Bug 158576
Opened 23 years ago
Closed 23 years ago
mouse wheel ignored by new windows (internal focus)
(Core :: DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling, defect)
of bug 151073
(Reporter: stig-moz, Assigned: joki)
i filed this against galeon, they blamed it on mozilla, i came here and searched
on a few terms, came up with nothing and so i repeat my efforts here... (I wish
bugzilla had a better peering arrangement)
Product - Version Component Status Short Summary
galeon - 1.2.5 User interface RESOLVED mouse wheel ignored by new windows (focus)
Opened by (stig hackvan) on 2002-07-21 13:54 Long
1. <<make sure shift-mouse-wheel changes font size>>
2. button2: follow link in new window
3. focus new window <<i use sloppy focus w/ autoraise>>
4. shift-mouse-wheel to enlarge font
^^^^^^ doesn't work until the text pane has been clicked
5. type PageUp(Prior) or PageDown(Next)
^^^^^^ doesn't work until the text pane has been clicked
it seems that mouse wheel events get dropped until internal focus has been
sent to the text pane. I think that's where it should be from the start...
------- Additional Comments From Yanko Kaneti 2002-07-21 14:04 -------
This is a mozilla focus bug which wont be fixed for this branch
Reporter | ||
Comment 2•23 years ago
okay, so it's an X11 / Linux focus problem
Seems dupe of or related to the Bug 158001, "Ctrl+Mouse Wheel events go to wrong
window". (However, I cannot reproduce it useing steps descibed here.)
Reporter | ||
Comment 4•23 years ago
... well, that's why i reported it against galeon first (linux gnome browser
which uses mozilla internally) ...that's where i encountered the bug...grrrr...
well, i had enough public spirit to do the mouse and keyboard work of moving
data from the galeon bug system to this one upon being informed that "it's a
mozilla bug"...
but, uhm, wouldn't it be more appropriate if the gnome bugzill could "BLAME" on this bug?
I don't know if anyone working on galeon has filed what they consider to be the
mozilla bug or not, and so probably it was overzealous of me to file a bug
against galeon and, upon rebuff, re-file it here based upon what amounts to
heresay and not direct experience...
here's some direct experience: does
not print properly... but that may be in either galeon-1.2.5-2.ximian.2 or
mozilla-1.0.0-5.ximian.1 but i'm not sure which one... and i've been thinking
lately that -- to the degree that my "self" is the programmatic aspect of "me,
my self, and I" ... and to the extent that I (the Observer/Ideator/Creator)
consider my computer(s) to be extensions of my "self" -- ... I've been thinking
that unreliable software, for someone who depends upon software, can effect a
sort of cybernetically induced schizophrenia...just try getting is
highly traumatic...but this effect can be seen in lesser form with forked work
and fragmentary backups and restores... part of one's self is here and part of
one's self is there and the buzz of existence makes one think "I have to kill a
few selves before I go insane"...or maybe I already am...
so, what is this?
- a bug report turned half-screed?
- the initial musings for a book entitled (alice & bob in wonderland)
- or an ad-hoc harbinger of an upcoming "technocratic oath"?
find out next week! same bat time, same bat channel!
-- stig
Comment 5•23 years ago
stig: using imwheel?
Comment 6•23 years ago
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 151073 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Updated•22 years ago
QA Contact: rakeshmishra → trix
Updated•6 years ago
Component: Event Handling → User events and focus handling
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