Closed Bug 154956 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Provide estimated time remaining in (hh:)mm:ss format.


(Camino Graveyard :: General, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: me, Assigned: saari)


Even though the estimate provided is not usually accurate, you should still provide that information in it's completion. (Could be set as a preference.)
I disagree.  

Good Mac apps (ie, the Finder, Omniweb, etc) report estimated time as 
"about 5 seconds left" or "about 20 minutes left" rather than 17:23 left.
This sort of touchy-feely folksy feedback is why we use Macs.
It's what separates us from the unwashed windows-using masses.

As for adding a preference to control this behavior: Ack.
Summary: Provide estimated time remaining in (hh:)mm:ss format. → [RFE] Provide estimated time remaining in (hh:)mm:ss format.
I agree with Haas and propose this is WONTFIX, or should be changed to implement
the behavior described in Comment #1.
Specifically, JAHIG, pg.27 says:

"For operations that don’t execute immediately, use a progress indicator to
provide useful information about how long the operation will take. See “Progress
Indicators” (page 139). Users don’t need to know precisely how many seconds an
operation will take, but it helps to give an estimate. For example, the Mac OS
uses statements such as “about a minute remains.” It can also be helpful to
communicate the total number of steps needed to complete a task—“Copying 30 of
850 files,” for example."

This also makes the application look less stupid since it is less likely that
the time remaining will be going up instead of down if there are some network
hiccups. Also recommend WONTFIX.
Summary: [RFE] Provide estimated time remaining in (hh:)mm:ss format. → Provide estimated time remaining in (hh:)mm:ss format.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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