[meta] Improve accessibility
(Tree Management :: Perfherder, enhancement, P3)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: igoldan, Unassigned)
(Keywords: meta, outreachy)
Initial requests can be found here.
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Updated•5 years ago
Comment 1•5 years ago
This will likely be made an Outreachy project with assistance from Marco Zehe. Stay tuned for details.
Comment 2•5 years ago
James, is the new color scheme for the Perfherder graphs view problematic for you compared to the older color scheme? It was initially changed about a month ago with further changes merged about 9 days ago. Since this was flagged in bug 1573162, I'd like to change it back if the new colors are worse. If they're comparable, then it can be part of the Outreachy project.
Comment 3•5 years ago
I'm totally blind (as is marco), so I can't provide guidance on specific visual concerns beyond what's in the spec. Yura, are you able to comment here?
Comment 4•5 years ago
I primarily played around with it using nocoffee extension in Firefox (soon coming to firefox devtools accessibility panel!!) and simulated different types of colour blindness. It works reasonably well when there are only 2 types of data plotted on the same graph, however after adding more things get a little worse (colours become less distinguishable). I don't believe it is any worse than it used to be before the changes (if i'm looking at the right thing).
A really awesome improvement to this would be distinction of points from different sets of data not just by colour but also by shape! Right now every point is a hollow circle. It would be really cool if for each new data set the point representation would change to, as an example, square, triangle, filled alternatives to the same shapes. Thoughts?
Comment 5•5 years ago
Thanks Jamie - I hadn't realized that!
A really awesome improvement to this would be distinction of points from different sets of data not just by colour but also by shape! Right now every point is a hollow circle. It would be really cool if for each new data set the point representation would change to, as an example, square, triangle, filled alternatives to the same shapes. Thoughts?
Yura, using symbols is an excellent idea and it's easily doable with the new graphing library we're switching to. Thanks for the feedback!
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Updated•4 years ago