Facebook selection triggered after closing your story while Chats pane is toggled on
(Core :: DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling, defect, P2)
(Reporter: cfogel, Unassigned)
(Keywords: regression)
(1 file)
1.71 MB,
Details |
Affected versions
- 60.8.0esr, 68.0.1esr, 68.0.1, 69.0b12 ,70.0a1 (2019-08-11);
Affected platforms
- macOS 10.13, Ubuntu 16.04, Windows 10;
Steps to reproduce
- Launch Firefox, log into Facebook with a valid account with "your story" set up for at least that account;
- Access the homepage for Facebook;
- Open the Chat pane;
- Click on the Your story - or any other story on that page;
- Close the story;
- Move the mouse around;
Expected result
- no issues occur;
Actual result
- selection action is triggered after story is closed;
- starting point seems to be the chat pane button/area (bottom right);
Regression range
- First bad: build_date: 2017-12-20 changeset: 62dd5404cf55e29412d5fff8fe9105076b1ca437
- Last good: build_date: 2017-12-19 changeset: 7c4579e705c4a3a3610183fe6f44affff3ad57ef
- Pushlog: URL;
Additional notes
- attached gif with the issue;
Updated•6 years ago
Updated•6 years ago
The bugs that stand out to me in the pushlog are bug 1420589 and bug 1414204. The latter appears to have been backed out. smaug, does it seem plausible to you that bug 1420589 broke this?
Considering that this is a regression affecting a top site, since you reviewed the change, could you, please, take a look if the cause looks obvious enough to you that this would be quick to fix? Marking P2 for now. Please downgrade to P3 if not quick to fix.
Updated•5 years ago
Comment 4•5 years ago
Too late for a fix in 70. Following up in email with smaug.
Comment 5•5 years ago
On second look this seems like a bit of an edge case and without a dramatically bad result. It's also a long standing issue if it's affecting esr60. So I'm removing this from regression triage.
Comment 6•4 years ago
FB UI has changed after this.
Can someone still reproduce this using the new UI?
Updated•3 years ago