Closed Bug 1571232 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Threema Web is very slow when loading a chat with 100 or 200 entries


(Core :: Disability Access APIs, defect, P1)

Windows 10





(Reporter: MarcoZ, Unassigned)


(Keywords: perf)

Threema web is very slow when opening a conversation. It wasn't terribly performant before, but starting some time in the 70 timeframe, it is even slower, like sometimes 3 to 4 times slower.


  1. Get Threema from one of the stores of your choice. Note that it costs a fee, it's not a free messenger.
  2. Create an ID, and feel free to add me.
  3. Open Threema Web, enter a password (without pressing Enter), open Threema on your phone and start Threema web from Settings or the Overflow menu. Scan the QR code and let them connect.
  4. Now, in the first list on the page, you'll see the list of chats.
  5. Select one to open.
    • Expected: Chat should load and be there in one to two seconds, in a big chat, maybe a bit longer.
    • Actual: It can take up to 10 seconds for a chat to open.

I have captured a performance profile while reproducing the bug. Originally, I thought this was caused by the final checkin for bug 686400, see comment #2 below, but that is no longer conclusive, since both the try build provided in comment #1 as well as an earlier Nightly show the performance degradation. I cannot even tell if this is accessibility or some other part of Gecko that is responsible.

Marco, I've prepared a try build with the main patch from bug 686400 reverted. While it would be an astounding coincidence if this were due to another patch, we can't see anything obvious in the profile and therefore want to be absolutely certain. Could you please give it a shot and report whether the issue goes away with this build? Thanks.

Flags: needinfo?(mzehe)

I tested this, and I am no longer convinced bug 686400 is the culprit. Re-making this bug into a general perf bug that still needs investigation, but I also saw the slow performance with the try build as well as a nightly from before the final patch for bug 686400 landed. It is slower than on beta, but even that seems to be a bit timing-related and cannot be said with 100% certainty.

Flags: needinfo?(mzehe)
Keywords: regression
No longer regressed by: 686400
Summary: After landing of bug 686400, performance degradation on Threema Web → Threema Web is very slow when loading a chat with 100 or 200 entries

OK, there was another factor at play, an updated Angular scrolling component that had a terrible lagging bug and which got reverted in the latest Threema-Web beta. That all coincided with me getting a Nightly build with bug 686400, and thinking that that was the cause for the slowness, when it might very well have been the updated component, and why I no longer can reproduce the lag now, since the updated beta, rolled out late Tuesday night, is back to a version that doesn't lag.

OK, after some more testing, that pull request to update/revert the version of that Angular scroll component really did fix the issue for me. In fact, now that Threema Web is working properly again, I even have a feeling after bug 686400, things are a bit faster when switching chats. Closing as INVALID:

Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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