Closed Bug 1545893 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Intermittent Last test finished | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::workerinternals::RuntimeService::CrashIfHanging()] after application terminated with exit code 11


(Core :: DOM: Service Workers, defect, P3)






(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Keywords: crash, intermittent-failure, regression)

Filed by: ccoroiu [at]

[task 2019-04-19T20:07:13.999Z] 20:07:13 INFO - REFTEST TEST-PASS | file:///builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/reftest-sanity/prefix/suffix.html | passed item 1
[task 2019-04-19T20:07:14.001Z] 20:07:14 INFO - REFTEST TEST-END | file:///builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/reftest-sanity/prefix/suffix.html
[task 2019-04-19T20:07:14.033Z] 20:07:14 INFO - REFTEST INFO | Slowest test took 175ms (data:text/plain,HELLO)
[task 2019-04-19T20:07:14.035Z] 20:07:14 INFO - REFTEST INFO | Total canvas count = 2
[task 2019-04-19T20:07:14.258Z] 20:07:14 INFO - JavaScript error: resource://reftest/reftest.jsm, line 1569: NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE: Component returned failure code: 0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) [nsIPropertyBag2.getPropertyAsAString]
[task 2019-04-19T20:07:14.268Z] 20:07:14 INFO - JavaScript error: resource://reftest/reftest.jsm, line 1569: NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE: Component returned failure code: 0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) [nsIPropertyBag2.getPropertyAsAString]
[task 2019-04-19T20:07:14.306Z] 20:07:14 INFO - JavaScript error: resource://reftest/reftest.jsm, line 1569: NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE: Component returned failure code: 0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) [nsIPropertyBag2.getPropertyAsAString]
[task 2019-04-19T20:07:14.308Z] 20:07:14 INFO - JavaScript error: resource://reftest/reftest.jsm, line 1569: NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE: Component returned failure code: 0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) [nsIPropertyBag2.getPropertyAsAString]
[task 2019-04-19T20:07:14.850Z] 20:07:14 INFO - ###!!! [Parent][DispatchAsyncMessage] Error: PBackground::Msg_PBackgroundIDBFactoryConstructor Value error: message was deserialized, but contained an illegal value
[task 2019-04-19T20:07:14.851Z] 20:07:14 INFO - ###!!! [Parent][DispatchAsyncMessage] Error: PBackgroundIDBFactory::Msg_PBackgroundIDBFactoryRequestConstructor Route error: message sent to unknown actor ID
[task 2019-04-19T20:07:15.608Z] 20:07:15 INFO - 1555704435603 Marionette TRACE Received observer notification xpcom-will-shutdown
[task 2019-04-19T20:07:15.612Z] 20:07:15 INFO - 1555704435603 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 2828
[task 2019-04-19T20:07:15.612Z] 20:07:15 INFO - 1555704435603 Marionette DEBUG Remote service is inactive
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:04.251Z] 20:08:04 INFO - JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/osfile/osfile_async_front.jsm, line 400: Error: OS.File has been shut down. Rejecting post to stat
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:19.193Z] 20:08:19 INFO - ExceptionHandler::GenerateDump cloned child ExceptionHandler::WaitForContinueSignal waiting for continue signal...
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:19.195Z] 20:08:19 INFO - 10739
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:19.197Z] 20:08:19 INFO - ExceptionHandler::SendContinueSignalToChild sent continue signal to child
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:19.380Z] 20:08:19 ERROR - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | Last test finished | application terminated with exit code 11
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:19.380Z] 20:08:19 INFO - REFTEST INFO | Downloading symbols from:
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:23.692Z] 20:08:23 INFO - REFTEST INFO | Copy/paste: /builds/worker/workspace/build/linux64-minidump_stackwalk /tmp/tmpXO5Jyu.mozrunner/minidumps/1a9a9d88-232c-dc05-a4df-d72e7610b73d.dmp /tmp/tmp1cbgSj
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.863Z] 20:08:29 INFO - REFTEST INFO | Saved minidump as /builds/worker/workspace/build/blobber_upload_dir/1a9a9d88-232c-dc05-a4df-d72e7610b73d.dmp
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.866Z] 20:08:29 INFO - REFTEST INFO | Saved app info as /builds/worker/workspace/build/blobber_upload_dir/1a9a9d88-232c-dc05-a4df-d72e7610b73d.extra
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.925Z] 20:08:29 INFO - REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | Last test finished | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::workerinternals::RuntimeService::CrashIfHanging()]
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.926Z] 20:08:29 INFO - Crash dump filename: /tmp/tmpXO5Jyu.mozrunner/minidumps/1a9a9d88-232c-dc05-a4df-d72e7610b73d.dmp
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.927Z] 20:08:29 INFO - Operating system: Linux
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.927Z] 20:08:29 INFO - 0.0.0 Linux 4.4.0-1014-aws #14taskcluster1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 3 10:27:00 UTC 2018 x86_64
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.927Z] 20:08:29 INFO - CPU: x86
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.927Z] 20:08:29 INFO - GenuineIntel family 6 model 62 stepping 4
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.928Z] 20:08:29 INFO - 2 CPUs
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.928Z] 20:08:29 INFO -
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.928Z] 20:08:29 INFO - GPU: UNKNOWN
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.928Z] 20:08:29 INFO -
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.929Z] 20:08:29 INFO - Crash reason: SIGSEGV /SEGV_MAPERR
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.929Z] 20:08:29 INFO - Crash address: 0x0
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.929Z] 20:08:29 INFO - Process uptime: not available
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.929Z] 20:08:29 INFO -
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.930Z] 20:08:29 INFO - Thread 31 (crashed)
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.930Z] 20:08:29 INFO - 0!mozilla::dom::workerinternals::RuntimeService::CrashIfHanging() [RuntimeService.cpp:590157f23b85a1cfcd6d3e910fbf4baefec5f3c6 : 1785 + 0x19]
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.930Z] 20:08:29 INFO - eip = 0xefdce5dd esp = 0xcc0ff2a0 ebp = 0xcc0ff2f8 ebx = 0xf52c9000
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.930Z] 20:08:29 INFO - esi = 0x00000001 edi = 0xce44a200 eax = 0xce11d180 ecx = 0x565dd4dc
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.931Z] 20:08:29 INFO - edx = 0x00000074 efl = 0x00010286
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.931Z] 20:08:29 INFO - Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.931Z] 20:08:29 INFO - 1!mozilla::(anonymous namespace)::RunWatchdog(void*) [nsTerminator.cpp:590157f23b85a1cfcd6d3e910fbf4baefec5f3c6 : 207 + 0x8]
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.931Z] 20:08:29 INFO - eip = 0xf14b5cce esp = 0xcc0ff300 ebp = 0xcc0ff328 ebx = 0xf52c9000
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.932Z] 20:08:29 INFO - esi = 0x0000003f edi = 0xd23ff7dc
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.932Z] 20:08:29 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.932Z] 20:08:29 INFO - 2!_pt_root [ptthread.c:590157f23b85a1cfcd6d3e910fbf4baefec5f3c6 : 201 + 0x9]
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.932Z] 20:08:29 INFO - eip = 0xf72de9de esp = 0xcc0ff330 ebp = 0xcc0ff368 ebx = 0xf72ee000
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.933Z] 20:08:29 INFO - esi = 0xf7027958 edi = 0xd53dac40
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.933Z] 20:08:29 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.933Z] 20:08:29 INFO - 3 + 0x6295
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.933Z] 20:08:29 INFO - eip = 0xf76b0295 esp = 0xcc0ff370 ebp = 0xcc0ff428 ebx = 0x00000000
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.934Z] 20:08:29 INFO - esi = 0x00000000 edi = 0x003d0f00
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.934Z] 20:08:29 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.934Z] 20:08:29 INFO - 4 + 0xe70ae
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.934Z] 20:08:29 INFO - eip = 0xf73db0ae esp = 0xcc0ff430 ebp = 0x00000000
[task 2019-04-19T20:08:29.935Z] 20:08:29 INFO - Found by: previous frame's frame pointer

Don't mark intermittent crashes as P5s. We want them to go to triage owners.

Priority: P5 → --
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Crash Signature: [@ mozilla::dom::workerinternals::RuntimeService::CrashIfHanging()]
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