Closed Bug 15795 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

no mozilla registry == crash at startup


(Core Graveyard :: Profile: BackEnd, defect, P3)

Mac System 8.5


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mikepinkerton, Assigned: sfraser_bugs)



delete you mozilla registry file (system prefs folder) launch apprunner. boom no stack crawl available in macsbug.
Assignee: selmer → dp
Component: Profile Manager → XPCOM Registry
well, this is probably an xpcom problem. reassigning to dp and changing component.
Assignee: dp → selmer
Component: XPCOM Registry → Profile Manager
Mozilla registry is the profile registry. Component registry is the xpcom registry. Passing to selmer.
Assignee: selmer → racham
racham, I'll help look into this.
Target Milestone: M11
Calling chain using A6/R1 links Back chain ISA Caller 00000000 PPC 0EE21A90 0F9F6000 PPC 0EE1E2A0 main+0013C 0F9F5F90 PPC 0EE1DA48 main1(int, char**)+00234 0F9F5E80 PPC 0DF70C38 nsAppShellService::Initialize(nsICmdLineService*)+ 00240 0F9F5E20 PPC 0DF70D48 nsAppShellService::CreateHiddenWindow()+0009C 0F9F5DB0 PPC 0DF71FB4 nsAppShellService::JustCreateTopWindow(nsIWebShellWindow*, nsIUR I*, int, int, unsigned int, nsIXULWindowCallbacks*, int, int, nsIWebShellWindow** )+001F0 0F9F5D30 PPC 0DF75014 nsWebShellWindow::Initialize(nsIWebShellWindow*, nsIAppShell*, n sIURI*, int, int, nsIXULWindowCallbacks*, int, int, nsWidgetInitData&)+00410 0F9F5BF0 PPC 0FA650D0 nsWebShell::LoadURL(const unsigned short*, nsIInputStream*, int, unsigned int, unsigned int, nsISupports*, const unsigned short*)+00098 0F9F5BA0 PPC 0FA67794 nsWebShell::LoadURL(const unsigned short*, const char*, nsIInput Stream*, int, unsigned int, unsigned int, nsISupports*, const unsigned short*)+ 00770 0F9F5730 PPC 0FA66F68 nsWebShell::LoadURI(nsIURI*, const char*, nsIInputStream*, int, unsigned int, unsigned int, nsISupports*, const unsigned short*)+0041C 0F9F5550 PPC 0FA65D64 nsWebShell::DoLoadURL(nsIURI*, const char*, nsIInputStream*, uns igned int, unsigned int, const unsigned short*)+008AC 0F9F52C0 PPC 0FA57754 nsDocLoaderImpl::LoadDocument(nsIURI*, const char*, nsIContentVi ewerContainer*, nsIInputStream*, nsISupports*, unsigned int, unsigned int, const unsigned sho rt*)+00170 0F9F5250 PPC 0FA5A8F4 nsDocumentBindInfo::Bind(nsIURI*, nsILoadGroup*, nsIInputStream* , const unsigned short*)+000E4 0F9F5170 PPC 10FBE118 NS_OpenURI(nsIChannel**, nsIURI*, nsILoadGroup*, nsIEventSinkGet ter*)+000DC 0F9F50F0 PPC 0E2A1DD0 nsIOService::NewChannelFromURI(const char*, nsIURI*, nsILoadGrou p*, nsIEventSinkGetter*, nsIChannel**)+00178 0F9F5060 PPC 10F5BBE4 nsChromeProtocolHandler::NewChannel(const char*, nsIURI*, nsILoa dGroup*, nsIEventSinkGetter*, nsIChannel**)+00104 0F9F4F40 PPC 10F593B0 nsChromeRegistry::InitRegistry()+006F0 0F9F4E00 PPC 0E1AEE3C RDFXMLDataSourceImpl::Refresh(int)+0009C 0F9F4C80 PPC 0ED8E37C nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(const nsID&, nsISupports*, co nst nsID&, void**)+00060 0F9F4C30 PPC 0EDA56E4 nsComponentManagerImpl::CreateInstance(const nsID&, nsISupports* , const nsID&, void**)+00070 0F9F4BE0 PPC 0EDA501C nsComponentManagerImpl::FindFactory(const nsID&, nsIFactory**)+0 0180 0F9F4B60 PPC 0EDFD7FC nsNativeComponentLoader::GetFactory(const nsID&, const char*, co nst char*, nsIFactory**)+001B0 0F9F4660 PPC 0EE0073C nsNativeComponentLoader::GetFactoryFromModule(nsDll* , const nsID &, nsIFactory**)+0010C 0F9F45F0 PPC 0E9A7870 nsLayoutModule::GetClassObject(nsIComponentManager*, const nsID& , const nsID&, void**)+0003C 0F9F45A0 PPC 0E9A7548 nsLayoutModule::Initialize()+00138 0F9F4510 PPC 0E955070 CSSLoaderImpl::LoadAgentSheet(nsIURI*, nsICSSStyleSheet*&, int&, void (*)(nsICSSStyleSheet*, void*), void*)+001B8 0F9F4490 PPC 0E952E48 CSSLoaderImpl::ParseSheet(nsIUnicharInputStream*, SheetLoadData* , int&, nsICSSStyleSheet*&)+000DC 0F9F4410 PPC 0E6B1ED4 CSSParserImpl::Parse(nsIUnicharInputStream*, nsIURI* , nsICSSStyl eSheet*&)+001D8 0F9F43B0 PPC 0E6B29D4 CSSParserImpl::ParseAtRule(int&)+000A4 0F9F4360 PPC 0E6B2F78 CSSParserImpl::ParseImportRule(int&)+001DC 0F9F41E0 PPC 0E6B311C CSSParserImpl::ProcessImport(int&, const nsString&, const nsStri ng&)+000FC 0F9F4180 PPC 0E954DF0 CSSLoaderImpl::LoadChildSheet(nsICSSStyleSheet*, nsIURI*, const nsString&, int, int)+002C4 0F9F40F0 PPC 0E95426C CSSLoaderImpl::LoadSheet(URLKey&, SheetLoadData*)+ 00120 0F9F4050 PPC 0E952E48 CSSLoaderImpl::ParseSheet(nsIUnicharInputStream*, SheetLoadData* , int&, nsICSSStyleSheet*&)+000DC 0F9F3FD0 PPC 0E6B1EA4 CSSParserImpl::Parse(nsIUnicharInputStream*, nsIURI* , nsICSSStyl eSheet*&)+001A8 0F9F3F70 PPC 0E6B23EC CSSParserImpl::GetToken(int&, int)+0003C 0F9F3F20 PPC 0E6C82D0 nsCSSScanner::Next(int&, nsCSSToken&)+00024 0F9F3EB0 PPC 0E6C7D54 nsCSSScanner::Read(int&)+00090 0F9F3E60 PPC 0EDDD434 ConverterInputStream::Read(unsigned short*, unsigned int, unsign ed int, unsigned int*)+0006C 0F9F3E00 PPC 0EDDD5AC ConverterInputStream::Fill(unsigned int*)+000AC 0F9F3DA0 PPC 0EDADC10 ByteBufferImpl::Fill(unsigned int*, nsIInputStream*, unsigned in t)+000E4 0F9F3D40 PPC 0EDFAD20 nsPipe::nsPipeInputStream::Read(char*, unsigned int, unsigned in t*)+00038 0F9F3D00 PPC 0EDFA808 nsPipe::nsPipeInputStream::ReadSegments(unsigned int (*)(void*, const char*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int*), void*, unsigned int, unsigned int*)+ 00280 0F9F3C70 PPC 0EDFCAD0 nsSegmentedBuffer::DeleteFirstSegment()+00064 0F9F3C10 PPC 0ED9CA3C nsAllocatorImpl::Free(void*)+00014 0F9F3BD0 PPC 0FA93FD4 PR_Free+00014 0F9F3B90 PPC 0FAFCDDC free+0006C 0F9F3B50 PPC 0FAFFA5C calloc+02B28 adding some mac guru's, in case others are seeing similar bugs or have guess. I'll continue to debug this.
Assignee: racham → sfraser
all praise sfraser. I was way out of my mac debugging league, so he did the debugging and I watched. we found that there are some problems with nsFileSpec. they are: 1) not propagating errors when doing a += on a bogus fileSpec that already has error set. 2) not consistently nuking some of the private member variables. we run into these problems because loading the hidden window causes us to try to init the global history (and probably bookmark service) which calls the file locator which calls into profile. there is no registry, which means there is no profile, which means there is no profile directory. in short, boom. he's gracious offered to fix the problems we saw in nsFileSpec, to allow the error to be propagated and all to go well. rjc and I are going to meet and discuss how change the hidden window to not look for history.dat and bookmarks.html, but the problems in nsFileSpec still need to be fixed. to repay sfraser help, I'm bringing him some Guinness. all praise sfraser.
all praise sfraser. seth, regarding having the hidden window not loading bookmarks/etc, why not just defer the loading of the hidden window until we have a valid profile? We really need the hidden window to have bookmarks/etc in it for Mac. all praise sfraser.
Whiteboard: Fix in hand, awaiting review
Have fix, need a review (dougt)
Pink, indeed, that's what Seth really meant. :^)
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: Fix in hand, awaiting review
Fixed checked in.
Mac not crashing on 19991011 or 19991012 builds
Blocks: 16654
Component: Profile Manager → Profile Manager BackEnd
Moving all Profile Manager bugs to new Profile Manager Backend component. Profile Manager component to be deleted.
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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