Open Bug 158706 Opened 23 years ago Updated 2 years ago

[mozTXTToHTMLConv] Allow /*bold and italics*/ etc. (not just /bold *and* italics/ )


(MailNews Core :: Backend, enhancement)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: slabbi, Unassigned)



(2 files)

Well, I like the text effects very much and would like to suggest to improve them a little bit. First it would be nice if you could combine text effects like */bold and italics/* or _*underlined and bold*_ Second it would be nice when text effects like *bold* or shown without the stars. Perhaps this could be switchable with a hotkey. I have enclosed some pictures of a message reader I have written some years ago for the Fidonet (anyone remember, there was a live before Internet :-)) that shows my suggestion in action. ;-)
Why don't you just use HTML instead of creating a new quasi-markup language? IMHO, I don't think this would do any good as long as it's not used by other major muas.
Regarding comment 3: text decoration that is NOT HTML is a neat feature for those who still see email and the WWW as two completely different things. CC BenB for an opinion - he's been involved in many of these text-bugs earlyer.
Mmm, I see where _this_ stuff comes from... /Good old times of 8086 and *FIDO*net over 1200 bps lines.../ ;) I'd raise my paw FOR some support of these nostalgic features. =^.^=
> Second it would be nice when text effects like > *bold* or shown without the stars. You can do that with a user stylesheet. Basic, but a bit outdated information at <>. The */_ etc. are each wrapped in <span class="moz-txt-tag">. You can use the > selector in CSS together with e.g. class=moz-txt-star to hide some specific ones. > I have enclosed some pictures of a message reader I have written some years > ago for the Fidonet Nice :-) Feel free to hack the Mozilla code :-). Search bugzilla for "mozTXTToHTMLConv" in the summary to get more info.
Ever confirmed: true
Summary: more advanced text effects in mail and news → [mozTXTToHTMLConv] Allow /*bold and italics*/ etc. (not just /bold *and* italics/ )
-> Network, nobody
Assignee: sspitzer → nobody
Component: Mail Window Front End → Networking
OS: Windows 98 → All
Product: MailNews → Browser
Hardware: PC → All
mass assignment of text->HTML bugs to MailNews w/ esther as QA.
Component: Networking → Mail Back End
Product: Browser → MailNews
Version: Trunk → other
QA Contact: olgam → laurel
> Second it would be nice when text effects like > *bold* or shown without the stars. > Perhaps this could be switchable with a hotkey. The / , _ , and * should stay diplayed by default, these characters are used in mathematic formulae! Just imagine that the formula is A _i = b_i *d_j /K_i + c_i* d_j/ K_ j (exaggerated but just A= b *d /K + c* d/ K is enough to be incomprehensible without the / *) I already had enough problems with the /'s being ALWAYS interpreted as italics (terminal fonts do not have always italics - the text is then unreadable, just try Windows fith FIXEDSYS font selected as monospaced font!).
> The / , _ , and * should stay diplayed by default offtopic [my own comments suspended, because it's offtopic]
Product: MailNews → Core
Filter on "Nobody_NScomTLD_20080620"
QA Contact: laurel → backend
Product: Core → MailNews Core
Severity: normal → S3
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