Closed Bug 1544941 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Intermittent devtools/client/inspector/computed/test/browser_computed_browser-styles.js | A promise chain failed to handle a rejection: EveryWindow is not defined - stack: startObserving@moz-extension://375937f5-1eba-f44a-8185-0a7848fc3405/privileged


(DevTools :: Inspector, defect, P5)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure, regression)

Filed by: nerli [at]

18:58:42 INFO - TEST-START | devtools/client/inspector/computed/test/browser_computed_browser-styles.js
18:58:42 INFO - GECKO(815) | JavaScript error: moz-extension://375937f5-1eba-f44a-8185-0a7848fc3405/privileged/FirefoxMonitor.jsm, line 236: ReferenceError: EveryWindow is not defined
18:58:44 INFO - GECKO(815) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "UPDATE_GRIDS"
18:58:44 INFO - GECKO(815) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "CLEAR_FLEXBOX"
18:58:44 INFO - GECKO(815) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "UPDATE_OFFSET_PARENT"
18:58:44 INFO - GECKO(815) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "UPDATE_LAYOUT"
18:58:44 INFO - GECKO(815) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "CLEAR_FLEXBOX"
18:58:45 INFO - GECKO(815) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "UPDATE_OFFSET_PARENT"
18:58:45 INFO - GECKO(815) | console.log: "[DISPATCH] action type:" "UPDATE_LAYOUT"
18:58:45 INFO - TEST-INFO | started process screencapture
18:58:45 INFO - TEST-INFO | screencapture: exit 0
18:58:45 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 18:58:42
18:58:45 INFO - Entering test bound
18:58:45 INFO - Adding a new tab with URL: data:text/html;charset=utf-8,%0A%20%20%3Cstyle%20type%3D%22text%2Fcss%22%3E%0A%20%20%20%20.matches%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20color%3A%20%23F00%3B%0A%20%20%20%20%7D%0A%20%20%3C%2Fstyle%3E%0A%20%20%3Cspan%20id%3D%22matches%22%20class%3D%22matches%22%3ESome%20styled%20text%3C%2Fspan%3E%0A
18:58:45 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "ReferenceError: EveryWindow is not defined" {file: "moz-extension://375937f5-1eba-f44a-8185-0a7848fc3405/privileged/FirefoxMonitor.jsm" line: 236}]
18:58:45 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 18:58:43
18:58:45 INFO - Tab added and finished loading
18:58:45 INFO - Opening the inspector
18:58:45 INFO - Opening the toolbox
18:58:45 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 18:58:44
18:58:45 INFO - Toolbox opened and focused
18:58:45 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 18:58:45
18:58:45 INFO - Selecting the computedview sidebar
18:58:45 INFO - Selecting the node for '#matches'
18:58:45 INFO - Checking the default styles
18:58:45 INFO - Checking property visibility for color
18:58:45 INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/inspector/computed/test/browser_computed_browser-styles.js | span #matches color property is visible -
18:58:45 INFO - Checking property visibility for background-color
18:58:45 INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/inspector/computed/test/browser_computed_browser-styles.js | span #matches background-color property is hidden -
18:58:45 INFO - Toggling the browser styles
18:58:45 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "Use of nsIFile in content process is deprecated." {file: "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm" line: 245}]
18:58:45 INFO - Checking the browser styles
18:58:45 INFO - Checking property visibility for color
18:58:45 INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/inspector/computed/test/browser_computed_browser-styles.js | span color property is visible -
18:58:45 INFO - Checking property visibility for background-color
18:58:45 INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/inspector/computed/test/browser_computed_browser-styles.js | span background-color property is visible -
18:58:45 INFO - Buffered messages finished
18:58:45 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | devtools/client/inspector/computed/test/browser_computed_browser-styles.js | A promise chain failed to handle a rejection: EveryWindow is not defined - stack: startObserving@moz-extension://375937f5-1eba-f44a-8185-0a7848fc3405/privileged/FirefoxMonitor.jsm:236:5
18:58:45 INFO - init@moz-extension://375937f5-1eba-f44a-8185-0a7848fc3405/privileged/FirefoxMonitor.jsm:87:12
18:58:45 INFO - start@jar:file:///Users/cltbld/tasks/task_1555440959/build/application/!/privileged/api.js:19:56
18:58:45 INFO - call/result</<@resource://gre/modules/ExtensionParent.jsm:950:49
18:58:45 INFO - withPendingBrowser@resource://gre/modules/ExtensionParent.jsm:604:26
18:58:45 INFO - call/result<@resource://gre/modules/ExtensionParent.jsm:949:24
18:58:45 INFO - withTiming@resource://gre/modules/ExtensionParent.jsm:916:14
18:58:45 INFO - call@resource://gre/modules/ExtensionParent.jsm:948:25
18:58:45 INFO - async*receiveMessage@resource://gre/modules/ExtensionParent.jsm:839:16
18:58:45 INFO - MessageListener.receiveMessage*init@resource://gre/modules/ExtensionParent.jsm:783:17
18:58:45 INFO - @resource://gre/modules/ExtensionParent.jsm:1047:18
18:58:45 INFO - @resource://gre/modules/Extension.jsm:77:39
18:58:45 INFO - loadManifestFromWebManifest@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIInstall.jsm:386:19
18:58:45 INFO - loadManifest@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIInstall.jsm:538:19
18:58:45 INFO - async*loadManifestFromFile@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIInstall.jsm:602:23
18:58:45 INFO - syncLoadManifestFromFile@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIInstall.jsm:614:35
18:58:45 INFO - addMetadata@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIDatabase.jsm:2408:32
18:58:45 INFO - processFileChanges@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIDatabase.jsm:2779:26
18:58:45 INFO - checkForChanges@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:2719:55
18:58:45 INFO - startup@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:2265:12
18:58:45 INFO - callProvider@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:200:31
18:58:45 INFO - _startProvider@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:651:5
18:58:45 INFO - startup@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:807:14
18:58:45 INFO - startup@resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm:2806:26
18:58:45 INFO - observe@resource://gre/modules/addonManager.js:65:29
18:58:45 INFO - Rejection date: Tue Apr 16 2019 18:58:42 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time) - false == true - JS frame :: resource://testing-common/PromiseTestUtils.jsm :: assertNoUncaughtRejections :: line 257
18:58:45 INFO - Stack trace:
18:58:45 INFO - resource://testing-common/PromiseTestUtils.jsm:assertNoUncaughtRejections:257
18:58:45 INFO - chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:Tester_execTest/<:1140
18:58:45 INFO - chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:Tester_execTest:1144
18:58:45 INFO - chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:nextTest/<:1005
18:58:45 INFO - chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:SimpleTest.waitForFocus/waitForFocusInner/focusedOrLoaded/<:803
18:58:45 INFO - Leaving test bound
18:58:45 INFO - GECKO(815) | console.warn: "Error while detaching the thread front: 'detach' request packet to 'server1.conn0.child1/context18' can't be sent as the connection is closed."
18:58:46 INFO - Removing tab.
18:58:46 INFO - Waiting for event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement].
18:58:46 INFO - Got event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement].
18:58:46 INFO - Tab removed and finished closing
18:58:46 INFO - GECKO(815) | MEMORY STAT vsizeMaxContiguous not supported in this build configuration.
18:58:46 INFO - GECKO(815) | MEMORY STAT | vsize 5498MB | residentFast 357MB | heapAllocated 115MB
18:58:46 INFO - TEST-OK | devtools/client/inspector/computed/test/browser_computed_browser-styles.js | took 3898ms
18:58:46 INFO - checking window state

Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Component: Inspector: Computed → Inspector
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