Closed Bug 160440 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago blocks rollovers on Netscape/Moz. Also: uses 08, 09 instead of 8/9


(Tech Evangelism Graveyard :: English US, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: timeless, Assigned: susiew)




Warning: 08 is not a legal ECMA-262 octal constant Source File: Line: 117, Column: 7 Source Code: months[08]="August"; Warning: 09 is not a legal ECMA-262 octal constant Source File: Line: 118, Column: 7 Source Code: months[09]="September"; Error: site_map_over has no properties Source File: Line: 81 Warning: 08 is not a legal ECMA-262 octal constant Source File: Line: 116, Column: 7 Source Code: months[08]="August"; Warning: 09 is not a legal ECMA-262 octal constant Source File: Line: 117, Column: 7 Source Code: months[09]="September"; Error: site_map_over has no properties Source File: Line: 80 Error: site_map_off has no properties Source File: Line: 85 Warning: 08 is not a legal ECMA-262 octal constant Source File: Line: 116, Column: 7 Source Code: months[08]="August"; Warning: 09 is not a legal ECMA-262 octal constant Source File: Line: 117, Column: 7 Source Code: months[09]="September";
Blocks: 121236
happens on the flash page cc: susie
I know the people who manage this site so will get a contact. Can you first please tell me the problem that results from this incompatible code? It all seems to WFM on Win2k with recent builds.
well the 08/09 stuff should just be fixed, in js 011 means 9, 017 means 15, and 08/09 aren't valid numbers. as for the other thing, um... i had no idea what it was for, i didn't look, but presumably something failed so some glitz failed. a quick inspection indicates it was probably a mouseout from the sitemap function off(imgName) { if (document.images) { document[imgName].src = eval(imgName + "_off.src"); } } i don't like the code style here, cc for ideas/suggestions. ok, here's what's happening var nstest = false; if (!document.all && document.getElementById) { nstest = true; } //moz: nstest==true we've seen off, it doesn't check for nstest==true, so it accesses things which don't exist. it can know better. i'm only using mozilla so i don't know what the author was doing for the other cases, but basically it looks like we don't get mouseout's because that code fork was never written.
Assignee: doron → susiew
Hi - Can you please describe in terms of user experience what the problem was so they will get why this needs to be fixed? I compared to IE and couldn't tell. Thanks.
Note most of what timeless has reported above are warnings. The user only sees these if he/she has the "Show strict JavaScript warnings" preference set in Edit > Preferences > Debug. Warning: 08 is not a legal ECMA-262 octal constant Source File: Line: 117, Column: 7 Source Code: months[08]="August"; The explanation for this particular warning: as timeless points out, if you lead off a number in JS by a 0, it will be interpreted as an OCTAL number as long as all digits are from 0-7. If any digit exceeds the octal range, JS assumes the developer intends a decimal number. It will be interpreted as a decimal number, but a warning will be given in the JS Console. See As timeless says, developers have to be careful about leading off a number with a 0, and the practice should be avoided unless an octal number is explicitly desired. Presumably this site just uses 01, 02, ..., 09, 10, 11, 12. This will not cause any errors, just warnings about 01-09 if the JavaScript strict warnings pref is on. If, on the other hand, the developers ever were to use 011, this is a valid octal representation and would be interpreted by JS as the number 9, NOT 11. This is true in IE as well; just try this in the URL bar - javascript: alert(011)
Correction : I do see the octal warnings in a Mozilla 2002080608 1.0-branch build, even though I do not see Edit > Preferences > Debug options, as there always are in Mozilla trunk builds. The other items reported above are more serious, since they are errors, not warnings: Error: site_map_over has no properties Source File: Line: 81
Here is the reason for the errors: <script language="JavaScript"> var nstest = false; if (!document.all && document.getElementById) nstest = true; if (document.images && nstest == false) { var site_map_over = new Image(); site_map_over.src = "/i/mh_sm_over.gif"; var site_map_off = new Image(); site_map_off.src = "/i/mh_sm.gif"; etc. etc. } In Mozilla/NS6/NS7, the value of |nstest| will be false. But all the variables like |site_map_over| only get defined if |nstest| is true! These variables hold references to the rollover images at the site. In other words, the rollover image effects are deliberately limited by the site to work in Microsoft browsers and not Netscape/Mozilla.
Ever confirmed: true
User experience is: Load the site and mouseover the menu at the left: "corporate information", "corporate citizenship", etc. In IE6 or NN4.7, whenever you mouseover an item, the arrow to the left of the item turns white. In Mozilla/N6/N7, the arrows never turn white. No rollover effects are visible, and errors collect in the JavaScript Console such as: Error: site_map_over has no properties Source File: Line: 81
Summary: uses 08, 09 instead of 8/9 and some dom issue → blocks rollovers on Netscape/Moz. Also: uses 08, 09 instead of 8/9
no js errors and i have the nice little white arrows->fixed.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Tech Evangelism → Tech Evangelism Graveyard
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