Closed Bug 1593139 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Debain 10 - dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html, test_fullscreen-api.html | The window should be in fullscreen


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect, P5)






(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)



Filed by: egao [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

suite: mochitest-2

[task 2019-10-28T23:58:58.806Z] 23:58:58 INFO - TEST-START | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:58.916Z] 23:58:58 INFO - TEST-INFO | started process screentopng
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.123Z] 23:58:59 INFO - TEST-INFO | screentopng: exit 0
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.123Z] 23:58:59 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 23:58:58
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.123Z] 23:58:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | A valid string reason is expected
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.123Z] 23:58:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | Reason cannot be empty
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.123Z] 23:58:59 INFO - Testing openNewTab, navigate
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.123Z] 23:58:59 INFO - About to enter fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.125Z] 23:58:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | Should get fullscreenchange
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.125Z] 23:58:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | Should have entered fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.126Z] 23:58:59 INFO - Buffered messages finished
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.127Z] 23:58:59 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The window should be in fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.127Z] 23:58:59 INFO - SimpleTest.ok@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:277:18
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.128Z] 23:58:59 INFO - listener@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:137:11
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.128Z] 23:58:59 INFO - EventListener.handleEventrunTest/</<@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:147:11
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.129Z] 23:58:59 INFO - runTest/<@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:122:12
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.129Z] 23:58:59 INFO - promise callback
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.129Z] 23:58:59 INFO - next@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:161:12
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.129Z] 23:58:59 INFO - Async*@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:35:17
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.130Z] 23:58:59 INFO - rval@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:146:30
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.130Z] 23:58:59 INFO - About to navigate to another page
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.131Z] 23:58:59 INFO - must wait for load
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.133Z] 23:58:59 INFO - GECKO(3044) | JavaScript error: resource:///actors/DOMFullscreenParent.jsm, line 83: Error: TelemetryStopwatch: key "FULLSCREEN_CHANGE_MS" was already initialized
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.134Z] 23:58:59 INFO - GECKO(3044) | JavaScript error: resource:///actors/DOMFullscreenChild.jsm, line 112: InvalidStateError: An attempt was made to use an object that is not, or is no longer, usable
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.134Z] 23:58:59 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The window should have been closed
[task 2019-10-28T23:58:59.135Z] 23:58:59 INFO - TEST-FAIL | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The author of the test has indicated that flaky timeouts are expected. Reason: Need to wait for potential fullscreen transition
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:00.136Z] 23:59:00 INFO - Testing openNewTab, closeWindow
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:00.160Z] 23:59:00 INFO - About to enter fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:00.189Z] 23:59:00 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | Should get fullscreenchange
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:00.190Z] 23:59:00 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | Should have entered fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:00.190Z] 23:59:00 INFO - Not taking screenshot here: see the one that was previously logged
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:00.190Z] 23:59:00 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The window should be in fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:00.190Z] 23:59:00 INFO - SimpleTest.ok@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:277:18
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:00.190Z] 23:59:00 INFO - listener@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:137:11
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:00.191Z] 23:59:00 INFO - EventListener.handleEventrunTest/</<@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:147:11
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:00.191Z] 23:59:00 INFO - runTest/<@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:122:12
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:00.191Z] 23:59:00 INFO - promise callback
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:00.191Z] 23:59:00 INFO - next@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:161:12
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:00.191Z] 23:59:00 INFO - focusedOrLoaded/<@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:805:67
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:00.191Z] 23:59:00 INFO - About to close the window
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:00.191Z] 23:59:00 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The window should have been closed
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:00.192Z] 23:59:00 INFO - TEST-FAIL | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The author of the test has indicated that flaky timeouts are expected. Reason: Need to wait for potential fullscreen transition
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:00.215Z] 23:59:00 INFO - GECKO(3044) | JavaScript error: resource:///actors/DOMFullscreenParent.jsm, line 83: Error: TelemetryStopwatch: key "FULLSCREEN_CHANGE_MS" was already initialized
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:00.231Z] 23:59:00 INFO - GECKO(3044) | JavaScript error: resource:///actors/DOMFullscreenParent.jsm, line 15: TypeError: browser is null
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:00.232Z] 23:59:00 INFO - GECKO(3044) | JavaScript error: , line 0: NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED:
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:00.232Z] 23:59:00 INFO - GECKO(3044) | JavaScript error: resource:///actors/DOMFullscreenParent.jsm, line 15: TypeError: browser is null
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:00.233Z] 23:59:00 INFO - GECKO(3044) | JavaScript error: , line 0: NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED:
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:01.191Z] 23:59:01 INFO - Testing openNewTab, exitFullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:01.219Z] 23:59:01 INFO - About to enter fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:01.260Z] 23:59:01 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | Should get fullscreenchange
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:01.260Z] 23:59:01 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | Should have entered fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:01.260Z] 23:59:01 INFO - Not taking screenshot here: see the one that was previously logged
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:01.261Z] 23:59:01 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The window should be in fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:01.261Z] 23:59:01 INFO - SimpleTest.ok@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:277:18
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:01.261Z] 23:59:01 INFO - listener@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:137:11
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:01.261Z] 23:59:01 INFO - EventListener.handleEventrunTest/</<@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:147:11
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:01.262Z] 23:59:01 INFO - runTest/<@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:122:12
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:01.262Z] 23:59:01 INFO - promise callback
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:01.262Z] 23:59:01 INFO - next@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:161:12
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:01.262Z] 23:59:01 INFO - focusedOrLoaded/<@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:805:67
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:01.263Z] 23:59:01 INFO - About to cancel fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:01.270Z] 23:59:01 INFO - GECKO(3044) | JavaScript error: resource:///actors/DOMFullscreenParent.jsm, line 83: Error: TelemetryStopwatch: key "FULLSCREEN_CHANGE_MS" was already initialized
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:01.270Z] 23:59:01 INFO - GECKO(3044) | JavaScript error: resource:///actors/DOMFullscreenParent.jsm, line 47: Error: TelemetryStopwatch: requesting elapsed time for nonexisting stopwatch. Histogram: "FULLSCREEN_CHANGE_MS", key: ""
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:01.279Z] 23:59:01 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | Should exit fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:01.295Z] 23:59:01 INFO - GECKO(3044) | JavaScript error: resource:///actors/DOMFullscreenParent.jsm, line 47: Error: TelemetryStopwatch: requesting elapsed time for nonexisting stopwatch. Histogram: "FULLSCREEN_CHANGE_MS", key: ""
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:01.376Z] 23:59:01 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The window should have been closed
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:01.376Z] 23:59:01 INFO - TEST-FAIL | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The author of the test has indicated that flaky timeouts are expected. Reason: Need to wait for potential fullscreen transition
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:02.380Z] 23:59:02 INFO - Testing openNewTab, exitAndClose
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:02.408Z] 23:59:02 INFO - About to enter fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:02.428Z] 23:59:02 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | Should get fullscreenchange
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:02.428Z] 23:59:02 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | Should have entered fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:02.432Z] 23:59:02 INFO - Not taking screenshot here: see the one that was previously logged
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:02.432Z] 23:59:02 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The window should be in fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:02.432Z] 23:59:02 INFO - SimpleTest.ok@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:277:18
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:02.433Z] 23:59:02 INFO - listener@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:137:11
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:02.433Z] 23:59:02 INFO - EventListener.handleEventrunTest/</<@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:147:11
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:02.433Z] 23:59:02 INFO - runTest/<@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:122:12
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:02.433Z] 23:59:02 INFO - promise callback
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:02.433Z] 23:59:02 INFO - next@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:161:12
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:02.433Z] 23:59:02 INFO - focusedOrLoaded/<@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:805:67
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:02.434Z] 23:59:02 INFO - About to cancel fullscreen and close the window
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:02.434Z] 23:59:02 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The window should have been closed
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:02.434Z] 23:59:02 INFO - TEST-FAIL | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The author of the test has indicated that flaky timeouts are expected. Reason: Need to wait for potential fullscreen transition
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:02.451Z] 23:59:02 INFO - GECKO(3044) | JavaScript error: resource:///actors/DOMFullscreenParent.jsm, line 83: Error: TelemetryStopwatch: key "FULLSCREEN_CHANGE_MS" was already initialized
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:02.486Z] 23:59:02 INFO - GECKO(3044) | JavaScript error: resource:///actors/DOMFullscreenParent.jsm, line 15: TypeError: browser is null
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:02.487Z] 23:59:02 INFO - GECKO(3044) | JavaScript error: , line 0: NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED:
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:02.487Z] 23:59:02 INFO - GECKO(3044) | JavaScript error: resource:///actors/DOMFullscreenParent.jsm, line 15: TypeError: browser is null
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:02.487Z] 23:59:02 INFO - GECKO(3044) | JavaScript error: , line 0: NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED:
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:03.432Z] 23:59:03 INFO - Testing openNewWindow, navigate
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:03.609Z] 23:59:03 INFO - must wait for focus
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:03.616Z] 23:59:03 INFO - About to enter fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:03.638Z] 23:59:03 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | Should get fullscreenchange
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:03.638Z] 23:59:03 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | Should have entered fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:03.638Z] 23:59:03 INFO - Not taking screenshot here: see the one that was previously logged
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:03.638Z] 23:59:03 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The window should be in fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:03.638Z] 23:59:03 INFO - SimpleTest.ok@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:277:18
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:03.638Z] 23:59:03 INFO - listener@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:137:11
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:03.638Z] 23:59:03 INFO - EventListener.handleEventrunTest/</<@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:147:11
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:03.638Z] 23:59:03 INFO - runTest/<@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:122:12
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:03.639Z] 23:59:03 INFO - promise callback
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:03.640Z] 23:59:03 INFO - next@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:161:12
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:03.640Z] 23:59:03 INFO - focusedOrLoaded/<@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:805:67
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:03.640Z] 23:59:03 INFO - About to navigate to another page
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:03.642Z] 23:59:03 INFO - must wait for load
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:03.642Z] 23:59:03 INFO - GECKO(3044) | JavaScript error: resource:///actors/DOMFullscreenParent.jsm, line 83: Error: TelemetryStopwatch: key "FULLSCREEN_CHANGE_MS" was already initialized
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:03.658Z] 23:59:03 INFO - GECKO(3044) | JavaScript error: resource:///actors/DOMFullscreenChild.jsm, line 112: InvalidStateError: An attempt was made to use an object that is not, or is no longer, usable
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:03.754Z] 23:59:03 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The window should have been closed
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:03.754Z] 23:59:03 INFO - TEST-FAIL | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The author of the test has indicated that flaky timeouts are expected. Reason: Need to wait for potential fullscreen transition
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:04.754Z] 23:59:04 INFO - Testing openNewWindow, closeWindow
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:04.890Z] 23:59:04 INFO - must wait for focus
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:04.906Z] 23:59:04 INFO - About to enter fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:04.922Z] 23:59:04 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | Should get fullscreenchange
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:04.922Z] 23:59:04 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | Should have entered fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:04.923Z] 23:59:04 INFO - Not taking screenshot here: see the one that was previously logged
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:04.923Z] 23:59:04 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The window should be in fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:04.923Z] 23:59:04 INFO - SimpleTest.ok@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:277:18
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:04.923Z] 23:59:04 INFO - listener@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:137:11
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:04.923Z] 23:59:04 INFO - EventListener.handleEventrunTest/</<@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:147:11
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:04.923Z] 23:59:04 INFO - runTest/<@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:122:12
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:04.923Z] 23:59:04 INFO - promise callback
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:04.923Z] 23:59:04 INFO - next@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:161:12
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:04.923Z] 23:59:04 INFO - focusedOrLoaded/<@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:805:67
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:04.923Z] 23:59:04 INFO - About to close the window
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:04.923Z] 23:59:04 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The window should have been closed
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:04.924Z] 23:59:04 INFO - TEST-FAIL | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The author of the test has indicated that flaky timeouts are expected. Reason: Need to wait for potential fullscreen transition
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:04.944Z] 23:59:04 INFO - GECKO(3044) | JavaScript error: resource:///actors/DOMFullscreenParent.jsm, line 15: TypeError: browser is null
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:04.945Z] 23:59:04 INFO - GECKO(3044) | JavaScript error: , line 0: NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED:
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:05.924Z] 23:59:05 INFO - Testing openNewWindow, exitFullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:06.061Z] 23:59:06 INFO - must wait for focus
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:06.077Z] 23:59:06 INFO - About to enter fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:06.085Z] 23:59:06 INFO - GECKO(3044) | JavaScript error: resource:///actors/DOMFullscreenParent.jsm, line 78: Error: TelemetryStopwatch: key "FULLSCREEN_CHANGE_MS" was already initialized
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:06.092Z] 23:59:06 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | Should get fullscreenchange
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:06.093Z] 23:59:06 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | Should have entered fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:06.094Z] 23:59:06 INFO - Not taking screenshot here: see the one that was previously logged
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:06.095Z] 23:59:06 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The window should be in fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:06.096Z] 23:59:06 INFO - SimpleTest.ok@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:277:18
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:06.096Z] 23:59:06 INFO - listener@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:137:11
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:06.097Z] 23:59:06 INFO - EventListener.handleEventrunTest/</<@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:147:11
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:06.097Z] 23:59:06 INFO - runTest/<@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:122:12
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:06.097Z] 23:59:06 INFO - promise callback
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:06.097Z] 23:59:06 INFO - next@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:161:12
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:06.097Z] 23:59:06 INFO - focusedOrLoaded/<@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:805:67
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:06.098Z] 23:59:06 INFO - About to cancel fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:06.133Z] 23:59:06 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | Should exit fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:06.229Z] 23:59:06 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The window should have been closed
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:06.229Z] 23:59:06 INFO - TEST-FAIL | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The author of the test has indicated that flaky timeouts are expected. Reason: Need to wait for potential fullscreen transition
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:07.229Z] 23:59:07 INFO - Testing openNewWindow, exitAndClose
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:07.386Z] 23:59:07 INFO - must wait for focus
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:07.393Z] 23:59:07 INFO - About to enter fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:07.435Z] 23:59:07 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | Should get fullscreenchange
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:07.435Z] 23:59:07 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | Should have entered fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:07.435Z] 23:59:07 INFO - Not taking screenshot here: see the one that was previously logged
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:07.435Z] 23:59:07 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The window should be in fullscreen
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:07.435Z] 23:59:07 INFO - SimpleTest.ok@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:277:18
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:07.435Z] 23:59:07 INFO - listener@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:137:11
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:07.435Z] 23:59:07 INFO - EventListener.handleEventrunTest/</<@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:147:11
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:07.435Z] 23:59:07 INFO - runTest/<@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:122:12
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:07.435Z] 23:59:07 INFO - promise callback
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:07.435Z] 23:59:07 INFO - next@dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html:161:12
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:07.435Z] 23:59:07 INFO - focusedOrLoaded/<@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:805:67
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:07.435Z] 23:59:07 INFO - About to cancel fullscreen and close the window
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:07.435Z] 23:59:07 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The window should have been closed
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:07.435Z] 23:59:07 INFO - TEST-FAIL | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | The author of the test has indicated that flaky timeouts are expected. Reason: Need to wait for potential fullscreen transition
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:08.440Z] 23:59:08 INFO - GECKO(3044) | MEMORY STAT | vsize 2553MB | residentFast 195MB | heapAllocated 25MB
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:08.441Z] 23:59:08 INFO - TEST-OK | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api-race.html | took 9632ms

[task 2019-10-28T23:59:08.456Z] 23:59:08 INFO - TEST-START | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api.html
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:08.923Z] 23:59:08 INFO - GECKO(3044) | JavaScript error: resource:///actors/DOMFullscreenParent.jsm, line 78: Error: TelemetryStopwatch: key "FULLSCREEN_CHANGE_MS" was already initialized
[task 2019-10-28T23:59:08.938Z] 23:59:08 INFO - GECKO(3044) | JavaScript error: resource:///actors/DOMFullscreenParent.jsm, line 47: Error: TelemetryStopwatch: requesting elapsed time for nonexisting stopwatch. Histogram: "FULLSCREEN_CHANGE_MS", key: ""
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.895Z] 00:04:16 INFO - Not taking screenshot here: see the one that was previously logged
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.896Z] 00:04:16 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 23:59:08
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.896Z] 00:04:16 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api.html | A valid string reason is expected
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.897Z] 00:04:16 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api.html | Reason cannot be empty
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.898Z] 00:04:16 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api.html | Shouldn't be able to set window fullscreen from content
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.898Z] 00:04:16 INFO - Run test file_fullscreen-multiple.html
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.899Z] 00:04:16 INFO - Were focused
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.899Z] 00:04:16 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 23:59:09
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.900Z] 00:04:16 INFO - must wait for focus
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.900Z] 00:04:16 INFO - Buffered messages finished
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.902Z] 00:04:16 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api.html | Test timed out.
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.902Z] 00:04:16 INFO - SimpleTest.ok@SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:277:18
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.902Z] 00:04:16 INFO - reportError@SimpleTest/TestRunner.js:121:22
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.903Z] 00:04:16 INFO - TestRunner._checkForHangs@SimpleTest/TestRunner.js:142:18
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.903Z] 00:04:16 INFO - setTimeout handlerTestRunner._checkForHangs@SimpleTest/TestRunner.js:170:15
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.903Z] 00:04:16 INFO - setTimeout handler
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.903Z] 00:04:16 INFO - setTimeout handlerTestRunner._checkForHangs@SimpleTest/TestRunner.js:170:15
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.904Z] 00:04:16 INFO - setTimeout handler
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.904Z] 00:04:16 INFO - setTimeout handlerTestRunner._checkForHangs@SimpleTest/TestRunner.js:170:15
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.905Z] 00:04:16 INFO - setTimeout handler
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.905Z] 00:04:16 INFO - setTimeout handlerTestRunner._checkForHangs@SimpleTest/TestRunner.js:170:15
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.906Z] 00:04:16 INFO - setTimeout handler
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.906Z] 00:04:16 INFO - setTimeout handlerTestRunner._checkForHangs@SimpleTest/TestRunner.js:170:15
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.906Z] 00:04:16 INFO - setTimeout handler
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.906Z] 00:04:16 INFO - setTimeout handlerTestRunner._checkForHangs@SimpleTest/TestRunner.js:170:15
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.907Z] 00:04:16 INFO - setTimeout handler
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.907Z] 00:04:16 INFO - TestRunner.runTests/<@SimpleTest/TestRunner.js:388:20
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.907Z] 00:04:16 INFO - promise callbackTestRunner.runTests@SimpleTest/TestRunner.js:375:50
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.907Z] 00:04:16 INFO - RunSet.runtests@SimpleTest/setup.js:201:14
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.907Z] 00:04:16 INFO - RunSet.runall@SimpleTest/setup.js:180:12
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.907Z] 00:04:16 INFO - hookupTests@SimpleTest/setup.js:273:12
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.907Z] 00:04:16 INFO - parseTestManifest@http://mochi.test:8888/manifestLibrary.js:48:13
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.907Z] 00:04:16 INFO - getTestManifest/req.onload@http://mochi.test:8888/manifestLibrary.js:61:28
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.908Z] 00:04:16 INFO - EventHandlerNonNull
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.908Z] 00:04:16 INFO - hookup@SimpleTest/setup.js:253:20
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:16.908Z] 00:04:16 INFO - EventHandlerNonNull*@http://mochi.test:8888/tests?autorun=1&closeWhenDone=1&consoleLevel=INFO&manifestFile=tests.json&dumpOutputDirectory=%2Ftmp&cleanupCrashes=true:11:1
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:17.898Z] 00:04:17 INFO - GECKO(3044) | MEMORY STAT | vsize 2551MB | residentFast 191MB | heapAllocated 26MB
[task 2019-10-29T00:04:17.901Z] 00:04:17 INFO - TEST-OK | dom/html/test/test_fullscreen-api.html | took 309441ms

:xidorn - I'm working to migrate our Linux testing platform to debian 10, and these tests are permafail:

  • test_fullscreen-api.html
  • test_fullscreen-api-race.html

I see that you wrote the test. As far as I know, the screen resolution of the xvfb display on debian 10 is still the same (1600x1200). Could you help me shed light on might be happening in this failure?

Flags: needinfo?(xidorn+moz)
See Also: → 1489190, 1356570
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE

Moved my ni? to bug 1580048.

Flags: needinfo?(xidorn+moz)
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