Fix FindTopLevelPresContext in GeometryUtils.cpp works as expected for Fission
(Core :: Layout, task, P2)
Fission Milestone | Future |
(Reporter: hiro, Unassigned)
(Blocks 2 open bugs)
here, we walk up pres context tree. I think it doesn't work as expected.
That's said, no other browser implements GeometryUtils APIs so this is not a big problem I think.
Comment 1•5 years ago
Tentatively moving all bugs whose summaries mention "Fission" (or other Fission-related keywords) but are not assigned to a Fission Milestone to the "?" triage milestone.
This will generate a lot of bugmail, so you can filter your bugmail for the following UUID and delete them en masse:
Comment 2•5 years ago
Hiro, what functionality is broken in Fission by this bug? Do we have GeometryUtils tests that fail with Fission?
That's said, no other browser implements GeometryUtils APIs so this is not a big problem I think.
Should this bug block enabling Fission in Nightly (M6 milestone)?
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Comment 3•5 years ago
(In reply to Chris Peterson [:cpeterson] from comment #2)
Hiro, what functionality is broken in Fission by this bug?
I am not sure. I guess all GeometryUtils API don't work in an iframe which is the same origin as the top browsing context but there is a cross-origin iframe between them, such as;
<iframe src="https://cross-origin/child.htmL></iframe>
<iframe src="https://same-origin/grand-child.html></iframe>
But it's just a guess from the function name CheckFramesInSameTopLevelBrowsingContext
which is used for GeometryUtils.
Do we have GeometryUtils tests that fail with Fission?
No, there is no test cases run in out-of-process iframe.
Should this bug block enabling Fission in Nightly (M6 milestone)?
I don't think so.
Comment 4•5 years ago
Thanks. I will tag this bug as not a Fission blocker because no existing GeometryUtils tests fail with Fission and no other browser implements GeometryUtils APIs.
Comment 5•4 years ago
Comment 3 said this should not block Fission in Nightly, but M-Future should be used only for issues that are not going to block Fission on any channel.
From the notes in this bug, this API is not available in other browsers, but is available in Firefox and broken but we are not sure what functionality it breaks. If we support and ship this API, it should be fixed, unless we know that there are no users of it anyway. Triaging this for MVP so it gets fixed before shipping on release.
Updated•4 years ago
Comment 6•4 years ago
(In reply to Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) from comment #0)
no other browser implements GeometryUtils APIs so this is not a big problem I think.
Hiro, in the two years since you filed this bug, have any other browsers implemented the GeometryUtils APIs?
Do you think this bug should block shipping Fission MVP? If so, I can ask Frank Griffith to find a Layout engineer to work on it. That might be you. :)
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Comment 7•4 years ago
No, no other browsers has implemented it yet.
And I noticed that we haven't shipped the APIs yet.