Open Bug 1547101 Opened 6 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Restore test browser_viewport_resizing_scrollbar.js when RDM can snapshot inner content


(DevTools :: Responsive Design Mode, task, P2)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: bradwerth, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


Bug 1538681 added a test of simulated rotation of a handheld device, to confirm that scrollbars appear correctly from portrait -> landscape -> portrait. Interactively, the fix appears to work, but an attempted test using RDM does not work due to difficulties in snapshotting the RDM content itself. These issues are detailed in the test, which is currently marked as skip-if = true.

Resolve the issues in some fashion and enable the test.

Whiteboard: [rdm-mvp]
Priority: P3 → P2
Type: defect → task
Whiteboard: [rdm-mvp]

It looks like Bug 1561227 is on track to resolve this issue.

Depends on: 1561227

(In reply to Brad Werth [:bradwerth] from comment #1)

It looks like Bug 1561227 is on track to resolve this issue.

No longer will Bug 1561227 resolve this.

No longer depends on: 1561227
Summary: Restore test browser_toolbox_swap_browsers.js when RDM can snapshot inner content → Restore test browser_viewport_resizing_scrollbar.js when RDM can snapshot inner content
Severity: normal → S3
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