Closed Bug 1617829 Opened 4 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Many videos are cut in half with fission


(Core :: Graphics, defect, P3)




Fission Milestone M6
Tracking Status
firefox76 --- disabled


(Reporter: Yoric, Unassigned)



(2 files)

I'm not 100% certain this is Fission.

Many times as I browse through a website, I see video thumbnails that are half-cut (see attachment). Usually, the thumbnail eventually fixes itself, but this can take anything between 1 second to 15 seconds.

mwoodrow suggests moving this bug to Graphics.

Nika wonders whether we're just loading the images very slowly in Fission.

Component: DOM: Content Processes → Graphics

Could you provide some more details so we can investigate this?

  • about:support
  • one or more URLs that exhibit this issue
  • anything else that seems interesting/useful
Flags: needinfo?(dteller)

Tentatively marking this as very important, since this is pretty bad for us to do.

Blocks: wr-76
Priority: -- → P1
Attached file about:support
Flags: needinfo?(dteller)

(In reply to Alexis Beingessner [:Gankra] from comment #2)

Could you provide some more details so we can investigate this?

  • about:support
  • one or more URLs that exhibit this issue
  • anything else that seems interesting/useful

I've seen this on Reddit, on (sorry, contents change daily, can't find a link today). I'm browsing with WebRender and Fission.

Can you try disabling Fission and see if you can reproduce?

Flags: needinfo?(dteller)

I'll do that.

Flags: needinfo?(dteller)

So far, I haven't managed to reproduce without Fission.

Summary: Many videos are cut in half → Many videos are cut in half with fission
Priority: P1 → P3
No longer blocks: wr-76

Chris, do you want to track this under an appropriate Fission milestone?

Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson)

Tracking for Fission Nightly (M6)

Fission Milestone: --- → M6
Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson)

I also have this exact same bug. This has occurred immediately after updating Firefox to version 75.0.

All videos viewed in Firefox are 50% white at the bottom half of the video. this corrects itself when the PC cursor auto-disappears but returns when the cursor moves.

This happens in all video sizes, including fullscreen. this only happens on Firefox.

I can't seem to add screenshots to this message, but on my browser I block Canvas extraction and my fission about:config (default values) is:

devtools.browsertoolbox.fission false
devtools.contenttoolbox.fission false
fission.autostart false
fission.frontend.simulate-events false
fission.frontend.simulate-messages false
fission.preserve_browsing_contexts false
fission.rebuild_frameloaders_on_remoteness_change true
fission.sessionHistoryInParent false
layers.advanced.fission.enabled false
fission true

OpenH264 Video Codec provided by Cisco Systems, Inc. V
Widevine Content Decryption Module provided by Google Inc. 4.10.

Nothing else.

Image here:

Please note the denied/allowed things on the address bar icons
Note the cursor click to show the "whitespace" is still part of the video
Note the Inspector


(In reply to Martin from comment #12)

Image here:

Please note the denied/allowed things on the address bar icons
Note the cursor click to show the "whitespace" is still part of the video
Note the Inspector


This has corrected since, maybe there was a minor additional update?

Youric - can you still reproduce this? If so, can you send along any URLs where you see it consistently?

Martin - you mention this happens with all videos, do you mean any video you see or specifically on certain websites (like YouTube, for example). And to confirm, your fission.autostart pref is false? I am not as familiar with the Fission prefs, but I believe that means you are not using Fission and this could be a separate bug.

Flags: needinfo?(martin)
Flags: needinfo?(dteller)

(In reply to Jessie [:jbonisteel] pls NI from comment #14)

Martin - you mention this happens with all videos, do you mean any video you see or specifically on certain websites (like YouTube, for example). And to confirm, your fission.autostart pref is false? I am not as familiar with the Fission prefs, but I believe that means you are not using Fission and this could be a separate bug.

Hi Jessie.

The issue corrected after restarting the browser (and or the OS, I forget exactly) post update to v75.0 .

From my perspective this bug is resolved.

As an aside; yes my fission.autostart pref is false.

Flags: needinfo?(martin)

(In reply to Martin from comment #15)

The issue corrected after restarting the browser (and or the OS, I forget exactly) post update to v75.0 .
From my perspective this bug is resolved. As an aside; yes my fission.autostart pref is false.

That looks like bug 1628947. It was caused by a change of YouTube and seems to be fixed today.

(In reply to David Teller [:Yoric] (please use "needinfo") from comment #0)
Is this bug still reproducible for you?

(In reply to Jan Andre Ikenmeyer [:darkspirit] from comment #16)

(In reply to Martin from comment #15)

That looks like bug 1628947. It was caused by a change of YouTube and seems to be fixed today.

Yes, it looks like the same bug, but I had specifically checked other video websites before submitting the bug comment and it was more than just youtube specific or proprietory systems.

As I say, in my case the fix was simply to restart the browser / OS

I haven't noticed this in a while.

Flags: needinfo?(dteller)

Cool! Please reopen this bug if you see it again.

Closed: 4 years ago
OS: Unspecified → macOS
Hardware: Unspecified → x86_64
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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