Closed Bug 1602409 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Opening downloaded PDF


(Firefox :: File Handling, defect)

71 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: skuroedov, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:71.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/71.0

Steps to reproduce:

I have downloaded and opened PDF with a space in it's name:
file:///C:/Users/kuroese/AppData/Local/Temp/Reading comprehension.pdf

Actual results:

Firefox tried to open file with name ending in space of URL:
And opened second tab with trying to open file with name of rest of path:

Expected results:

Firefox should have opened file:///C:/Users/kuroese/AppData/Local/Temp/Reading comprehension.pdf

Bugbug thinks this bug should belong to this component, but please revert this change in case of error.

Component: Untriaged → File Handling

I tried to reproduce the problem but couldn't.

Is Firefox set as the default OS handler for pdf files?
How did you try to open the pdf, just double clicking on the file, or some other ways?

Flags: needinfo?(skuroedov)

The problem is in file association, If you use Adobe Reader (predefined) all is ok if you assign Adobe Reader manually not .
The same if you assign manually Firefox.exe

Could you please provide more detailed steps? what do you mean by "manually"?

Flags: needinfo?(eugeniob)

"manually" is select Adobe Reader from the list of available program for open a .pdf and not (Predefined)

If you select Firefox.exe from the installation folder and open the .pdf you can see a truncated string of the file path, instead if you use Acrobat Reader receive an application error.

The same problem is in ESR version.

Flags: needinfo?(eugeniob)

I'm sorry but I still don't understand which steps you are following.
Let's go with more order:

  1. What is the default PDF handler in your OS, what is opened when you just double click on a pdf?
  2. How is PDF set in about:preferences under the Applications category (Preview In Nightly, Always Ask)?
  3. Where is the PDF file you are trying to open, is it a link on a page or is it just a file on your computer?
  4. How do you open the pdf, double click on the file, click on a link to it from a web page?
Flags: needinfo?(eugeniob)
  1. default PDF handler tested with Adobe Reader, Edge & Firefox if I open with default all OK
  2. PDF set in about:preferences : request everytyme
  3. the pdf is a link.
  4. Click on link
Flags: needinfo?(eugeniob)

Tested the same problem today on 72.0.1

Ok (also thanks for the email with more details), I can now reproduce the bug, after setting pdf to "Ask me everytime" and picking a firefox version. As a side note, my default pdf handler in Windows is Edge Beta atm.
Using as an example url, and clicking on "Bando Affitto 2020".

The good thing is that it looks like has been fixed in Firefox 73 by bug 1601905.

Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Flags: needinfo?(skuroedov)
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