Closed Bug 1574665 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Migrate task-boot to community taskcluster deployment


(Taskcluster :: Operations and Service Requests, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dustin, Assigned: bstack)



Make a plan to move this project to the new community deployment.

Bastien, I see that one of the three tasks defined in .taskcluster.yml runs on the releng-svc worker, while the rest run on generic-worker. Is that an important distinction, or just one of convenience?

Flags: needinfo?(bastien)

I use releng-svc only to get the privileged: true capability, as this is needed to build the docker image through img.
If you can give me access to a worker with that capability on the new deployment, we can easily update the .taskcluster.yml.

Flags: needinfo?(bastien)

Thanks for the update! The current rough plan is to have per-project workers, so you can have all the privileged and unprivileged workers you want :)

Assignee: dustin → nobody
Assignee: nobody → bstack

PSA: The existing ( deployment will be shut down a week from today, on November 9. After that point, any CI not migrated to the new community cluster will stop functioning. The TC team is ready and eager to help get everything migrated by that time, but the deadline is firm.

Apologies for failing to communicate this as broadly and loudly as necessary, and for the bugspam now.

Could you enable the new Taskcluster Github app on and create a new provisionner proj-taskboot ?
I'll then make a PR to use that provisionner and ci workerType.

Flags: needinfo?(bstack)
Depends on: 1594010
Flags: needinfo?(bstack)
Summary: Migrate taskboot to community taskcluster deployment → Migrate task-boot to community taskcluster deployment

Done! Thanks :bstack!

Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
No longer blocks: 1595160
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