Open Bug 1587856 Opened 5 years ago Updated 8 months ago

Incorrect find in page results from GeckoSession.SessionFinder when invoked in quick succession


(GeckoView :: General, defect, P2)



(firefox70 affected, firefox71 affected, firefox106 affected, firefox107 affected, firefox108 affected, firefox109 affected, firefox110 affected, firefox111 affected, firefox120 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox70 --- affected
firefox71 --- affected
firefox106 --- affected
firefox107 --- affected
firefox108 --- affected
firefox109 --- affected
firefox110 --- affected
firefox111 --- affected
firefox120 --- affected


(Reporter: csadilek, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(1 file)

While debugging intermittent find-in-page test failures in Fenix, I came across the following problems with GeckoSession.SessionFinder:

Incorrect results after clear():

  • Open
  • Type "a": Calls find("a", 0) -> result e.g. 85/318
  • Type "n": Calls find("an", 0) -> result e.g. 21/56
  • Type quickly backspace, backspace (calls clear()), then "a" (calls find("a", 0)) -> expected similar result to first search of "a", but getting 0/0 with found = true)

Incorrect results on find next/previous:

  • Open
  • Type "a": Calls find("a", 0) -> result e.g. 85/318
  • Click next result a few times quickly: Calls find(null, 0) -> getting results with 0/0 instead of accurate current/total.

snorp says this looks like a race in the text finder code. P2 because this bug is reproducible manually, not just in the test.

Rank: 55
Priority: -- → P2
Has STR: --- → yes
Severity: normal → S3
Rank: 55 → 222

Search page, incorrect result appears, on android. I put the letter "c" and being very many, the result in the border appears as it is in the attached video.

(In reply to eclaudiu64 from comment #2)

Created attachment 9355324 [details]

Search page, incorrect result appears, on android. I put the letter "c" and being very many, the result in the border appears as it is in the attached video.

There are over 5000 results on the page, but the complete result appears on -1. This is the page where I noticed:, but it happens on any site where there are thousands of results.
Is there an update to this error?

Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson)
Flags: needinfo?(bugzeeeeee)

"-1" results is a bug, but I don't have an update on the status of the fix at this time.

Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson)
Flags: needinfo?(bugzeeeeee)
Summary: Incorrect results from GeckoSession.SessionFinder when invoked in quick succession → Incorrect find in page results from GeckoSession.SessionFinder when invoked in quick succession
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