Open Bug 1542985 Opened 5 years ago Updated 11 months ago

Can't remove containers if it contains a tab.


(Firefox :: Security, defect, P3)




Tracking Status
firefox68 --- affected


(Reporter: jya, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


I created a Facebook container which I now want to delete so that I can play with the specific Facebook container extension.

When in the containers preferences I go to delete it, I get a message "If you remove this Container now, 1 container tab will be closed. Are you sure you want to remove this Container?"

I click on "Remove this Container" button, then nothing happen.

I played with other containers and they can be removed so long as they don't contain a tab.

Without further information I don't think this belongs under Firefox. I think this likely belongs to the Multi-Accounts Containers extension (, I believe?)

Additionally I can't seem to reproduce this on my end, so you may want to provide more detail.

Flags: needinfo?(jyavenard)

Hey jkt, where should bugs like this live?

Flags: needinfo?(jkt)

It sounds like this error is coming from I haven't seen this before.

As we don't have a component, we usually put this in "Firefox: Security" and make it depend on block "ContextualIdentity" aka Bug 1191418

Component: General → Security
Flags: needinfo?(jkt)
Priority: -- → P3

I don't know what more details I can provide.

Before installing the new Facebook extension, I had manually created a new Facebook container and I had a facebook tab opened in it.

Attempting to delete this Facebook container didn't do anything.

Flags: needinfo?(jyavenard)
Severity: normal → S3

Add-ons all diabled: "Troobleshoot mode on"

I have a couple of dozen containers, created by Simple Tab Groups: temporary containers all, which can't be deleted now, and not deleted by the extension automatically before - but this is another issue, even the extension is classified "Recommended" by Mozilla

there should be a way to delete all container, without any condition which is not the case actually

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