Closed Bug 159606 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Undo after autocomplete garbles URL


(Camino Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mikepinkerton, Assigned: david.haas)




(1 file, 3 obsolete files)

- go to - in url bar type "" and hit tab to autocomplete - hit cmd-z (undo) expected: - url should say or actual: - urlbar says "" it appears to be undoing based on what the selection was before the autocomplete, not just restoring the text.
Blocks: 147975
Attached patch fix (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This looks to me like it fixes the garbled stuff without introducing any new bugs. I could be wrong on the last part, though.
You can have the bug back to check out/check in the patch.
Assignee: haasd → pinkerton
Keywords: patch, review
- if (range.location == [[self string] length]) - [self startSearch:[self string] complete:!mBackspaced]; - else + if (range.location == [[self string] length]) { + NSString *searchString = [[self string] copyWithZone:nil]; + [self startSearch:searchString complete:!mBackspaced]; + [searchString release]; + } is the reason you did this to ensure that the string doesn't change out from under us when the user changes the value of the text view? if so, we should add a comment.
Target Milestone: --- → Chimera0.4
two undesired side effects: 1) now when you select items in the autocomplete area, they no longer change the url text. i don't like this. 2) if you get suggestions, down arrow to select one, then up arrow back into the url bar, the cursor is at the _start_ of the url bar which makes adding text to the end pretty difficult.
cc'ing so he sees my comments.
Attached patch updated for comments (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Just like above patch, but I added a comment in the code as per comment #4 and to put the cursor at the end of the URL bar as in comment #5 point 2. pink can figure out comment #5 point 1, since the url text changes for everybody but him ;)
Attachment #93003 - Attachment is obsolete: true
i pulled a fresh tree on a different machine (my powerbook) and the patch still doesn't put the text into the url bar when i pick an item in the autocomplete list. *punt*
Assignee: pinkerton → haasd
OK, I'm going to blow away the entire directory & rebuild everything from scratch tonight to try this again, but before I do that . . . . you're not running something funky like a 10.2 seed, are you?
nope, normal 10.1.5 with the latest shipping (not seed) dev tools.
I blew away my entire mozilla directory and my Chimera profile, pulled from CVS (around 1 pm today) & rebuilt from scratch, then applied this patch. It worked. We've got to be talking about different things.
I can reproduce the problems Mike describes in comment 5. Although for 1), the URL is displayed, but only after a brief delay. I wonder, when you click on an item in the autocomplete menu, it currently immediatly starts to load that page, while in IE it simply selects the item. Which behaviour is better I wonder? And for 2): yes, when I use the arrow keys to select items from the autocomple menu, the URL bar stays unchanged - it only shows the partial URL I typed in, nothing else. IMHO it should behave more like IE. I dunno if that is what Dave is seeing or simply a feature that is (not yet?) implemented, though.
Well, after reading Max's comments, I've figured out the problem: you're both trying to drive me insane ;) Just for grins, I'm re-installing the Dec 2001 dev tools & I'm gonna recompile, although I don't have a clue why that would matter. But on my machine, when I arrow down or up in the selection list, the URL bar gets filled in. Do you have autocomplete while typing set? Some other URL bar preference that I could check on? Can I zip up a copy of my debug build (it's 100+ MB) and have one of you try it on your machine to see if it works there? Are you building with static libraries or not (I'm not). If you can't tell, I'm grasping at straws here. As for the "immediately load on click" vs. "just fill in the URL bar on click" I'm indifferent. I think it's a 1 line change. Whatever people want is OK.
I have a default non-static debug build straight after the build guide. I wasn't aware that there are any autocomplete prefs, where could I view/change those?
I am really surprised that this works for you, Dave.The problem is that excpetions are thrown, because of "out of bounds" NSString access. For example, if I type in "so" over here, then many pages are shown in the auto complete list that contains so *anywhere* in the URL (that's how rangeOfString works after all, if you don't specify any options). So e.g. the match is at position 9. Which in completeResult leads to a call to [self setStringUndoably:result fromLocation:(endPoint)]; where endPoint in my example is 9. And now inside of setStringUndoably, this code is run: NSRange aRange = NSMakeRange(aLocation,[[self string] length] - aLocation); Guess what, length = 2, aLocation = 9, -> differentce is -7, but since the members of a NSRange are unsigned, this amounts to a huge positive number (4 billion something). And quite correctly NSTextView fires an exception. A possible fix is to use this code in setStringUndoably to calculate the range (instead of the above line): unsigned len = [[self string] length]; NSRange aRange; if (aLocation > len) aRange = NSMakeRange(len, 0); else aRange = NSMakeRange(aLocation, len - aLocation);
Attached patch updated again (obsolete) — Splinter Review
From IRC & Max's comment #15, I now understand why it only worked for me. This patch should make it work for everybody else, too. As for comment #12: I left in the immediate load on click. It is a 1 line change (in onRowClicked, unsurprisingly) to give behavior like IE. Anyone have a strong opinion about this?
Attachment #93219 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Patch in bug 161621 changes textview back to a text field & should fix this.
Depends on: 161621
this is still an issues after 161621 landed, but much less so and it's hard to get into this scenario. basically you can get it to a point where you undo back to a previous url, but the completion popup is still up (but not applicable) and selecting anything from it will replace parts of the non-applicable url.
Attached patch fixedSplinter Review
I had this fix in for TextViews, then when we went back to TextFields I couldn't figure out why I had it in the first place so took it out. Whoops. It closes the popup window if we undo or redo. I think that's a sensible thing to do. It also changes the URL bar font back to what it was, but I'm hoping nobody notices that. Whoops better erase this last line before I sub
Attachment #94593 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified in the 2002-08-21-05 NB.
No longer blocks: 147975
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