Closed Bug 155882 Opened 23 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Tasks (ToDo) need an Alarm (just like Events)


(Calendar :: Sunbird Only, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Peter, Assigned: mostafah)



ToDo needs an Alarm (just ike Events) Sometimes I want to be "reminded" of an important ToDo task without having to look at the ToDo list. [x] Alarm [ 1 ] day before task is due. Default should be ON. Default time before due date should be settable in prefs. If no due date is selected, then Alarm should be disabled (grayed-out).
Keywords: mozilla1.1, ui
Summary: ToDo needs an Alarm (just ike Events) → ToDo needs an Alarm (just like Events)
Please don't add mozilla keywords to bugs.
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: mozilla1.1
I don't really agree with this, however I'll keep it open in case someone else wants to do it.
Assignee: mikep → nobody
Severity: normal → enhancement
Blocks: cal-alarms
In response to comment #2: I actually use my Calendar much more to keep track of "ToDo" lists than for events. I therefore need the tasks to support alarms before I can use Mozilla Calendar. Without alarms, tasks are not very useful to me, since my task list tends to be very long, and I don't want to read the entire list several times a day to see if I've missed something. I would like to be "notified" via alarm of tasks that are soon to be due.
Summary: ToDo needs an Alarm (just like Events) → Tasks (ToDo) need an Alarm (just like Events)
Keywords: helpwanted
I hundred percent agree with Peter Lairo.As I too have a huge list of tasks(like many others) sitting in my Microsoft Outlook which i want to move to the Calendar app but since there is no alarm support I cannot use the calendar.
Yes, this is a really important feature. I want to put reminders, e.g. "Call John at 10" which is not possible with Calendar.
I've started working on this and with this checkin: tasks can now have most fields that events have including alarms and recurrence. The alarm is triggered relative to the start time rather than the more reasonable due time, for now.
Assignee: nobody → mostafah
Keywords: helpwanted
Last step to fix this bug was just taken: Now, the default time by which an alarm goes off before an event/task starts/ends/isdue can be defined in the preferences. I guess this bug can be resolved as fix now.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
The bugspam monkeys have been set free and are feeding on Calendar :: Sunbird Only. Be afraid for your sanity!
QA Contact: colint → sunbird
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