Closed Bug 160298 Opened 23 years ago Closed 15 years ago

[RFE] Shaded colored areas to allow Event and Sub-Events


(Calendar :: Calendar Frontend, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: tilelist, Unassigned)



(1 file)

You should be able to highlight a period of time with a color and name that shaded area. For example, I may be away at a exposition or in New York for three days and I would highlight that period in a particular color and then organise my conference or NY appointments on top on the color (but because the background is set at a color I know that I am there) - I am never able to do this in Outlook - which is a pain if you travel a lot, and/or are at many conferences/expositions. This effectively allows you to create an event, and a sub-event of that event!
Probable a better way to do this would be the ability to define an event as an *all or multi-day* event. These events would take up only *one line* on the screen, be colored and would show very quickly what that day was all about. The detailed schedules would be listed below. New bug?
I like those ideas.
Ever confirmed: true
OS: other → All
Which ideas were you referring to, the summarie's or my comments (with screenshot)? :-\
I like this idea too, but I think its a bit too much for right now. Sending it to in case someone else wants to take it on for now.
Assignee: mikep → nobody
Summary: Shaded colored areas to allow Event and Sub-Events → [RFE] Shaded colored areas to allow Event and Sub-Events
I like the idea of sub events. For example, if someone is busy from 9-12 with one event every day, you want that to be shown as busy. At the same time, you would also like to show that from 11-12, you have a meeting, with the meeting a sub-event of the 9-12 event.
This is not totally the same as what had discussed but somewhere along the line. Is it possible to change the colour of the shaded area for each categories of event in the month view through the Tools-Options-Generals-categories-edit. Also, for events that last a few days, in the month view, we do not have to repeat the same start time in the box of each day. A continuous coloured bar is preferred. For this we may need to have a differentiation between event(which last a whole day or days) and appointment(which last for only a portion of a day).
I'm not sure if I understood completely, but I've been thinking about having a color/bar for each task. When a user wants, he should be able to click those bars visible, and they would be seen on every days field from current to the day the task is appointed to. This is really hard to explain, but for example in the week view, if today is the 18th and I would have a task, for expamle to return an essay on the 25th, I would appoint a task to the 25th(return essay) and select a color,(red) and then when I choose so, I would see every day from current, to the 25th colored as red. If multiple tasks, the of course every days cell has to be divided in multiple colors etc. I hope someone understood
QA Contact: colint → sunbird
Component: Sunbird Only → Calendar Views
QA Contact: sunbird → views
We support multi-day-allday events now. There is another bug for making that one non-stop line.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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