Closed Bug 1602385 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

The User is unable to Navigate through the Notifications prompt using the keyboard


(Firefox :: Site Permissions, defect, P3)




Tracking Status
firefox71 --- wontfix
firefox72 --- wontfix
firefox73 --- wontfix


(Reporter: rdoghi, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: access)

[Affected versions]:
Nightly 73.0a1

[Affected platforms]:
Platforms: Mac OsX

Steps :

  1. Open the Firefox Browser.
  2. Reach
  3. Use the TAB key in order to reach the SHIELD Icon.
  4. Use the arrow keys in order to reach the Notifications icon.
  5. Hit Space or Enter in order to open the Notifications prompt.
  6. Use the Arrow keys or the Tab key in order to navigate through the Notifications prompt

Expected Results :
The User should be able to navigate through the notifications prompt using the keyboard.

Actual Results :
None of the buttons are highlighted and the user is unable to navigate throught the notifications prompt.

Component: Keyboard Navigation → Site Permissions
Keywords: access

Did you enable System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Full Keyboard Access: All Controls?

Flags: needinfo?(rares.doghi)

With the "Use keyboard navigation to move focus" checked it works to an extent, 2 things noticed here:

  1. If the user opens the notifications panel with space/enter key he can navigate through the panel using the TAB key or the arrows but he is still unable to change focus to the "X" close button.
  2. With the "Use keyboard navigation to move focus" un-checked, the user can navigate through the "Site information panel" "lock icon" using the tab key without issues but he cannot navigate through the notifications panel at all.
Flags: needinfo?(rares.doghi)
Priority: -- → P3

(In reply to Rares Doghi from comment #2)

  1. If the user opens the notifications panel with space/enter key he can navigate through the panel using the TAB key or the arrows but he is still unable to change focus to the "X" close button.

On Windows, I can tab to the close button. Is it possible there isn't a focus outline even though the button gets focus? Rares, do you get four tab stops before wrapping around or only three? Otherwise, this is a mac specific focus issue, which is weird.

  1. With the "Use keyboard navigation to move focus" un-checked,

If the user has this enabled, they shouldn't expect keyboard navigation to work.

the user can navigate through the "Site information panel" "lock icon" using the tab key without issues

This is probably the "bug" - we should probably make that panel respect the OS behaviour to be consistent with Apple's broken-by-design keyboard behaviour - though I'd say it's super low priority.

Since it seems to work with

System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Full Keyboard Access: All Controls

I'll close this. Feel free to comment if you still have issues.

Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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