Closed Bug 1550038 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Intermittent js/xpconnect/tests/marionette/ TestLoaderGlobalSharing.test_global_sharing_settings | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::workerinternals::RuntimeService::CrashIfHanging()]


(Core :: DOM: Workers, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Keywords: crash, regression)

Crash Data

Filed by: dluca [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

TEST-START | js/xpconnect/tests/marionette/ TestLoaderGlobalSharing.test_global_sharing_settings
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:20.966Z] 14:57:20 INFO - 1557327440962 Marionette DEBUG Accepted connection 2 from
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:20.967Z] 14:57:20 INFO - 1557327440963 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,1,"WebDriver:NewSession",{"strictFileInteractability":true}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:20.968Z] 14:57:20 INFO - 1557327440965 Marionette TRACE [4294967297] Frame script loaded
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:20.970Z] 14:57:20 INFO - 1557327440968 Marionette TRACE [4294967297] Frame script registered
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:20.974Z] 14:57:20 INFO - 1557327440971 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,1,null,{"sessionId":"e11e8276-9538-45ba-a486-b597d78a0a07","capabilities":{"browserName":"firefox","browserVersion":"68.0a ... mp/tmpuOJpkQ.mozrunner","moz:shutdownTimeout":60000,"moz:useNonSpecCompliantPointerOrigin":false,"moz:webdriverClick":true}}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:20.975Z] 14:57:20 INFO - 1557327440973 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,2,"WebDriver:SetTimeouts",{"script":30000}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:20.976Z] 14:57:20 INFO - 1557327440974 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,2,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:20.980Z] 14:57:20 INFO - 1557327440976 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,3,"WebDriver:SetTimeouts",{"pageLoad":300000}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:20.981Z] 14:57:20 INFO - 1557327440977 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,3,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:20.983Z] 14:57:20 INFO - 1557327440979 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,4,"WebDriver:SetTimeouts",{"implicit":0}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:20.985Z] 14:57:20 INFO - 1557327440982 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,4,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:20.986Z] 14:57:20 INFO - 1557327440983 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,5,"Marionette:SetContext",{"value":"chrome"}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:20.987Z] 14:57:20 INFO - 1557327440984 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,5,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:20.988Z] 14:57:20 INFO - 1557327440985 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,6,"Marionette:GetContext",{}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:20.989Z] 14:57:20 INFO - 1557327440986 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,6,null,{"value":"chrome"}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:20.991Z] 14:57:20 INFO - 1557327440988 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,7,"Marionette:SetContext",{"value":"chrome"}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:20.992Z] 14:57:20 INFO - 1557327440988 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,7,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:20.993Z] 14:57:20 INFO - 1557327440990 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,8,"WebDriver:ExecuteScript",{"script":"const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} =\n ... ,"filename":"tests/js/xpconnect/tests/marionette/","sandbox":"loader-global-sharing","line":18}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:20.997Z] 14:57:20 INFO - 1557327440994 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,8,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:20.998Z] 14:57:20 INFO - Testing MOZ_LOADER_SHARE_GLOBAL=None jsloader.shareGlobal=False
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:20.999Z] 14:57:20 INFO - 1557327440995 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,9,"Marionette:SetContext",{"value":"chrome"}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.000Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327440995 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,9,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.001Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327440997 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,10,"Marionette:GetContext",{}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.002Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327440997 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,10,null,{"value":"chrome"}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.005Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441000 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,11,"Marionette:SetContext",{"value":"chrome"}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.005Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441001 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,11,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.007Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441003 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,12,"WebDriver:ExecuteScript",{"script":"Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm");\n\n ... e,false],"filename":"../../venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/marionette_driver/","sandbox":"default","line":766}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.010Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441008 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,12,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.012Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441009 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,13,"Marionette:SetContext",{"value":"chrome"}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.013Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441010 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,13,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.014Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441011 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,14,"Marionette:GetContext",{}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.016Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441012 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,14,null,{"value":"chrome"}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.018Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441015 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,15,"Marionette:SetContext",{"value":"chrome"}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.019Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441015 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,15,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.021Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441018 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,16,"WebDriver:ExecuteScript",{"script":"env.set(arguments[0], arguments[1]);","newSandbox":false,"args":["MOZ_LOADER_SHARE ... ,"filename":"tests/js/xpconnect/tests/marionette/","sandbox":"loader-global-sharing","line":18}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.022Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441021 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,16,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.024Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441022 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,17,"Marionette:SetContext",{"value":"chrome"}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.026Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441023 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,17,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.027Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441024 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,18,"Marionette:GetContext",{}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.028Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441025 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,18,null,{"value":"chrome"}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.029Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441026 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,19,"Marionette:AcceptConnections",{"value":false}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.030Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441027 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 2828
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.031Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441027 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,19,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.032Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441029 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,20,"Marionette:GetContext",{}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.033Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441030 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,20,null,{"value":"chrome"}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.035Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441033 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,21,"Marionette:SetContext",{"value":"chrome"}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.036Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441034 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,21,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.041Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441035 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,22,"WebDriver:ExecuteScript",{"script":"Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");\n ... args":[],"filename":"../../venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/marionette_driver/","sandbox":"default","line":901}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.041Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441039 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,22,null,{"value":false}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.042Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441039 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,23,"Marionette:SetContext",{"value":"chrome"}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.043Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441040 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,23,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.045Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441042 Marionette DEBUG 2 -> [0,24,"Marionette:Quit",{"flags":["eForceQuit","eRestart"]}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.053Z] 14:57:21 INFO - JavaScript error: resource://activity-stream/lib/ActivityStreamPrefs.jsm, line 23: NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE: Component returned failure code: 0x80070057 (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE) [nsIPrefBranch.removeObserver]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.097Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441094 Marionette TRACE Received observer notification quit-application
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.105Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441101 Marionette DEBUG 2 <- [1,24,null,{"cause":"restart"}]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.147Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441143 Marionette DEBUG Closed connection 2
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.681Z] 14:57:21 INFO - JavaScript error: resource://activity-stream/lib/PlacesFeed.jsm, line 171: NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED: Component returned failure code: 0x8000ffff (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED) [nsINavHistoryService.addObserver]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.689Z] 14:57:21 INFO - JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/ExtensionSettingsStore.jsm, line 105: Error: The ExtensionSettingsStore was accessed before the initialize promise resolved.
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.708Z] 14:57:21 INFO - JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/IndexedDB.jsm, line 349: UnknownError: The operation failed for reasons unrelated to the database itself and not covered by any other error code.
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.711Z] 14:57:21 INFO - JavaScript error: resource:///modules/Discovery.jsm, line 80: NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE: Component returned failure code: 0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) [nsICookieManager.remove]
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.717Z] 14:57:21 INFO - JavaScript error: , line 0: AbortError: A request was aborted, for example through a call to IDBTransaction.abort.
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.719Z] 14:57:21 INFO - JavaScript error: , line 0: AbortError: A request was aborted, for example through a call to IDBTransaction.abort.
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.728Z] 14:57:21 INFO - JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/Sqlite.jsm, line 834: Error: Connection is not open.
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.730Z] 14:57:21 INFO - JavaScript error: , line 0: AbortError: A request was aborted, for example through a call to IDBTransaction.abort.
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.735Z] 14:57:21 INFO - ###!!! [Parent][DispatchAsyncMessage] Error: PBackground::Msg_PBackgroundIDBFactoryConstructor Value error: message was deserialized, but contained an illegal value
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.737Z] 14:57:21 INFO - ###!!! [Parent][DispatchAsyncMessage] Error: PBackgroundIDBFactory::Msg_PBackgroundIDBFactoryRequestConstructor Route error: message sent to unknown actor ID
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.886Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441881 Marionette TRACE Received observer notification xpcom-will-shutdown
[task 2019-05-08T14:57:21.887Z] 14:57:21 INFO - 1557327441882 Marionette DEBUG Remote service is inactive
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:15.056Z] 14:58:15 INFO - JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/osfile/osfile_async_front.jsm, line 400: Error: OS.File has been shut down. Rejecting post to stat
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:25.123Z] 14:58:25 INFO - ExceptionHandler::GenerateDump cloned child 12540
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:25.124Z] 14:58:25 INFO - ExceptionHandler::SendContinueSignalToChild sent continue signal to child
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:25.124Z] 14:58:25 INFO - ExceptionHandler::WaitForContinueSignal waiting for continue signal...
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:31.214Z] 14:58:31 INFO - mozcrash Downloading symbols from:
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:35.512Z] 14:58:35 INFO - mozcrash Copy/paste: /builds/worker/workspace/build/linux64-minidump_stackwalk /tmp/tmpuOJpkQ.mozrunner/minidumps/47555c31-b3eb-0f60-e9c0-60646f39113b.dmp /tmp/tmpXtSukA
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.159Z] 14:58:41 INFO - mozcrash Saved minidump as /builds/worker/workspace/build/blobber_upload_dir/47555c31-b3eb-0f60-e9c0-60646f39113b.dmp
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.160Z] 14:58:41 INFO - mozcrash Saved app info as /builds/worker/workspace/build/blobber_upload_dir/47555c31-b3eb-0f60-e9c0-60646f39113b.extra
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.222Z] 14:58:41 INFO - PROCESS-CRASH | js/xpconnect/tests/marionette/ TestLoaderGlobalSharing.test_global_sharing_settings | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::workerinternals::RuntimeService::CrashIfHanging()]
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.224Z] 14:58:41 INFO - Crash dump filename: /tmp/tmpuOJpkQ.mozrunner/minidumps/47555c31-b3eb-0f60-e9c0-60646f39113b.dmp
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.226Z] 14:58:41 INFO - Operating system: Linux
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.227Z] 14:58:41 INFO - 0.0.0 Linux 4.4.0-1014-aws #14taskcluster1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 3 10:27:00 UTC 2018 x86_64
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.229Z] 14:58:41 INFO - CPU: amd64
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.230Z] 14:58:41 INFO - family 6 model 62 stepping 4
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.232Z] 14:58:41 INFO - 2 CPUs
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.233Z] 14:58:41 INFO -
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.235Z] 14:58:41 INFO - GPU: UNKNOWN
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.236Z] 14:58:41 INFO -
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.238Z] 14:58:41 INFO - Crash reason: SIGSEGV /SEGV_MAPERR
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.239Z] 14:58:41 INFO - Crash address: 0x0
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.241Z] 14:58:41 INFO - Process uptime: not available
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.242Z] 14:58:41 INFO -
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.244Z] 14:58:41 INFO - Thread 24 (crashed)
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.245Z] 14:58:41 INFO - 0!mozilla::dom::workerinternals::RuntimeService::CrashIfHanging() [RuntimeService.cpp:51988a2d186aa08ab16d0ae5aa0d71bee1a7ffad : 1789 + 0x13]
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.246Z] 14:58:41 INFO - rax = 0x00007f806fff8ac0 rdx = 0x0000000000000074
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.248Z] 14:58:41 INFO - rcx = 0x000056473ced6920 rbx = 0x00007f806df31480
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.249Z] 14:58:41 INFO - rsi = 0x00007f806ddca2c0 rdi = 0x00007f806fff8af4
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.251Z] 14:58:41 INFO - rbp = 0x00007f806dafee90 rsp = 0x00007f806dafee10
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.252Z] 14:58:41 INFO - r8 = 0x0000000000000001 r9 = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.254Z] 14:58:41 INFO - r10 = 0x00007f8093b00180 r11 = 0x00007f8093db4e10
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.255Z] 14:58:41 INFO - r12 = 0x00007f809464c305 r13 = 0x0000000000000001
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.257Z] 14:58:41 INFO - r14 = 0x00007f806eb57000 r15 = 0x00007f806dafee38
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.258Z] 14:58:41 INFO - rip = 0x00007f8084bf6cbd
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.259Z] 14:58:41 INFO - Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.261Z] 14:58:41 INFO - 1!mozilla::(anonymous namespace)::RunWatchdog(void*) [nsTerminator.cpp:51988a2d186aa08ab16d0ae5aa0d71bee1a7ffad : 207 + 0x8]
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.263Z] 14:58:41 INFO - rbx = 0x000000000000003f rbp = 0x00007f806dafeec0
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.264Z] 14:58:41 INFO - rsp = 0x00007f806dafeea0 r12 = 0x00007f8093a589f8
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.266Z] 14:58:41 INFO - r13 = 0x00007f8070244ca0 r14 = 0x00007f807c87fd18
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.267Z] 14:58:41 INFO - r15 = 0x00007f8093a14080 rip = 0x00007f80862b57b1
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.269Z] 14:58:41 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.270Z] 14:58:41 INFO - 2!_pt_root [ptthread.c:51988a2d186aa08ab16d0ae5aa0d71bee1a7ffad : 201 + 0x8]
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.272Z] 14:58:41 INFO - rbx = 0x0000000000000007 rbp = 0x00007f806dafef10
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.273Z] 14:58:41 INFO - rsp = 0x00007f806dafeed0 r12 = 0x00007f8093a589f8
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.274Z] 14:58:41 INFO - r13 = 0x00007f8070244ca0 r14 = 0x00007f806daff700
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.275Z] 14:58:41 INFO - r15 = 0x00007f8093a14080 rip = 0x00007f80950ab644
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.275Z] 14:58:41 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.276Z] 14:58:41 INFO - 3 + 0x76ba
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.277Z] 14:58:41 INFO - rbx = 0x0000000000000000 rbp = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.278Z] 14:58:41 INFO - rsp = 0x00007f806dafef20 r12 = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.279Z] 14:58:41 INFO - r13 = 0x00007ffed4a80b5f r14 = 0x00007f806daff9c0
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.280Z] 14:58:41 INFO - r15 = 0x0000000000000001 rip = 0x00007f8094cab6ba
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.281Z] 14:58:41 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.282Z] 14:58:41 INFO - 4 + 0x10741d
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.283Z] 14:58:41 INFO - rsp = 0x00007f806dafefc0 rip = 0x00007f8093d3441d
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.284Z] 14:58:41 INFO - Found by: stack scanning
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.284Z] 14:58:41 INFO -
[task 2019-05-08T14:58:41.285Z] 14:58:41 INFO - Thread 0

Component: XPConnect → DOM: Workers
Priority: P5 → --
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Crash Signature: [@ mozilla::dom::workerinternals::RuntimeService::CrashIfHanging()] → [@ mozilla::dom::workerinternals::RuntimeService::CrashIfHanging]
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