Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy can be used to escape sandboxing
(Core :: DOM: Networking, defect, P2)
Tracking | Status | |
firefox-esr68 | --- | unaffected |
firefox69 | --- | disabled |
firefox70 | --- | disabled |
firefox71 | --- | fixed |
(Reporter: annevk, Assigned: CuveeHsu)
(Keywords: sec-low, Whiteboard: [necko-triaged])
(2 files, 1 obsolete file)
If you create a sandboxed popup (sandbox needs to be able to create popups) and navigate that to a Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy document the result should be a network error. To ensure that when you use Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy, you can be guaranteed a clean slate.
In look for html/cross-origin-opener-policy/coop-sandbox.https.html
Given that sandboxing is a security feature, we should fix that before release I think.
Comment 1•6 years ago
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Updated•6 years ago
Comment 2•6 years ago
Hey Anne, we are not supporting Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy as of now. Did you file by accident, or am I missing something?
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Comment 3•6 years ago
We support COOP with pref-off.
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Comment 4•6 years ago
Indeed, this is a sandboxing bypass in an important new feature that we need to fix before shipping said feature (hence it blocking the "final" COOP bug).
Comment 5•6 years ago
It seems Bug 1543066 is filed in Networking, hence moving this one over as well.
Updated•6 years ago
Updated•6 years ago
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Comment 6•6 years ago
I'm wondering if it's a dup of Bug 1555036, though we can't pass html/cross-origin-opener-policy/coop-sandbox.https.html
is set in docshell/httpchannel.
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Comment 7•5 years ago
Hello Anne,
(a) I'm confused with the summary of bug: Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy can be used to escape sandboxing
Looks like COOP headers could remove all the sandbox flags after navigation.
However, in html/cross-origin-opener-policy/coop-sandbox.https.html
, we're testing the message shouldn't arrive, which indicates a network error.
I believe I misunderstand something (escape indicates network error instead of removal?) since I can't match the summary and the test.
I guess html/cross-origin-opener-policy/coop-sandbox.https.html
is about 5.i in navigating in top-level coop spec
5. If the result of matching currentCOOP, currentOrigin, potentialCOOP, and potentialOrigin is false and one of the following is false
doc is the initial about:blank document
currentCOOP's unsafe-allow-outgoing is true
potentialCOOP is null
i. If bc's popup sandboxing flag set is not empty, then navigate bc to a network error and abort these steps.
However, it requires that matching algorithm returns false.
In the test, coop-sandbox.https.html
open a popup
. Four browsing contexts (top-level and iframe/opener and openee) are with COOP:same-origin
and same origin.
Looks like we should not have a network error.
Which step I misinterpreted?
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Comment 8•5 years ago
Thanks, I think you're right that the test case is incorrect. Same-origin sandboxed content with allow-same-origin
and allow-scripts
cannot be sandboxed so letting that escape the sandbox is fine. This mainly wants to protect against A (with COOP) embedding a sandboxed B (with allow-popups and allow-scripts and maybe event allow-same-origin) and that trying to popup B (with COOP) and succeeding (rather than getting a network error). Does that make sense?
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Comment 9•5 years ago
(In reply to Anne (:annevk) from comment #8)
Thanks, I think you're right that the test case is incorrect. Same-origin sandboxed content with
cannot be sandboxed so letting that escape the sandbox is fine. This mainly wants to protect against A (with COOP) embedding a sandboxed B (with allow-popups and allow-scripts and maybe event allow-same-origin) and that trying to popup B (with COOP) and succeeding (rather than getting a network error). Does that make sense?
I suppose popup B's opener is the sandboxed iframe B.
It's same origin, so coop match returns true. No network error.
Even if A (with COOP) embedded sandboxed iframe B, and popup C (with COOP) with opener B.
It's cross origin, coop match returns false, so network error occurs.
I thought that's what we want, isn't it?
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Comment 10•5 years ago
I think something went wrong with bug 1579012. If A embeds B and B popups B' then B's initial about:blank inherits from B, but the COOP match should be relative to A. It would probably be cleanest if we store the COOP policy on the top-level browsing context.
Needinfo'ing Nika to reaffirm and to help me keep track of the overall design goal here.
(So for these scenarios, for the first there should be a network error as there's no COOP match relative to B's embedder (A) and for the second there should be one as well.)
Comment 11•5 years ago
I think what you're saying is accurate. In general COOP has no meaning outside of toplevel documents, so when doing comparisons, we should generally always compare against the toplevel.
I haven't quite wrapped my head around what that means for sandboxed popups yet, but I think it'd be reasonable to always network error when loading a sandboxed popup which would otherwise perform a COOP switch, under the assumption that breaking out of the sandbox is bad.
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Comment 12•5 years ago
(a) For coop matching algorithm, we need to compare not only the top-level parent's COOP but also top-level parents' origin.
(b) Looks like all we need to do for sandbox is Bug 1555036.
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Comment 13•5 years ago
A tedious question:
this points out ctx->Canonical()->GetCurrentWindowGlobal()->DocumentPrincipal()
is the principal of iframe's parent.
I'm testing a simple iframe (no sandbox).
I still get the origin of iframe instead of the origin of its parent.
comes out a null origin.
Is there any way to get the origin of top-level window?
Comment 14•5 years ago
(In reply to Junior [:junior] from comment #13)
Is there any way to get the origin of top-level window?
IIRC this should generally work out (with the proper null principal checks woven in):
Updated•5 years ago
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Comment 15•5 years ago
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Comment 16•5 years ago
nsHttpChannel::HasCrossOriginOpenerPolicyMismatch - doc:1 result:1 - compare:0
doc origin: - res origin:
ctx 0x1324e6580 ctx->Top() 0x1324e6580
top origin
The log is from patch comment 15.
Test with and clicking button in iframe.
Top level window with origin:
iframe origin:
Get get the same browsing context for ctx->Top()
in parent process, which seems wrong.
This is after all the windows are created.
Child process looks fine:
It looks not good, right?
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Comment 17•5 years ago
Per out of band discussion, I parse the wrong context tree.
Looks like we need to cache the top-level opener's origin in browsing context at this moment.
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Comment 18•5 years ago
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Comment 19•5 years ago
Comment 20•5 years ago
Comment 21•5 years ago
Backed out changeset e0427b37129b (Bug 1566868) for turning Bug1528607 into permafail CLOSED TREE
Failure log:
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Comment 22•5 years ago
about:blank documents inherit cross-origin opener-policy from their creator's top-level browsing context's active document at the time of creation.
Note: When A embeds B and B creates a popup, this means the popup's initial about:blank document has origin B and A's cross-origin opener-policy.
We have a new spec clarification.
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Comment 23•5 years ago
I made the clarification in comment 22 yesterday, but thanks to Junior I took another look at the problem as I had forgotten about the issues pointed out in comment 7.
I now think html/cross-origin-opener-policy/coop-sandbox.https.html
is correct.
If a browsing context has a popup sandboxing flag set, it's a popup and it shouldn't be able to contain anything with a non-null COOP (note that Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: unsafe-inherit might still work) as that would mean escaping the sandboxing, however mild that sandbox may be (to be clear, this is a reversal of my statement in comment 8).
Then, if a browsing context swap happened due to unsafe-allow-outgoing not being set, the new top-level browsing context still ought to be sandboxed. So we need to copy the popup sandboxing flag set over. (The alternative would be for sandboxed environments governed by COOP without unsafe-allow-outgoing to not be able to open popups at all.)
I have updated the navigation section at the end of to account for this.
(The one other thing about sandboxing that is captured in was already okay in Firefox if I understood it correctly from Nika. Namely that CSP influences the origin of the document we are navigating to in time. So if you navigate to a document that has an opaque origin due to sandboxing it'll result in a non-match.)
I hope I have now considered all angles appropriately here.
Updated•5 years ago
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Comment 24•5 years ago
Adjust for new spec change (comment 23)
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Comment 25•5 years ago
Comment 26•5 years ago
Comment 27•5 years ago
bugherder |