Closed Bug 1557640 Opened 5 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Implement a way to determine when static clone docs with OOP-iframes are ready


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, task, P2)




Fission Milestone M6c


(Reporter: jwatt, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [print2020_v83])

Once Document::CreateStaticClone creates static clones for OOP-iframes (bug 1557638), we will need a way for the printing code to determine when all the OOP-subdocuments are ready.

Blocks: 1557645

Tentatively moving all bugs whose summaries mention "Fission" (or other Fission-related keywords) but are not assigned to a Fission Milestone to the "?" triage milestone.

This will generate a lot of bugmail, so you can filter your bugmail for the following UUID and delete them en masse:


Fission Milestone: --- → ?

Printing blocks enabling Fission in Nightly (M6)

Fission Milestone: ? → M6
Depends on: 1621140
No longer blocks: printing-fission
No longer depends on: 1621140
Type: defect → task
Whiteboard: [print2020]

Tracking for Fission Nightly (M6c)

Fission Milestone: M6 → M6c
Fission Milestone: M6c → M6b

Jonathan, is this already tracked via another bug? If not, then should you own this one?

Flags: needinfo?(jwatt)

Hi Neha. I'm not sure what you mean by 'tracked' in this context, or the relationship to ownership. It's tracked via the 'Fission Milestone' flag and by virtue of blocking bug 1557645.

Flags: needinfo?(jwatt)

To provide more context for what this bug is about, the printing code needs to know when the static clone is done, potentially for two reasons.

  1. To determine when it can look at the page count in order to get the final, fully loaded, fully laid out page count.
  2. To know when it's safe to print.

For #1 we don't actually need to wait for OOP iframes to complete since they can't affect the number of pages.

For #2 I think we likely need to avoid starting to send output to a printer before the entire contents are loaded, since I don't think it would be simple to implement a way to pause that process.

Before deciding on what we'll do here and how important this is I think it makes sense to wait and see how everything turn out after things like Emilio's changes to allow us to avoid most cloning (bug 1636728).

Depends on: 1636728
Whiteboard: [print2020] → [print2020_v82]

Sean said fission printing work will most probably not be ready in time for nightly experiment and we shouldn't block on it. It is expected to be fixed in a couple of weeks following the experiment launch.

Fission Milestone: M6b → M6c
Whiteboard: [print2020_v82] → [print2020_v83]

I don't think we need this any more.

Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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