Closed Bug 1607249 Opened 4 years ago Closed 4 years ago

When browser.contentblocking.category = standard, other ETP prefs are reset


(Core :: Privacy: Anti-Tracking, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: tjr, Unassigned)


(Logging this for a contributor) documents a bug where when browser.contentblocking.category = standard, changing other prefs via user.js (e.g. network.cookie.cookieBehavior) is ignored.

Enterprise policies may also be affected but that is uncertain.

The GitHub issue basically has all the info and they already found a suitable solution. When these prefs change at runtime, we put the user in "Custom" mode automatically. Anyone who wants to modify these prefs outside of that needs to ensure that "custom" mode is set as well. We will not support any more than that.

I think we covered enterprise policies when we implemented this, but I'm CC'ing Erica and Mike to make sure that's correct.

Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX

There is no code in policies that changes browser.contentblocking.category so this is probably a problem.

When was that pref added?

Previously in policies, we had no easy way to map policy to Enhanced Tracking Protection in preferences, so we had to set all the prefs manually.


I would much rather have a simple way to set the three levels that are in prefs (and provide explicit custom stuff).

Right now the way the cookie prefs interact with ETP is incredibly confusing (And the fact that we combined cross-site and social-media trackers even though they are two separate prefs is even more confusing)

We are covered for enterprise.

If the enterprise policy changes Tracking Protection or Cookie settings then we move the user to "Custom" to allow the enterprise policy to apply
(When this was implemented there was no enterprise policy for other tracking-related prefs and I believe there still isn't.)

We also lock the category in "Custom" if the enterprise policy declares one of those prefs to be locked

Awesome! So maybe with this new pref, we can look at doing a better job of mapping ETP to a new policy. Thanks for thinking of enterprise.

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