Open Bug 1599077 Opened 5 years ago Updated 4 years ago

Push causes 503 error


(Tree Management :: Treeherder: API, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: ekyle, Unassigned)


from decoder Nov 23rd 6:24 AM

When I access I get a Heroku application error. The same request as part of viewing my push in the UI seems to work fine.
Other REST API entry points (e.g. for viewing job details) also seem to work fine.


I prioritized this bug P1 so it has your attention. Please make a guess about what's happening, and then reset the priority and assignee accordingly.

Thank you

Assignee: nobody → cdawson
Priority: -- → P1

I tried the same page in the Rested addon and it worked fine. I think it might have to do with the Accept header, because Rested sends Accept: */* while Firefox itself prepends other stuff before that. That is the only difference I could see.

I have always noticed this in the past. It's annoying but it can be worked around by looking at the reponse in the network pane.

Priority: P1 → P2

De-prioritizing Treeherder work in new reorg. So removing myself.

Assignee: cdawson → nobody
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