Closed Bug 1551655 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Searching using the urlbar doesn't trigger a `` event


(Firefox :: Search, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: chutten, Unassigned)


I was poking around with search and Telemetry and noticed that searches in the urlbar weren't triggering events.

Is this expected?


I think I remember asking about this before, and it isn't enabled by default from what I recall. I've a feeling it was added for an experiment that isn't active at the moment.

Maybe Mike can remember.

Flags: needinfo?(mdeboer)

By quick code inspection we seem to reach down to browserUsageTelemetry._recordSearch, and I don't see exceptions in the console.

If I look into about:telemetry I can find browser.engagement.navigation.urlbar, and under telemetry.event_counts I see navigation#search#urlbar 2.

(In reply to Marco Bonardo [::mak] from comment #2)

If I look into about:telemetry I can find browser.engagement.navigation.urlbar, and under telemetry.event_counts I see navigation#search#urlbar 2.

Oh yes, that's strange. It is under keyed scalars rather than events.

Chris, any ideas what's happening here?

Flags: needinfo?(mdeboer) → needinfo?(chutten)

Ahhhhh, no one enabled the "navigation" category of events? Then this is all designed behaviour.

telemetry.event_counts is part of "Event Summary", a feature we added to count the number of events being recorded even if they're disabled.

And browser.engagement.navigation.urlbar is a Scalar which is always enabled.

So sorry for the bug, this appears to be working as designed. It may not be working as expected, though, in which case let me know and we'll see if maybe there's a bug in the documentation or the design of the broader Telemetry system we might be able to address.

Flags: needinfo?(chutten)
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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