Bug 1568
Opened 26 years ago
Closed 26 years ago
Hitting "Back" button crashes on imagemap
(Core Graveyard :: Viewer App, defect, P1)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: elig, Assigned: joki)
Using the 11.23.98a builds of Viewer & XP Viewer (checked on Win98 & NT 4):
1. Go to
2. Select any of the destinations at the bottom of the page (I tried
"Support", "Design and Publishing", and "Developer"
3. Hit the "Back" button.
Upon reaching the "page", the viewer
goes down. (Talkback ID for crashing on "Design and Publishing" is KWV14ZVC)
*** Please note that this crash is only occuring on Win98; can't reproduce on NT
4. ***
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Comment 1•26 years ago
I take that back. Talkback ID KWU23JYH using XPViewer on NT 4. ;)
This doesn't seem to crash anymore, but pressing the back button causes the
viewer to display a page claiming that imagemap coordinates were not sent.
Assignee: kipp → joki
Summary: ss: Hitting "Back" button crashes on imagemap → Hitting "Back" button crashes on imagemap
Since there is no crash, I've removed the "stop-ship" tag.
I'm reassigning this one to you, tom, because it seems to be a double-event
dispatch. I've attached a simple test case (you will have to substitute in your
own images) that demonstrates the bug: because the image-map image is in an A
tag, we end up double link-triggering when we click on one of the map spots.
The result in the viewer is that we go to the A tag's location first and then we
go to the image maps location second. So for a momemnt the display looks right;
but as soon as you hit the back button the double trip is exposed.
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Comment 5•26 years ago
[Using the 1.27.99 builds, Viewer will now take the user to the apple/macosx page
upon pressing the "Back" button, rather than returning the user to the page.
Communicator 4.5 RTM, of course, returns the user directly to]
Not a priority, as viewer is going away; but the underlying issue needs to be
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Comment 8•26 years ago
[The 4.13.99 M4 candidate on Mac OS, Linux and Win32 (using Apprunner) do not
display any user-evident manifestation of this bug, should it still be present.
Specifically, one can press the "Back" button without crashing or any errors, in
the scenario described in the bug report.]
Assignee | ||
Updated•26 years ago
Closed: 26 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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Comment 9•26 years ago
Yeah, I've been putting this one off because it hasn't reproduced for me
either. If no one else is seeing it either I'm marking it fixed.
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Comment 10•26 years ago
Thanks. (I'll check this more thoroughly today or on Monday, and then mark as
Verified if appropriate.)
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Updated•26 years ago
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Comment 11•26 years ago
Sure. Verifying as fixed. (Can't reproduce on the 4.16.99 optimized builds on
either Mac OS, Linux, or Win NT 4.0 SP3.)
Updated•17 years ago
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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