "track" event shouldn't take a bare track, but instead one of these:

Do you mean the code should be

toLocalPeerConnection.addEventListener("track", track => {
track.track.onunmute = e => console.log(e);

which does dispatch the unmute event?

Using `track.track.onunmute instead of track.onunmute with Promise.all() still does not record first video.

(In reply to guest271314 from comment #13)

(In reply to Byron Campen [:bwc] from comment #12)

(In reply to guest271314 from comment #11)

#(In reply to Byron Campen [:bwc] from comment #8)

In order to work around, you could wait for the remote track to unmute. The unmute event (on the track) fires when the first media packet arrives for that track, which means that DTLS is established.

toLocalPeerConnection.addEventListener("track", track => {
track.onunmute = e => console.log(e);

is not dispatched.

Your event listener for the "track" event shouldn't take a bare track, but instead one of these:

Do you mean the code should be

toLocalPeerConnection.addEventListener("track", track => {
track.track.onunmute = e => console.log(e);

I would call your "track" param something like "event", but essentially yes.

which does dispatch the unmute event?

Using `track.track.onunmute instead of track.onunmute with Promise.all() still does not record first video.

Are you saying you still get a SecurityError after all the tracks have fired an "unmute" event? Or is there some other error? It might be helpful if you could give us a link to a test-case that reproduces the problem (eg; on jsfiddle), or give us access to the app you're developing.

(In reply to Byron Campen [:bwc] from comment #14)

(In reply to guest271314 from comment #13)

(In reply to Byron Campen [:bwc] from comment #12)

(In reply to guest271314 from comment #11)

#(In reply to Byron Campen [:bwc] from comment #8)

In order to work around, you could wait for the remote track to unmute. The unmute event (on the track) fires when the first media packet arrives for that track, which means that DTLS is established.

toLocalPeerConnection.addEventListener("track", track => {
track.onunmute = e => console.log(e);

is not dispatched.

Your event listener for the "track" event shouldn't take a bare track, but instead one of these:

Do you mean the code should be

toLocalPeerConnection.addEventListener("track", track => {
track.track.onunmute = e => console.log(e);

I would call your "track" param something like "event", but essentially yes.

which does dispatch the unmute event?

Using `track.track.onunmute instead of track.onunmute with Promise.all() still does not record first video.

Are you saying you still get a SecurityError after all the tracks have fired an "unmute" event? Or is there some other error? It might be helpful if you could give us a link to a test-case that reproduces the problem (eg; on jsfiddle), or give us access to the app you're developing.

Adjusted the param to "event" at "ontrack" event. Will update the param name at GitHub repository within a day or so.

Yes, the SecurityError is still dispatched, though caught and handled. Test case plnkr plnkr The "unmute" event being dispatched has no affect on the expected result. Without the workaround at Line 169 when the recording is completed only the first frame of the first video that is recorded is displayed at the resulting webm video playback. Then playback immediately proceeds to the second recorded video. To reproduce what describe above comment Line 169 "media.unshift(media[0].replace(/#.+$/, "#t=0,0.2"));".

The code is accessible at There are currently 5 branches where the requirement is the same for each branch. Each branch has its own issues (save for "canvas-webaudio" where the only issue there is requestFrame difference in Chromium and Firefox) at Chromium and Firefox. The branch that this bug references is "webrtc-replacetrack".

Found another bug when trying to create initial audio and video MediaStream to play at <video> element instead of playing 0.2 seconds of the first video then playing and recording the array of media resources.

When using AudioContext.createMediaStreamDestination() at MediaRecorder to record .5 seconds of an OscillatorNode and returning a Blob URL which is set as the first of more than one media resource to play in sequence at <video> element, the audio output of the remainder of the media resources at the <video> element is muted.

The resulting recording of more than one media resources is not muted except for the last 1 second, having the same output as Will file a separate bug report for that issue. Awaiting unmute event of each MediaStreamTrack does not appear to have any affect on the procedure or result.

I can confirm that the testcase tries to record an active stream with two unmuted tracks but still gets thrown a SecurityError in MediaRecorder::Start.

Byron, could you take a look?

Also a thought -- when updating the principal for a MediaStreamTrack on main thread we need to wait for media chunks tagged with the same principal to come through on the MSG thread before the new principal comes into effect, [1]. Do we do this before firing unmute?


Ever confirmed: true
Flags: needinfo?(docfaraday)
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
See Also: → 1212237

If it takes a while for this to take effect, then yes I can see unmute firing before it is done, which would make unmute insufficient as a workaround. There's nothing in the spec that says what the ordering should be, it is just surprising that it takes that long for the new principal to take effect. I think the only thing we can do here is fix bug 1475360. I guess you could work around by repeatedly trying until it works, but that's really lame.

Closed: 6 years ago6 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(docfaraday)
Resolution: --- → FIXED

(In reply to Byron Campen [:bwc] from comment #18)

If it takes a while for this to take effect, then yes I can see unmute firing before it is done, which would make unmute insufficient as a workaround. There's nothing in the spec that says what the ordering should be, it is just surprising that it takes that long for the new principal to take effect. I think the only thing we can do here is fix bug 1475360. I guess you could work around by repeatedly trying until it works, but that's really lame.

The unmute event has no observable affect on the procedure. There is nothing which appears to take effect relevant to the MediaStreamTracks being labeled "remote".

Why are the MediaStreamTracks labeled "remote" in any event where both RTCPeerConnections originate from the same origin and scope? The error appears to be generated by resource://gre/modules/media/PeerConnection.jsm. What does that JavaScript do which is essential to WebRTC working? How that that code be turned off?

What is the fix for the linked bug, which was reported 4 years ago?

Why is this bug marked "FIXED"? The bug may be a duplicate of a 4 year old bug that has not been fixed. "FIXED" label is not accurate, unless "FIXED" means something different than the plain meaning of the term at

(In reply to guest271314 from comment #20)

(In reply to Byron Campen [:bwc] from comment #18)

If it takes a while for this to take effect, then yes I can see unmute firing before it is done, which would make unmute insufficient as a workaround. There's nothing in the spec that says what the ordering should be, it is just surprising that it takes that long for the new principal to take effect. I think the only thing we can do here is fix bug 1475360. I guess you could work around by repeatedly trying until it works, but that's really lame.

The unmute event has no observable affect on the procedure. There is nothing which appears to take effect relevant to the MediaStreamTracks being labeled "remote".

"unmute" means that media packets (audio or video) are being received, which can only happen after DTLS is established, which is when we know for sure it is safe to allow the track to be captured (see below). Unfortunately, due to queuing/processing delays, that knowledge (that capture is ok) takes a while to sink in; apparently long enough that the "unmute" signal can make it to JS first. This is why this workaround isn't helping you.

Why are the MediaStreamTracks labeled "remote" in any event where both RTCPeerConnections originate from the same origin and scope? The error appears to be generated by resource://gre/modules/media/PeerConnection.jsm. What does that JavaScript do which is essential to WebRTC working? How that that code be turned off?

RTCPeerConnection is fundamentally intended to allow two different browsers (or a browser and some other type of media endpoint, like a conferencing server) to exchange media in a peer-to-peer fashion. In that context, a "remote" track is media being sent to the browser from the other endpoint (be it browser, or media server, or what-have-you). By default, a browser is not permitted to capture "remote" media; the sender of the media has to opt-out of this privacy mechanism during the DTLS handshake. This DTLS handshake occurs before media is transmitted, and in most cases the sender does opt-out (including your case), but because the remote stream object exists long before any of this handshake even starts, there needs to be some way of communicating to JS that the opt-out has happened, and that the browser won't prevent capture. That's what the isolated attribute and isolationchange event (over at bug 1475360) are for. isolated == false means it is ok to capture, isolated == true means it isn't.

What is the fix for the linked bug, which was reported 4 years ago?

Someone needs to implement the internal logic to update that flag and fire events when it is appropriate.

(In reply to guest271314 from comment #21)

Why is this bug marked "FIXED"? The bug may be a duplicate of a 4 year old bug that has not been fixed. "FIXED" label is not accurate, unless "FIXED" means something different than the plain meaning of the term at

It is marked as a duplicate again; the transition through "fixed" was operator error.

(In reply to Byron Campen [:bwc] from comment #22)

(In reply to guest271314 from comment #20)

(In reply to Byron Campen [:bwc] from comment #18)

If it takes a while for this to take effect, then yes I can see unmute firing before it is done, which would make unmute insufficient as a workaround. There's nothing in the spec that says what the ordering should be, it is just surprising that it takes that long for the new principal to take effect. I think the only thing we can do here is fix bug 1475360. I guess you could work around by repeatedly trying until it works, but that's really lame.

The unmute event has no observable affect on the procedure. There is nothing which appears to take effect relevant to the MediaStreamTracks being labeled "remote".

"unmute" means that media packets (audio or video) are being received, which can only happen after DTLS is established, which is when we know for sure it is safe to allow the track to be captured (see below). Unfortunately, due to queuing/processing delays, that knowledge (that capture is ok) takes a while to sink in; apparently long enough that the "unmute" signal can make it to JS first. This is why this workaround isn't helping you.

Why are the MediaStreamTracks labeled "remote" in any event where both RTCPeerConnections originate from the same origin and scope? The error appears to be generated by resource://gre/modules/media/PeerConnection.jsm. What does that JavaScript do which is essential to WebRTC working? How that that code be turned off?

RTCPeerConnection is fundamentally intended to allow two different browsers (or a browser and some other type of media endpoint, like a conferencing server) to exchange media in a peer-to-peer fashion. In that context, a "remote" track is media being sent to the browser from the other endpoint (be it browser, or media server, or what-have-you). By default, a browser is not permitted to capture "remote" media; the sender of the media has to opt-out of this privacy mechanism during the DTLS handshake. This DTLS handshake occurs before media is transmitted, and in most cases the sender does opt-out (including your case), but because the remote stream object exists long before any of this handshake even starts, there needs to be some way of communicating to JS that the opt-out has happened, and that the browser won't prevent capture. That's what the isolated attribute and isolationchange event (over at bug 1475360) are for. isolated == false means it is ok to capture, isolated == true means it isn't.

What is the fix for the linked bug, which was reported 4 years ago?

Someone needs to implement the internal logic to update that flag and fire events when it is appropriate.

The sole reason that RTCPeerConnection was utilized for this use case is for RTCRtpSender.replaceTrack(), specifically the language in the specification "multiple sources of media stitched together" ( Given that MediaRecorder does not have a means to replace MediaStream tracks (see, et al). What is necessary to use the code which implements RTCRtpSender.replaceTrack() with any MediaStream/MediaStreamTrack without explicitly or implicitly using RTCPeerConnection()?

You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.