Open Bug 155271 Opened 22 years ago Updated 9 years ago

Message List Pane should "snap in" on resizing


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, enhancement, P5)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: KaiE, Unassigned)


Open the three pane mail window
Use the horizontal splitter to resize the message list pane.

Actual behaviour: Any resize position is allowed.

Suggested behaviour: After resizing, the message pane size should automatically
snap in to the closest size that is a full multiple of the line height. This
would avoid having to look at half-readable lines.
Severity: normal → enhancement
cc'ing Jan, is there a simple way to do it?

Product: Browser → Seamonkey
Assignee: sspitzer → mail
Assignee: mail → nobody
QA Contact: olgam → message-display
Summary: [RFE] Message List Pane should "snap in" on resizing → Message List Pane should "snap in" on resizing
This bug report is registered in the SeaMonkey product, but has been without a comment since the inception of the SeaMonkey project. This means that it was logged against the old Mozilla suite and we cannot determine that it's still valid for the current SeaMonkey suite. Because of this, we are setting it to an UNCONFIRMED state.

If you can confirm that this report still applies to current SeaMonkey 2.x nightly builds, please set it back to the NEW state along with a comment on how you reproduced it on what Build ID, or if it's an enhancement request, why it's still worth implementing and in what way.
If you can confirm that the report doesn't apply to current SeaMonkey 2.x nightly builds, please set it to the appropriate RESOLVED state (WORKSFORME, INVALID, WONTFIX, or similar).
If no action happens within the next few months, we move this bug report to an EXPIRED state.

Query tag for this change: mass-UNCONFIRM-20090614
Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091017 SeaMonkey/2.0

This bug is undoubtedly still valid.
On a second thought, this bug is still valid but I don't think that this enhancement should be implemented, at least on the Mac platform. As a matter of fact, a Mac user doesn't expect this behavior: go have a look at the last iTunes to see that there is no "snap in" to avoid half-readable lines.
Just my 2¢.
this is not a SEAMONKEY issue, same behavior in Thunderbird.
Same in TB 42.0a1 (2015-07-29)

Suggestion would indeed be an improvement, but I doubt that benefit would justify costs. So low prio.
Ever confirmed: true
Priority: -- → P5
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