Closed Bug 1574432 Opened 5 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Investigate noise in raptor-tp6-yahoo-news-firefox loadtime linux64-shippable opt


(Testing :: Raptor, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: alexandrui, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: perf, perf-alert, regression)

Subtest traptor-tp6-yahoo-news-firefox loadtime linux64-shippable opt from the traptor-tp6 suite presents a lot of noise, on linux64-shippable platform.

The noise levels affect the sheriffing process & hide even obvious perf changes from Perfherder's alert detection system.


The subtest should either be improved or it should not generate any more alerts, as the overall raptor-tp6-yahoo-news-firefox is more stable.

Flags: needinfo?(fstrugariu)
Summary: Subtest traptor-tp6-yahoo-news-firefox loadtime linux64-shippable opt → Investigate noise in raptor-tp6-yahoo-news-firefox loadtime linux64-shippable opt
Priority: -- → P1

Not sure what we can do with this test.
The test runs file locally and it's loading properly not sure what we can do to make the test more stable.

Rob If you have any suggestion I'm more than happy to try

Flags: needinfo?(fstrugariu) → needinfo?(rwood)

This might be a good candidate for comparing with browsertime.

(In reply to Florin Strugariu [:Bebe] (needinfo me) from comment #1)

Not sure what we can do with this test.
The test runs file locally and it's loading properly not sure what we can do to make the test more stable.

Rob If you have any suggestion I'm more than happy to try

No suggestions, if the data is too noisy I'd suggest disabling the test on linux (but leaving it available on try), and as Dave noted eventually compare it with browsertime.

Flags: needinfo?(rwood)

Is this still an issue? We're not running the warm page load on integration any more. The cold page load looks reasonably stable to me.,2134604,1,10&timerange=2592000

Flags: needinfo?(aionescu)
Version: Version 3 → unspecified
Component: Performance → Raptor
Priority: P1 → P3

Dave, I'm not able anymore to see warm tp6 tests in the graph, so I guess this bug is not relevant anymore.

Flags: needinfo?(aionescu)

Dave, I'm not able anymore to see warm tp6 tests in the graph, so I guess this bug is not relevant anymore.

Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX

(In reply to Alexandru Ionescu :alexandrui (needinfo me) from comment #7)

Dave, I'm not able anymore to see warm tp6 tests in the graph, so I guess this bug is not relevant anymore.

Right, that's what I said in comment 5. I wasn't certain if this bug was limited to warm page load, but your comment suggests that it is. Thanks.

Keywords: perf-alert
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