Closed Bug 1566718 Opened 5 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Intermittent Last test finished | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::workerinternals::RuntimeService::CrashIfHanging()] after application terminated with exit code 11


(Core :: DOM: Workers, defect, P3)






(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)



(Keywords: crash, intermittent-failure, regression, Whiteboard: [stockwell unknown])

Crash Data

Filed by: ccoroiu [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:
Reftest URL:

[task 2019-07-17T06:07:12.280Z] 06:07:12 INFO - REFTEST TEST-START | file:///builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/css-enabled/output/output.html == file:///builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/css-enabled/output/output-ref.html
[task 2019-07-17T06:07:12.280Z] 06:07:12 INFO - REFTEST TEST-LOAD | file:///builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/css-enabled/output/output.html | 0 / 1 (0%)
[task 2019-07-17T06:07:12.345Z] 06:07:12 INFO - REFTEST INFO | drawWindow flags = DRAWWINDOW_DRAW_CARET | DRAWWINDOW_DRAW_VIEW | DRAWWINDOW_USE_WIDGET_LAYERS; window size = 800,1000; test browser size = 800,1000
[task 2019-07-17T06:07:12.508Z] 06:07:12 INFO - REFTEST TEST-LOAD | file:///builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/css-enabled/output/output-ref.html | 0 / 1 (0%)
[task 2019-07-17T06:07:12.583Z] 06:07:12 INFO - REFTEST TEST-PASS | file:///builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/css-enabled/output/output.html == file:///builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/css-enabled/output/output-ref.html | image comparison, max difference: 0, number of differing pixels: 0
[task 2019-07-17T06:07:12.583Z] 06:07:12 INFO - REFTEST TEST-END | file:///builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/css-enabled/output/output.html == file:///builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/css-enabled/output/output-ref.html
[task 2019-07-17T06:07:12.604Z] 06:07:12 INFO - REFTEST INFO | Slowest test took 230ms (file:///builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/css-enabled/output/output.html)
[task 2019-07-17T06:07:12.605Z] 06:07:12 INFO - REFTEST INFO | Total canvas count = 2
[task 2019-07-17T06:07:12.605Z] 06:07:12 INFO - JavaScript error: resource://activity-stream/lib/ActivityStreamPrefs.jsm, line 27: NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE: Component returned failure code: 0x80070057 (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE) [nsIPrefBranch.removeObserver]
[task 2019-07-17T06:07:13.147Z] 06:07:13 INFO - JavaScript error: resource://activity-stream/lib/PlacesFeed.jsm, line 195: NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED: Component returned failure code: 0x8000ffff (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED) [nsINavHistoryService.addObserver]
[task 2019-07-17T06:07:13.149Z] 06:07:13 INFO - JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/ExtensionSettingsStore.jsm, line 117: Error: The ExtensionSettingsStore was accessed before the initialize promise resolved.
[task 2019-07-17T06:07:13.153Z] 06:07:13 INFO - JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/IndexedDB.jsm, line 367: UnknownError: The operation failed for reasons unrelated to the database itself and not covered by any other error code.
[task 2019-07-17T06:07:13.162Z] 06:07:13 INFO - ###!!! [Parent][DispatchAsyncMessage] Error: PBackground::Msg_PBackgroundIDBFactoryConstructor Value error: message was deserialized, but contained an illegal value
[task 2019-07-17T06:07:13.178Z] 06:07:13 INFO - JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/Sqlite.jsm, line 912: Error: Connection is not open.
[task 2019-07-17T06:07:13.179Z] 06:07:13 INFO - JavaScript error: , line 0: AbortError: A request was aborted, for example through a call to IDBTransaction.abort.
[task 2019-07-17T06:07:13.179Z] 06:07:13 INFO - JavaScript error: , line 0: AbortError: A request was aborted, for example through a call to IDBTransaction.abort.
[task 2019-07-17T06:07:13.660Z] 06:07:13 INFO - 1563343633647 Marionette TRACE Received observer notification xpcom-will-shutdown
[task 2019-07-17T06:07:13.663Z] 06:07:13 INFO - 1563343633647 Marionette INFO Stopped listening on port 2828
[task 2019-07-17T06:07:13.668Z] 06:07:13 INFO - 1563343633648 Marionette DEBUG Remote service is inactive
[task 2019-07-17T06:07:13.696Z] 06:07:13 INFO - ###!!! [Child][RunMessage] Error: Channel closing: too late to send/recv, messages will be lost
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:03.122Z] 06:08:03 INFO - JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/osfile/osfile_async_front.jsm, line 426: Error: OS.File has been shut down. Rejecting post to stat
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:17.695Z] 06:08:17 INFO - ExceptionHandler::GenerateDump cloned child ExceptionHandler::WaitForContinueSignal waiting for continue signal...
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:17.695Z] 06:08:17 INFO - 9938
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:17.696Z] 06:08:17 INFO - ExceptionHandler::SendContinueSignalToChild sent continue signal to child
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:17.826Z] 06:08:17 ERROR - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | Last test finished | application terminated with exit code 11
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:17.827Z] 06:08:17 INFO - REFTEST INFO | Downloading symbols from:
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:22.101Z] 06:08:22 INFO - REFTEST INFO | Copy/paste: /builds/worker/workspace/build/linux64-minidump_stackwalk /tmp/tmp9Gn722.mozrunner/minidumps/40f479b3-d6a1-8a63-d112-19336e9a167f.dmp /tmp/tmpfoUccG
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.196Z] 06:08:28 INFO - REFTEST INFO | Saved minidump as /builds/worker/workspace/build/blobber_upload_dir/40f479b3-d6a1-8a63-d112-19336e9a167f.dmp
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.196Z] 06:08:28 INFO - REFTEST INFO | Saved app info as /builds/worker/workspace/build/blobber_upload_dir/40f479b3-d6a1-8a63-d112-19336e9a167f.extra
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.275Z] 06:08:28 INFO - REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | Last test finished | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::workerinternals::RuntimeService::CrashIfHanging()]
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.275Z] 06:08:28 INFO - Crash dump filename: /tmp/tmp9Gn722.mozrunner/minidumps/40f479b3-d6a1-8a63-d112-19336e9a167f.dmp
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.276Z] 06:08:28 INFO - Operating system: Linux
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.277Z] 06:08:28 INFO - 0.0.0 Linux 4.4.0-1014-aws #14taskcluster1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 3 10:27:00 UTC 2018 x86_64
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.278Z] 06:08:28 INFO - CPU: amd64
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.279Z] 06:08:28 INFO - family 6 model 62 stepping 4
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.279Z] 06:08:28 INFO - 2 CPUs
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.280Z] 06:08:28 INFO -
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.281Z] 06:08:28 INFO - GPU: UNKNOWN
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.282Z] 06:08:28 INFO -
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.283Z] 06:08:28 INFO - Crash reason: SIGSEGV /SEGV_MAPERR
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.284Z] 06:08:28 INFO - Crash address: 0x0
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.284Z] 06:08:28 INFO - Process uptime: not available
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.285Z] 06:08:28 INFO -
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.286Z] 06:08:28 INFO - Thread 33 (crashed)
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.287Z] 06:08:28 INFO - 0!mozilla::dom::workerinternals::RuntimeService::CrashIfHanging() [RuntimeService.cpp:1cfd6040983a01a6e37c0f01802d2a3a09a2e098 : 1783 + 0x13]
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.288Z] 06:08:28 INFO - rax = 0x00007f77deb1a600 rdx = 0x0000000000000074
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.288Z] 06:08:28 INFO - rcx = 0x000055d2c496fb20 rbx = 0x00007f77de04d200
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.289Z] 06:08:28 INFO - rsi = 0x00007f77de037bc0 rdi = 0x00007f77deb1a634
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.290Z] 06:08:28 INFO - rbp = 0x00007f77dcff0e90 rsp = 0x00007f77dcff0e10
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.291Z] 06:08:28 INFO - r8 = 0x0000000000000001 r9 = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.292Z] 06:08:28 INFO - r10 = 0x0000000000000024 r11 = 0x00007f780c3cde10
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.292Z] 06:08:28 INFO - r12 = 0x00007f77de04d290 r13 = 0x0000000000000001
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.293Z] 06:08:28 INFO - r14 = 0x00007f77de04d230 r15 = 0x00007f77de04d260
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.294Z] 06:08:28 INFO - rip = 0x00007f77fc4f0648
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.295Z] 06:08:28 INFO - Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.296Z] 06:08:28 INFO - 1!mozilla::(anonymous namespace)::RunWatchdog(void*) [nsTerminator.cpp:1cfd6040983a01a6e37c0f01802d2a3a09a2e098 : 207 + 0x8]
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.297Z] 06:08:28 INFO - rbx = 0x000000000000003f rbp = 0x00007f77dcff0ec0
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.297Z] 06:08:28 INFO - rsp = 0x00007f77dcff0ea0 r12 = 0x00007f780c05d9d0
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.298Z] 06:08:28 INFO - r13 = 0x00007f77de214700 r14 = 0x00007f77e02fe168
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.299Z] 06:08:28 INFO - r15 = 0x00000000000026cc rip = 0x00007f77fdb9b871
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.300Z] 06:08:28 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.301Z] 06:08:28 INFO - 2!_pt_root [ptthread.c:1cfd6040983a01a6e37c0f01802d2a3a09a2e098 : 198 + 0x8]
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.302Z] 06:08:28 INFO - rbx = 0x0000000000000007 rbp = 0x00007f77dcff0f10
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.303Z] 06:08:28 INFO - rsp = 0x00007f77dcff0ed0 r12 = 0x00007f780c05d9d0
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.303Z] 06:08:28 INFO - r13 = 0x00007f77de214700 r14 = 0x00007f77dcff1700
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.304Z] 06:08:28 INFO - r15 = 0x00000000000026cc rip = 0x00007f780d6b859e
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.304Z] 06:08:28 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.306Z] 06:08:28 INFO - 3!start_thread [pthread_create.c : 333 + 0x11]
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.307Z] 06:08:28 INFO - rbx = 0x0000000000000000 rbp = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.308Z] 06:08:28 INFO - rsp = 0x00007f77dcff0f20 r12 = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.308Z] 06:08:28 INFO - r13 = 0x00007ffe202f9ecf r14 = 0x00007f77dcff19c0
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.309Z] 06:08:28 INFO - r15 = 0x00007f77e02fe168 rip = 0x00007f780d2c46ba
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.309Z] 06:08:28 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.311Z] 06:08:28 INFO - 4!__clone + 0x6d
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.311Z] 06:08:28 INFO - rsp = 0x00007f77dcff0fc0 rip = 0x00007f780c34d41d
[task 2019-07-17T06:08:28.312Z] 06:08:28 INFO - Found by: stack scanning

Priority: -- → P3

Hi Perry, I suspect this to be related to bug 1435343. Maybe the dump information here gives some extra clue?

Flags: needinfo?(perry)

Definitely looks related, seems like something went wrong at the end of all the tests that led to all the failures above the line "REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | Last test finished | application crashed [@ mozilla::dom::workerinternals::RuntimeService::CrashIfHanging()" as well. Unfortunately I don't see it giving much information on the actual thing that went wrong :(.

Flags: needinfo?(perry)
See Also: → 1435343

Marking this as Resolved > Worksforme since there are no more crashes in the last 6 months with this signature.

Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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