Closed Bug 1569514 Opened 6 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Print window will not load or print emails properly with Firefox 68.0.1


(Core :: Printing: Output, defect)

68 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: youngjane1118, Unassigned)


(Keywords: regressionwindow-wanted)


(4 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.13; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0

Steps to reproduce:

I upgraded to FF 68.0.1 yesterday from FF 67.0.4, and now my emails will not print properly.

a) In the Beta version of it takes at least 10-15 seconds for the Print Window to load.

b) When using Classic the Print Window loads right away, but the appearance of emails is a mess and the content is so small it is unreadable.

This has happened with every email I have tried to print today with both versions of It is not an isolated incident.

FYI: No settings on FF were changed by me after updating. After this occurred I ran Disk Utility, cleared all cookies and cache from my Mac hoping that would resolve the issue but it made no difference. Same results.

Actual results:

Ever since updating to FF 68.0.1 from FF 67.0.4:

a) Using Beta the Print Window takes 15 seconds to load in FF 68.0.1. Once it loads, the content prints normally as expected.

b) Using the Classic which I prefer over the Beta format, the Print Window loads immediately, however the font size of all my printed emails is so small it is completely unreadable. The header area of the email is also totally messed up with numerous lines instead of content.

Note: The email looks normal when it loads in the print window, but it turns into a messed up version with lines and a micro-small font once it is printed or viewed in print preview.

This issue never occurred with past versions of Firefox browsers. It only started after updating to 68.0.1.

The issue does NOT occur when using Safari as my browser.

Expected results:

Using Beta the Print Window should load the content of the email immediately. It does not. It takes forever for every email to load, making it impossible to complete my work promptly.

Using Classic the Print Window loads properly right away as expected, but my printed emails are useless because the font is incredibly small and unreadable. The header area is also contains a bizarre bunch of horizontal lines where text should be. The positioning of the From, To, Date, and Subject lines of the email are not correct.

I have 4 attachments to illustrate the issue:

  1. A PayPal receipt in Classic BEFORE upgrading to FF 68.0.1 (looks great).
  2. A PayPal receipt in Classic AFTER upgrading to FF 68.0.1 (looks terrible and is unreadable).
  3. A professional correspondence from 7-25-19 that previously printed out perfectly in Classic using FF 67.0.4.
  4. The same professional correspondence from 7-25-19 that now prints out in a micro-small unreadable font in FF 68.0.1.
Component: Untriaged → Printing: Output
Product: Firefox → Core

Note: After submitting this bug, the Print Window in the Beta version of is now loading normally and promptly as it should be. Naturally, after dealing with 15-second delays all day long, as soon as I submitted this bug the issue disappeared.

Unfortunately, the issue pertaining to the micro-small font and bizarre appearance of all emails using the Classic format of is still present.

The same issue appears on Office365, probably because the same underlying client software is used for both the business and consumer sites.

Bug 1565682 "Office365's e-mail print results wasted spaces in both PDF & physical outputs."

It's not clear why the OWA code that worked before is suddenly not working in Firefox 68.0.1. However, the site is very complex, so Microsoft may need to figure that out.

Glad to hear the beta is working. I can't figure out how to test classic; that button seems to be gone on mine.

The Office365 fix scheduled for Firefox 69 -- or Firefox 68.0.2 if there is an interim update -- hopefully will work for, too.

Bug 1567105 -- "Only the header and footer are Printed for emails in Outlook Webapp"

The priority flag is not set for this bug.
:jwatt, could you have a look please?

For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(jwatt)
Flags: needinfo?(jwatt)

Is there still a way to test Outlook Classic at this point? (It sounds like maybe not, per comment 6?)

Flags: needinfo?(youngjane1118)

Good timing and good news! Many thanks to all, we are back to the normal behavior as before. The recent FF update 68.0.2 solved the micro small printing issue with emails using the Classic format of I still have to select the option to open my emails in a separate window from the drop-down menu located in the body of the email to get a normal looking print font-size-wise. Otherwise if I use the main menu at the top of the email it opens a window within a window that ends up giving you a printout in a smaller font than normal; not as small as the micro-small unreadable font that I reported in this bug, but smaller than normal, however that is okay. I have had to take the extra step of opening my emails in a separate window for a very long time. It has become second nature by now.

It's an odd behavior, but for whatever reason when you select the Print command from the options across the top of the email, you get a much smaller font version of your printed email than if you open the email in a separate window before printing. If you take the extra step of opening the email in a separate window first, it always prints the email in the normal appearance one would expect for that font and point size. That said, when it comes to very long email strings which could take up a lot of paper when printed, sometimes I opt to use the main menu Print command above the email on purpose just to save on paper. Thank you again for all of your help!

It sounds like the main issue here was bug 1567105 then, if the issue was fixed in Firefox 68.0.2. I'll mark this as a duplicate of that bug.

I'm guessing that this residual issue that you mentioned may be due to Firefox's "Shrink to Fit" printing behavior:

giving you a printout in a smaller font than normal; not as small as the micro-small
unreadable font that I reported in this bug, but smaller than normal, however that is okay.

If you're interested in poking around a bit more, you might try adjusting the Shrink-to-fit options in the Print settings -- for me on Linux, there's a checkbox in the Firefox print dialog that's labeled "Ignore scaling and shrink to fit page width", and it's checked by default. If you uncheck that checkbox [and make sure any "scale:" options are set to 100%], then I'm guessing that maybe the fonts won't be small anymore, though there may be some wide content that gets cut off at the page edge.

That checkbox is for a feature which detects wide content that won't fit in the available space & is unwrappable (e.g. a wide image or a wide unbreakable string of text like a ReallyLongWordTheWidthOfAPage), and it shrinks all of the content so that this wide piece of content will fit without being cut off.

Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE

(Long term, you likely want to keep Shrink-to-Fit enabled, since it prevents content from being cut off + missing from printed output. I'm only suggesting that you disable it as a diagnostic/investigatory step, not as a long-term measure.)

Thank you so much, I just tested your suggestion in Print Preview and it appears to work. The process, however, is very glitchy. Many times will not even give you a print window within which to fiddle with if you select the print command from the top of the email. But if it cooperates and you deselect that option, it appears that the email will print normally, so I appreciate the suggestion. As you said, one has to manually recheck that same box for future printing jobs, otherwise FF retains the deselected "Ignore scaling and shrink to fit page width" option, but it's good to have options and I appreciate your help.

By the way, how does one eliminate the red circle at the top of every page that alerts me when someone has requested further information? When I uncheck the box at the bottom of the page that says "Clear the needinfo request" and then click the blue box that says Save Changes, nothing happens. The red circle with the numeral 1 in it remains. I tried logging out and logging back in but the red circle at the top continues to show a number 1 in it. I managed to clear this indicator on a prior bug but unfortunately did not document my steps, so now I am stuck trying to figure that out all over again, LOL. There is a minus sign on the far right of your post where you requested additional info. If I select the minus button will that remove the needinfo alert from appearing in red at the top of my window? Any assistance you have on how to do that would be appreciated. Thank you!

Flags: needinfo?(youngjane1118)

Okay, now I feel like an idiot. As soon as I submitted my comment above, suddenly the red circle with the number 1 in it at the top of the window disappeared and I have no idea how that happened. This explains why the last time I got the indicator to go away on a different bug I have no idea what I did. Second verse same as the first, I have no idea what I did just now, so any help you can give me will be appreciated. Thank you!

(In reply to from comment #12)

Thank you so much, I just tested your suggestion in Print Preview and it appears to work.

Cool. This is likely a bit of an outlook bug, then -- they must have some wide piece of content there (too wide to fit on a page unless we shrink everything). Usually this isn't too bad because the shrinking is nominal, and it sounds like that's the case here.

By the way, how does one eliminate the red circle at the top of every page that alerts me when someone has requested further information? When I uncheck the box at the bottom of the page that says "Clear the needinfo request" and then click the blue box that says Save Changes, nothing happens.

That's the correct behavior. Normally you would want to just leave that "Clear..." box checked, to indicate that you do want to clear the needinfo request (when you add a comment, where Bugzilla is assuming you are providing the requested info in that comment). That'll clear the request.

This is what happens automatically whenever you make a comment (and have a pending request), unless you take the additional action of unchecking the box. (e.g. if you were leaving a comment but not able to supply the requested info yet, and you wanted to leave the reminder for yourself, then maybe you would want to uncheck the box to preserve the reminder).

Oh my goodness, now I get it! That explains why after I posted my reply the red circle and numeral 1 went away. Thank you for your thoughtful responses and assistance with this issue.

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