Closed Bug 1578867 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Ensure toolbar UI state is per tab


(DevTools :: Responsive Design Mode, task, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mtigley, Assigned: mtigley)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


We want to make sure that each tab with RDM active remembers its local state whenever simulating a new device, viewport size, etc...

Priority: -- → P3

To clarify, the embedded RDM toolbar needs to remember its settings per tab. The Responsive UI manager creates a single iframe to hold the toolbar content, which is acting as a single React app across all the browser tabs. Currently, we are toggling its visibility depending on whether or not RDM is active per tab.

We'll need to think about getting the current tab's settings and communicating this to the toolbar UI every time the user switches between tabs that have RDM open.

Assignee: nobody → mtigley

Given the review feedback in D45091 we will be moving the RDM toolbar frame into each individual .browserContainer rather than rendering for the whole browser window. So this will likely not be an issue anymore.

Let's close this bug and re-open if necessary.

Closed: 5 years ago
Depends on: 1578824
Resolution: --- → MOVED

This bug was resolved as MOVED but there's no corresponding see also value pointing to another bug tracker.

The MOVED resolution is only for bugs which are now being managed on external trackers.

Flags: needinfo?(mtigley)

I see. My apologies. I'll mark this appropriately.

Marking this as INVALID since work on Bug 1578824 will resolve this.

Flags: needinfo?(mtigley)
Resolution: MOVED → INVALID
No longer depends on: 1578824
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