Closed Bug 1548810 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Managing obsolete indexes


(Taskcluster :: General, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mhentges, Unassigned)



Use case:
Fenix used the same index for a while to point to the latest raptor-ready app:

As the releng team, we realized that some of this information is redundant, so we refactor the index (and add a v2 prefix to differentiate the new structure):

Between these two stages, downstream consumers start using our original index - some tell releng informally, others just silently depend on the index.
We in releng notify those that we know/remember are using the index before we make the change.

However, we still have the following issues:

  • We aren't officially keeping track of who is using each index, so some consumers aren't notified of the transition
  • Consumers that are using an old index have no way to know that an index isn't used anymore, except they won't be overridden/created anymore - which, to consumers, is ambiguous between "builds have been failing, therefore not creating indexes" or "the index has changed"
  • Consumers who realize that they're using an old index don't know where the new one is: they need to comb through commits/PRs to find out who changed the index, then need to manually find the new index (or talk to the team that caused the change).

When indexes are obsolete, I think we need a way to:

  • Notify index-consumers that they're out-of-date (warn on-GET? Fail the index-GET-request?)
  • Inform index-consumers of the new index that they probably want
  • Ensure that obsolete indexes are properly marked as "obsolete"

I don't know the best way of solving this. Native versioning that isn't just appending a string? Manual "mark-as-obsolete"? 🤔

Type: defect → enhancement

One thing that might make consumers both notice and curse less loudly is if you 303 (See Other) but accept with a specific HTTP header (&allow_obselete=1) or similar. That will cause clients to require updates (so consumers notice) but not make them fix the issue right that minute.

I like Nick's idea, but allowing arbitrary 303's (even if adding them requires scopes) needs some thought from a security perspective -- we don't want to become an open redirector.

On the other hand, this feels like a kind of normal "things change, it's software, get used to it" situation, so it doesn't feel like a situation we must address.

Mitch, if you're interested in pursuing this, maybe put together a proposal and develop it into an RFC? Otherwise, let's close this up.

Flags: needinfo?(mitch9654)

I won't be able to pursue this, so I'll close it.

Flags: needinfo?(mitch9654)
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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