[RTL] Resizer cursor is reversed when dragging the mouse to take a screenshot, and modifying a selection is broken
(Firefox :: Screenshots, defect, P3)
(Reporter: itiel_yn8, Assigned: itiel_yn8)
(Keywords: regression, rtl)
(2 files)
This is a regression caused by bug 1521168.
- Windows 10, latest Nightly
- Change intl.uidirection to 1 and restart Nightly
- Open any webpage, right click and select Take a Screenshot
- Drag the mouse to manually select a region to screenshot
- Notice the cursor while you're dragging
The cursor icon is orthogonal to the dragging direction
It shouldn't.
See attached.
Note that there's another issue here which applies also to LTR, where when you just start to drag the mouse (in all directions except for from the top left to the bottom right), the cursor icon will be orthogonal to the dragging direction but if you continue to drag in the same direction, the cursor will change to the expected one.
Heck, I now see that changing a selection is totally broken in RTL, regardless of the resizer cursor.
See attached.
Comment 3•6 years ago
The priority flag is not set for this bug.
:ianbicking, could you have a look please?
For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.
Updated•6 years ago
Comment 4•5 years ago
Happy to take a patch for 70 but since this is triaged and set to P3 priority I'm setting this as fix-optional.
That will remove it from weekly regression triage.
Fixed by bug 1666860.
Updated•4 years ago
Updated•4 years ago
Updated•4 years ago
Updated•4 years ago