Closed Bug 1571725 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

fix master branch so it's deployable


(Cloud Services :: Server: Location, task, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: willkg, Assigned: ckolos)


MLS is currently being deployed from the "dammit" branch which is pretty far behind master. The current deploy pipeline is RPM-based and completely different than the Docker-based deploy pipelines that's the current ops standard.

Many of our foreseeable futures are much easier if we can make and test changes in the master branch and then deploy from that branch.

Given that, it makes sense to fix the master branch so that it's deployable using the existing RPM-based deploy pipeline. Any changes that happened in the "dammit" branch should be brought over and integrated with the changes in the master branch.

This bug covers that work.

I'm making this a P1 because I believe that local development and CI and deploys should all be functioning to reduce risk of pushing things out that aren't working and also to make pushing out security fixes possible.

Priority: -- → P1

I misunderstood our current infrastructure. It won't support the changes we've made in the master branch. Marking this as WONTFIX.

Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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